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Show 23 Comments


  1. I must say, at this propitious occasion, that I should rise in support of these campaigns. For too long, Nipples have been in disfavour with those of the far right. I stand behind every woman, especially those who are well endowed, and salute you with a rouse bra-snap.

  2. Bob Boyn

    Better luck tomorrow.

  3. Susan

    Awesome! I love the yeti one. 😀

  4. CJ

    Jason, who would prefer to be called Jasmine, is having himself a little “drinkie-poo” before taking care of that last little detail that has been keeping him from his dream of being a woman.

  5. tinamarie

    Why Dave that is just admirably charitable, I do say. Those of us who have been athlethic supporters for many years are glad to have you join the ranks of those who uphold others.

  6. Ilsa

    *singing* Ohhhhhh, he’s a lumberjack and he’s ok

  7. Sel

    Dammit, Lisa got there first!

  8. mikeB

    My testicles need support from the ladies. :wang:

  9. Steppenwolf

    He cuts down trees

    He skips and jumps

    He likes to press wild flowers

    He put on women’s clothing

    And hangs around in bars?

  10. Spud

    Lets breakdown that word YETIS…

    what is it exactly?
    is to be
    yet is

  11. “Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother 40 whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41.”

  12. MIKEL

    The lumber jack guy may be wanted by the FBI. Just a theory.

  13. Sel

    Sometimes a bra just isn’t enough

  14. I’ll take one of the Yeti ones for my friend, Amy, and give the breast support one to her husband, Darren. A perfect match.

    Got any chupacabra ribbons, Dave?

  15. pappy


    Do Yetis need breast support?

  16. MIKE

    Best fed is, Breast fed, Support your tits:lol:

  17. Support our Bloggers!

    Support Separation of Church and State!

    (Hey, I like to be serious sometimes!)

  18. tinamarie

    I had no idea that church and state needed to be separated. Have they been talking in class? 😀

  19. Dave,
    This one is sagging, sadly. :boobs:

  20. Garth

    there is nothing more erotic than a good pair of male nipples rising proudly to the occasion from muscular chest………..they far outdo the sloppy imitation of erotica provided by sagging female imitations of energy and life

  21. Garth

    as for Yetis…………..do they have nipples that give arousal to envy….if not …. then why would we support them?

  22. I’m all for donating my pro-seeds to the :boobs::boobs: cause.

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