This is New Jersey

This is New Jersey

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  1. If I’m not mistaken, these were the guys who were kicked out of the gene pool for pissing in it… and notice that the three of them share four eyebrows.

  2. Bear

    Why can’t anybody wear their damn hat correctly?

    You would think if they designed them to wear sideways and
    backwards that the fucking logo would be on the side or back….sorry folks but I had a shitty day and had to vent!!
    Besides these guys don’t look smart enough know the difference


  3. Fatboy Dim and the Dumbasses preparing to sing their new (c)rap song: Shit In My Pants

  4. Cornbot

    Darryl, Darryl & Darryl gone urban in Joisey.

  5. Timm

    I think the gene pool has a clogged filter.

  6. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”626930″]If I’m not mistaken, these were the guys who were kicked out of the gene pool for pissing in it… quote]
    I don’t think they pissed in it, rather they engaged in “blivet ( this is but one definition) behavior” ie. blowing farts in the gene pool then attemptong to bite the bubbles.

  7. Creelock

    [quote comment=”626931″]Why can’t anybody wear their damn hat correctly?

    You would think if they designed them to wear sideways and
    backwards that the fucking logo would be on the side or back….sorry folks but I had a shitty day and had to vent!!
    Besides these guys don’t look smart enough know the difference


    These 3 arn’t even smart enough to finish getting dressed let alone put a hat on right 😛

  8. Fruf

    OMG Curly Larry and Mo in their youth

  9. Avalon

    God, please don’t let these 3 reproduce

  10. Patrick

    Ditto all of the above. And they’re chest waxers to boot! Monobrowed, dimwitted, sartorially challenged closet queers. Nothing wrong with that, just don’t hide yourself. Come on outta the closet boys.

  11. junkman

    i guess lou ferrigno jerked off on a fence post once and these hatched in the sun.

  12. Bigwavdave

    “Hey – you from Jersey? I’m from Jersey – – -What exit?”

  13. ReV.JellYBaby

    Just as you thought it was safe to go back in to the water! ➡

    It the worlds first aqua gay boy band!

    So queer, so bent, $10 dollars to rent.

    Love the Ipod action though…………….all the best erm donkey raping shit eaters are wearing them?

    Guess I’m in moderation Hell now..?

    The big MH, the road to ……………….

    or wait ten fucking minutes and your comment will be approved Annie lol!

    ;-)Peace Out


  14. Flash Gordon


    My computer crashes (damned vista) and am unable to post for a while; when I toss it
    and get an XP, I return and run right into this shit. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have
    no luck at all.

    Console me AnnieB. :kiss: :kiss: :boxers: :wtf:

  15. Spud

    I fear for you Amerikans…

  16. [quote comment=”626939″]God, please don’t let these 3 reproduce[/quote]

    Together? :wtf:

  17. yeah, I can see that they are all three standing in what I might call is a receptive stance — as though they were ready for a (second) round robin cluster f-ck.

  18. Lung the Younger

    I’m with rust on this one.
    They look like three virgins showing the only lovemaking technique they know.

  19. DaPopster

    [quote comment=”627020″]Dick Wad and the Scrotum Bruthas[/quote]
    Little Weenie & the Scrotes ?

  20. [quote comment=”626962″]OMG,

    My computer crashes (damned vista) and am unable to post for a while; when I toss it
    and get an XP, I return and run right into this shit. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have
    no luck at all.

    Console me AnnieB.

    :kiss: :kiss: :boxers: :wtf:[/quote]

    You must have been in MH for quite awhile! Sometimes I’m in for hours but then again I can be very um, MHable. 😛

    Sorry about your OS problems, we’ve all been there and it sucks.

    Hey, you haven’t been doing something naughty in the peanut butter there have you?

    Hope you’re feeling better now babe ❗ :kiss: :love:

  21. I think quoting your comment sent mine straight to Hell Flash… 😛

  22. cbatdux

    Who you kiddin? That’s a picture of Rust, Stevie C and Lung. No wonder the zilla girls keep comin back for more.

  23. [quote comment=”627052″]Who you kiddin? That’s a picture of Rust, Stevie C and Lung. No wonder the zilla girls keep comin back for more.[/quote]

    A great philosopher once said something that I find to be very fitting at this moment ….

    Dem’s fightin’ woids!
    Bugs Bunny, 1949

  24. Drusky

    Rejects from the CSI New York’s ‘Tanglewood Boys’ try outs…

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