Tonight she’s gonna party like it’s 1995

Party like it's 1995

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Show 34 Comments


  1. tinamarie

    No joke–I think I know that woman. She’s a swinger, believe it or not. :wtf: Even worse, you should see her husband. Here, Orka!!

  2. Spud

    It isn’t 1995?


  3. Well, it was about 10 years ago, and … Hey! That’t my long lost bottle of Jim Beam! And my gold lamee top!

  4. I used to be able to spell “that’s” but Jim helped me to just let it go.

  5. … and one day soon, she’ll have nice pointy peaks like the backdrop …


  6. Bob Boyn

    I thought Suzanne Plachette was a scotch drinker.

  7. Spud

    I think gravity has already taken over rust…

  8. From the files of “Whiskey Ads that Didn’t Work.”

  9. Death Crochet: Ja, und fur mich, Ich habe der Spanferkel gern!

  10. Spud

    or an anti-ad

    look wot happened to me, all I had woz 1 pottle…

  11. for some odd reason I can here the yodel from that game Cliffhanger off of Price is Right. It might be the mountains in the back ground.:roll:

  12. 1995? ItÒ€ℒs obviously a disguised Salman Rushdie at a book presentation, warding off potential extremist Muslim hitmen with hard liquor.

  13. Garth

    It isn’t nineteen ninety anything……… really is the year 199 and that’s Elizabeth Taylor at age 19 (or 199) holding a bottle nominating donor sperm from Jim Beam ‘cos Richard Burton hadn’t been born yet:sad::roll:

  14. Mike

    ‘snot funny. That’s my Mom.

  15. Frisko5

    A bra might help her uneven attire.

  16. dk

    This is your brain… This is your brain on half a bottle of Jim Beam… πŸ™„

  17. I am going out on a limb here…

    People that go to nude beaches are not people you want to see naked.

    People that swing are not people you would want to sleep with.

    Caption should read: “Keep drinking this until I look hot.”

  18. MIKEL

    If she kills that bottle of JB, someone will be getting lucky!!!:wang:

  19. We’re supposed to mistake that dirty cottonball for hair. πŸ˜€

  20. She’s gettin’ up her Kristian Kourage so that she can take out Hugo Chavez. Uncle Pat would be proud.

  21. I don’t recall anyone dressing like that in 1995.

  22. MIKEL

    I need to know where I can find a pair of those shades.

  23. I think I’ve found my Halloween costume for this year.

  24. Cheap Date

    That is not a YEAR in the background. That is the amount of shots of Jim Beam it will take to get her laid. You know, kind of like….”how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?”

    And hers boobs are WAAAAAY uneven!! What’s UP with that! Someone’s been tuggin’ on ONE of ’em for too long!!! :wtf:

  25. Themrdoug

    This is the only photo in her kids photo album so when he asks the question “Who is my daddy” and “Why did you name me Jim Bean Smith?” There will no need to explain any further

  26. MIKE

    GOD made drunks so everyone gets laid:mrgreen:

  27. I can’t believe how incredibly sexy she looks. I bet if she finishes the bottle off, she’ll be wantin’ a little trouser snake to go with it.

  28. tinamarie

    Merth, :grin:!

    As for the uneven boobs, maybe she nursed a baby who had a problem with “letting go and moving on.” Then again, maybe she just need a better support bra.

  29. Dante, it can’t be Germany… thems is American numbers on that there wall. But Death Crochet is German. More Spanferkel, bitte!

  30. Garth

    A sudden terrible thought…………is this ugly broad, with the alcoholic hangout, actually a subscriber to or reader of this site. Does she recognise herself or do any of her friends recognise her? Have our comments even now been printed and placed on her workplace notice board.

    One can only hope that at least one or all of the above has occurred.

    It is better that one die the death of a thousand knives to act as a deterrent and save a million others from similarly humiliating themselves and bringing their good family names into disrepute.:undies::-?:thong::wtf:

  31. Highland Lass

    Damn, I remember 1995 very very well and I certainly don’t remember anyone dressinglike that, and that one boob is deformed. I nursed two kids and mine are still even and perky. Those are weird.:oops:

  32. dr4g0n


  33. Anonymous


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