Tarot of the Unexplained

Tarot of the Unexplained! The deck Fox Mulder would have used.

Available Everywhere August 5th Longtime readers will know that I had been working on a tarot deck and writing a book for the past two years, which is why I haven't been posting much anymore. The deck is not like other decks because, duh! It's from me. I based it off cryptids, ghosts, portals, paranormal phenomena, UFOs, ancient alien conspiracies, Forteana and more High Weirdness. No "Celtic Soul Journey of the Unicorn Cat Rider Faeries" tarot for me. This is the strangeness like you've come to expect from me since the late '90s when this site began. Well, the deck…

Hither and Yon

Some more useless items that make the Web great. A tattoo needle deliver ink in ultra slow motion. Cat mode stopped in mid-activation Someone will pay dearly for this. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com I want to eat your nose, Amazon Dating. Better than it sounds.

Flotsam and Jetsam

McSweeney's has been on fire lately, and this gem is no exception. I REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT I WILL NOT BE CANCELING MY PLANS WITH YOU TONIGHT Some random flotsam and jetsam images that have been floating around my laptop. I had to see them, so now you do, too.
“UFO-Shaped”. Uh huh. Sure. UFO.

“UFO-Shaped”. Uh huh. Sure. UFO.

A GIANT FLYING VAGINA A giant, flying vagina was seen over Turkey last week. Several Turkish incels died trying to jump high enough to have wanton sex with the cloud that "owed them" and "was asking for it." Several news outlets misidentified the cloud as being "UFO-Shaped" when it was clearly a gigantic vagina taunting the residents of Bursa, Turkey. The media tried to mislead the public by claiming it was a lenticular cloud, which we all know is a slanted media dog whistle for A GIANT FLYING VAGINA.