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Show 15 Comments


  1. :geek: Charles: “You see, Nigel, if we just put this shopping cart here with a bunch of shite in it, those bloody French will never know that it’s not Louis XIV!”
    😎 Nigel: “Ahh, good deed, old chap! In fact, I’d say that’s bloody BRILLIANT!”
    :geek: Charles: “BRILLIANT!”
    😎 Nigel: “Those bollox will never know the difference!”
    :geek: Charles: “Now if we can only figure out a way to get out of this wretched maze of a place they call Versailles…”
    😎 Nigel: “Say, why do they call it ‘ver-SIGH’ when it’s clearly ‘ver-SALES’? Do those blokes not know how to read?”
    :geek: Charles: “It’s because they’re French and no, they don’t … they can’t even pronounce the name of our Thames River correctly. Bloody French…” :wtf:
    😎 Nigel: “I say … down with the French!”
    :geek: Charles: “DOWN WITH THE FRENCH!!”
    😎 Nigel: “Shite … now how do we get down?”

    This comment is dedicated to my favorite Brit, ReV. JeLLYBaBY. :kiss:

  2. smizzy

    “Hey Mike, how many points do we get again if we land this thing on an old person versus a young person?”

  3. jen

    well we can rule out rednecks by the football uniforms and unfat bodies. Do they have rednecks in the EU? Or doe shtat make them Polish?

  4. One-time actor WIL WHEATON will be appearing in the sequel to STAND BY ME called STAND OVER ME.
    Wheaton says it has a great script and due to its vaguely homosexual theme, he will have no problems delivering his performance.
    “It’s great because, like, I don’t have to be on screen with (former co-stars) Patrick Stewart or Jonathan Frakes. Also it’s a really cool script because it has shopping carts and we all get to pop woodies at one time or another during the movie.”
    Asked what he thought of Danny Bonaducci‘ s remarks, Wheaton said, “Man, he is one angry dude. I will never know why he bopped that shemale.”
    STAND OVER ME opens in theatres in April 2005.

  5. That photo is reminiscent of something I seen many years ago in an episode of the Young Ones….ahhhh I miss those crazy hooligans.

  6. Esther

    Loved the Young Ones, too, Dan.

    These guys, however, look like they’re on a long road to recovery after the pain.

  7. “I’m in the 10 items or less lane so stop your bloody staring, you twit!…And by the way, does this skirt make my butt look big?”

  8. wantwit

    how statuesque.

  9. Spud

    1,2,3 and heeeeave ….

    hahaaaaaa figgin frogs will neve know who dun it…

  10. Mandy

    Is it me, or does the boy on the far right have a nice :wang: going on?

  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Their off their bloody trolleys aren’t they?


  12. Davezilla » This will not end well…

    Found in Davezilla – Daily humor, tomfoolery and monkeyshines » This will not end well


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