God lives in Kansas

God lives in Kansas

After some playing with Google Maps, I decided to find out if the all-mighty Google knew the location of the Almighty. Apparently, He lives in southeast Kansas.

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Show 37 Comments


  1. Mandy

    I expected Satan to be in DC. 😕

  2. Mandy

    I searched for my underwear. It’s in Bartlesville Public Library in Kansas. :thong:

  3. Poofles

    Hm. My underwear is at Monkeyshines Childrens Books in Calgary. This is obviously a beta.

  4. God

    Damn, they’re on to me.

  5. Hobbit

    It would almost make more sense in LA. There are so many hobos down here than think they’re god, chances are at least one of them is right.

  6. Esther

    I thought God lived in the Krispy Kreme, over in Tucson, AZ.

  7. it appears that Jesus, God, and Satan live in the same state.

  8. Gabriel The Bent Angel

    All you underwear are belong to me!

  9. Hitler lives across the border in Oklahoma.
    Heterosexuals reside at the Conoco Phillips Company in Bartlesville, OK. Mind you that this is the only place in the country that has heterosexuals.
    Decency, Morality, and Self-respect resides outside Kansas City (on the Kansas side not that heathen Missourah side).

  10. julie

    Oz really is in Kansas :wtf:

  11. It seems like everything is in Kansas. 🙄

  12. CJ

    I searched for Whore and got
    Independence Community College: General Office
    I’m moving to Kansas.

  13. Esther

    Except for us, darlin’.:kiss:

  14. Figures, with all them tornados, picking up houses and such.

  15. Lace Valentine

    Looks like that spot is the exact center of the map of America–the navel. God is sitting there gazing at its navel in some Waffle House and listening to an old Elton John song.

    “Hold me closer tiny dancer
    Count the headlights on the highway
    Lay me down in sheets of linen
    you had a busy day today…”

  16. Mandy –

    Normally Satan is in DC, except right now he’s on tour promoting his new Social Security plan… oh, did I say that out loud?


  17. TinaMarie

    That map lies like a dog.

    I searched for my virginity, and it says that it is in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and I know damned well that I lost it in Zion, Illinois.

    Oklahoma, my ass.

  18. My Socks

    Heaven does exist, it’s in Kansas.

  19. Esther

    Now I know for sure that Zion isn’t in Illinois, TinaMarie. It’s many miles below the Earth’s crust, where the squiddies roam. I saw it in a movie, so it must be true…right?:smile:

  20. tina if you lost it so long ago in Zion then what makes you think it would still be there. I would think your virginity would have gotten around in the last 12 years or so.

  21. Millie

    Obviously God has gotten busy in Kansas – there’s about 12 jesus spots all around him!

  22. Kirk

    I thought Almighty lived in Topeka. That is where Rev. Fred Phelps lives. He thinks he’s almighty and all homosexuals should die like Matthew Sheppherd. He’s about as stupid as Google Maps!

  23. Dan Bedford

    I guess no one noticed that when you search for something, it searches near a certain radius of the center of the map you are looking at (dependent also on zoom level..). If you zoom in on any of the coasts or whatever and search for the same things as before you will notice that it finds things near the center. Cheers!

  24. No, Dan. That only happens for you. Satan is following you. 😈

  25. devicer

    it seems that “Happiness” lies somewhere between “God” and “Satan”.

  26. Naturally God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all live in Kansas. They’re the holy trinity.

  27. evil stepdaddy

    I drove through Kansas once and I did’nt see God, I did see Jesus at a truck stop in South Bend once, he was driving a semi for Robert Shaw. I do remember that he put mustard on his french fries.:evil:

  28. My sanity is in Oklahoma, apparently. No wonder I hadn’t seen it recently.

    Incidently, my head is in Nebraska and my feet are in Minnesota. I therefore must be taller than I think.

  29. geography teacher

    well, wouldn’t you know it, my dick (:wang:) seems to be somewhere in the south-east of kansas 🙄
    And as it happens, my pussy can’t be found anywhere :mrgreen:

  30. Jesus seems to be living in Oklahoma a little south of God…

  31. joe

    I was bored and typed “shit” in maps.google.com and found ‘Dwayne’s Photo Service’ which is also in Kansas.

  32. I guess we now know where not to get our photos developed.

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