Number holding competition


Is it me, or are the blondes having trouble with this task?

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Show 34 Comments


  1. Esther

    Is it me, or is it just all shiny ass that I see?:wtf::dead:

  2. Lace Valentine

    The sign “task” is merely the excuse. The perky :boobs: breasts :boobs: that appear after lifting the arms are the reason.

    The audience is probably having beers or wine coolers and numbering systems are rather abstract in comparison to a healthy buttocks, especially during daylight hours. I prefer number 3 myself.

  3. Lace Valentine

    Or it could just be a butt-judging contest and they don’t turn. Number 3 has the prettiest legs.

  4. nah. the blondes have it right – on some level; you see, they are expecting the men to be cranking their necks such that what looks in the photo as upside-down is actually right-side-up from the angle of their spectators. see? it all makes perfect sense.


  5. Allan

    C’mon Lance, quit being shy – we know you’ve got the powerpoint of the whole competition 🙂

  6. Allan

    C’mon Lace, quit playing shy – we know you’ve got the powerpoint of the whole competition 🙂

  7. Spud

    I see nothing wrong with this photo apart from the lack of suitable stilletos.


  8. Spud

    Oh, and number 4 is for me.


  9. The swimwear / short shirt combo does not make these women look skanky.

    It is the semi platform slipper that makes them look dirty.

  10. Anna

    Why are all the guys wearing baggy pants? :wang::wang:?
    Please Dave, I want some naked male buttocks on this site.

  11. Mandy

    That is funny. 🙂

  12. frisko

    Don’t ask Dave for “nice man butt” pix, we will end up seeing a 700 pound dude, with a rump so furry that we mistake the hair for cats.

  13. frisko

    Billy and Bobby want to know where #6 went.

  14. Mandy

    #6 must have been the natural blonde.

    Wait, I resemble that remark. :wtf:

  15. Anna

    Thank you very much kind sir!!! Although those are man:boobs::boobs:, but I’m happy with anything.
    More more more more more etc.

  16. Ahhhh…. the man boobs are making my breakfast churn. :wtf:

  17. Julie

    EWW! :wtf: Quick! Look back at the cute girls. :wang:

  18. Esther

    AUGHHH! My eyes!!!! :wtf:

    Thanks so much for that spot of loveliness, Dave.:???:

  19. Is it me or does the left buttcheek of #2 have a little bit of cellulite? Just a little bit though.

  20. Spud

    The fact that only the blondes have their numbers upside down?

    Seems perfectly blondish to me…


  21. Poofles

    The number represents how many judges they’ve slept with.

  22. I’m betting it’s the number of cosmetic surgeries performed.

  23. Lace Valentine

    Well you’re right Dave. The brunettes thought ahead about the sign logistics. 💡

    The blondes just flapped up their signs without a thought. 😀

  24. TinaMarie

    I cannot believe that you guys would assign this to stupidity on the part of the blonds.

    The truth is that the numbers indicate what direction the girls are supposed to be stacked. Notice that they are paired–one upright number, one upside down number? For instance, #7 would lay down on her back, and #5 would be stacked directly on top of her, facing in the opposite direction–at which point her number would no longer be upside down to the eye of the person standing above them.

    Basically, the numbers are a simplified form of “Assembly” instructions–a kind of “Insert slut A into slut B” deal.

  25. mikeB

    Shaking my laptop doesn’t make their asses wiggle enough.:limp:

  26. darksky

    I know what this is! The numbers/orientation represents how many pounds they’ve lost/gained. You see… the girls with the signs facing the right way have gained weight… and the blondes have all lost weight!

    Mebbe they forgot to eat!

    National Belemic Model Club!

  27. juancuca

    The Reef brand does this kind of “best buttocks” competition in some places in south america (Im aware this happens at least in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil) as part of their summer advertising campaign… they are kind the hawaiian tropic girls down here…

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