Unusual names and invisible friends

Heather Champ mentioned her dogs’ full names in a contest yesterday:
Chieka Ciquita Banana Boom Boom Powazek Champ and Bugsley Dante Alphonso P-Pants Champ Powazek. Such clever and descriptive names.

The names reminded me of one of my sisters, who had an imaginary friend as a child. Her imaginary friend’s name was Penny Pipperdoodle and she lived in our bathroom fan. Naturally, she was quite offended whenever the fan was turned on, as it spun everything in Penny’s “house” around. Why, it would take Penny and her 17 siblings several hours to set things aright!

How about you? Any imaginary pals, invisible relatives, or ghostly companions when you were growing up?

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Show 32 Comments


  1. Hobbit

    I had so many imaginary friends when I was in kindergarden, it’s kind of scary. For a while, since my nanny was really religious, she made Jesus one of my imaginary friends for a while.

    I think little red ridinghood was one of them.

  2. mikeB

    I had a dog that used to bark at dolls. No wait, that was me. 😐

  3. After my fiancee and I got our cat, Jane, we decide to get another cat in the future. It will be a female black cat, and we will name her:

    Sheneaquah Monique Ghetto Fabulous X

  4. Steppenwolf

    When I was young there was a guy named Uncle Glen. Mom always made us kids go to bed before he was supposed to show up so I’m not sure if he was real or not. Many times I was tempted to peek in her bedroom door to get a glimpse of him but their scary noises sent me scurrying back under my covers. 😈

  5. I tried to make up some imaginary friends when I was a kid, but they all hated me. 🙁

  6. Mandy

    I had an imaginary boyfriend named Zeb. He was a pretty good kisser. For a pillow. :kiss:

  7. Sam

    My dog tells me to do evil things

  8. CJ

    I didn’t have an invisible friend but I had a girlfreind who lived in Canada.

  9. CJ: I feel your pain, I grew up in Canada. My “girlfriend” was from Canada as well…


  10. Let’s see… when I was a kid my imaginary friends name was Roger Roboz (robot). He was robot akin to old 1960’s sci-fi movies.

    My son’s imaginary friend’s name is Michael. Sometimes Michael is 5 and plays with my boy. Sometimes Michael is a grown up who had to go to work.

    My wife and I got a couple of puppies (8 years ago) on Christmas Eve. We named the boy Jingle and the girl Belle. So, we could go out to the yard and yell, “jingle bell jingle bell”

    We just got 2 new (chihuahua) puppies 2 weeks ago. They are named Cosmo and Wanda (from the Fairly Odd Parents).

  11. Julie

    I bought a pet wrestler and named him Merth. 😛

  12. CJ

    Thanks Rust the pain never goes away.

  13. simoon

    Regarding New Years… It’s also a Buddhist New Year, and this it is now the year of Wood. So, really, it’s the year of the wooden cock.

    Yup. Gotta love it. :wang:

  14. I had an invisible friend named DeeBee…when my sister was born, my parents named her Debbie. So I get to torture my sister that she’s named after my invisible friend.

    My son at one time had an invisible wife (Julia) and invisible friend (Jim) and 11 invisible children. They all lived in the spare room.

  15. It’s quite interesting how many freeloading invisble friends are infesting some homes.

  16. Julie, pet wrestlers are tough to care for. Be sure to oil him up before and rub him down after use. 😛

    FYI, pet wrestlers generally prefer little pink outfits with matching boots . :undies:

  17. Mandy

    Year of the :wang:?

  18. My younger sister used to threaten to have her imaginary friend Gertrude beat me up. In my mind, Gertrude was an immense, 50-year old Ukranian woman with hands that could have crushed my head. My sister probably didn’t even believe in her, but she had me terrified for years. You HAD to go bring that memory up, didn’t you???? Can’t sleep, Gertrude will get me.

  19. mikeB

    At least it’s not Year of the Anus :dead:

  20. Esther

    I have an imaginary boyfriend named Viggo Mortensen. lol :kiss:

  21. I had an imaginary friend, but I don’t remember his name. It was probably something simple like Paul, Alex, or Simon. He was big blue metalic face on the side of a floating cube that followed me around. Electric sparks zapped around the cube and sometimes out his eyes. I remember that he was always very stern with me, telling me to do things and making me feel guilty.

    I was an odd child.

  22. My imaginary friend was a mouse. I don’t think he had a name, but he wore a tuxedo and resembled Mickey Mouse. He was friends with field mice and my (real) pet rabbit at my grandma’s farm. Since the only stories my mom regaled me with when I was a child were the Beatrice Potter ones, I was quite convinced that my invisible friend, and all small creatures, wore formal clothing while they were not in the presence of humans. At the time, thought they put on this charade because they didn’t want people to think that animals were more sophisticated and mannerly than humans.

  23. Tommy Lee Buckshotter

    People who had “imaginary” friends should be considered redneck pinko commie bastards and treated as such.

    Line em up and shoot the shit out of em, maybe they’ll stop having imaginings then.


  24. Lace Valentine

    “Old Scratch” was the name of a ghost that lived inside an empty Coke can. Sat in one corner of the utility closet underneath the stairwell, so a slanted room with a roof akin to vertigo.

    Old Scratch would sometimes make that little sound you sometimes hear when there’s just a tiny bit of Coke left, the smallest amount, and you shake the can to see if there’s any more soda and you hear that liquid aluminum sound. Only problem was: the wet stuff made vowel and consonants, whispering words and it always promised threats and cancer.

    Old Scratch didn’t like us playing on the stairwell overhead. You could hear the can scrape and bump against the walls when we did that. Sometimes when you were in the house alone you’d hear a pop top fly off a can, or hear the aluminum crushing, but every time you dared looked in the utility closet, the Coke can was sitting there in the corner perfectly normal, uncrushed, empty and waiting.

  25. Mandy

    What a great story, Lace! :kiss:

    Now I’m afraid to drink soda. :wtf:

  26. I made up an imaginary friend once to freak out my mother. Her name was Goldie, and she was made of gold. I was a very original child, let me tell you. My mother still thinks I talk to Goldie…that’s why I’m in therapy, but psychiatrists are fun, so I don’t tell her different.

  27. Poofles

    I had imaginary :undies:

  28. Lace Valentine

    Thanks Mandy babe. :kiss: The scene was from childhood but the story I made up. We moved around a lot so a Coke can in the corner wouldn’t have been in one location for long. (I’m the oldest son of seven children) Dad was military. Yes we were lucky when they bought pop, more than likely, it was cheap Koolaid.

  29. When I was about 11 years old, we had a cat named “Murdoch Ziggy Stardust Napolean Ubu Jones.”
    You would never guess the cat was female.

    I had an imaginary school teacher named Mrs. Beasley when I was 3. I remember I got the stap a lot! Eventually, Mrs. Beasley retired and seems to have moved to Ottawa, Ontario and opened a bakery.

  30. Nemo

    “When I was a child I had two imaginary friends, but they would only play with eachother..”

    (some comedian’s quote)

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