You are loved

You are loved

Image via Elroy

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  1. zinta

    I’m not loved… he is a liar.

    Oh.. sorry.. just flashed back to my therapist.

    I’m kinda scared what kinda love this guy is talking about.

  2. Rainbow coalition’s poster boy WANTS YOU!

  3. Zilladudes and dudesses, I am happy to announce that we have finally found the Rainbow Connection:

    The lover,

    The dreamer,

    and me.

    Well, maybe not me exactly, but you get the idea. Anyway, Kermit would have been proud.

  4. I see a very happy old gay man openly carrying a positive Christian message on a public street……

    If this man had been born fifty years earlier he’d probably have ended up as an angry, repressed priest living in a dark room and hating himself for his sinfully impure thoughts.

    Now tell me that’s not progress.

  5. julesOdeNile

    I are? Oh. shucks! Thanks 😉

  6. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”627073″][/quote]

  7. Spud

    [quote comment=”627072″]I see a very happy old gay man openly carrying a positive Christian message on a public street……

    If this man had been born fifty years earlier he’d probably have ended up as an angry, repressed priest living in a dark room and hating himself for his sinfully impure thoughts.

    Now tell me that’s not progress.[/quote]
    Sadly, I think you may actually be right Monsieur Lung.

  8. “but, honey, those shoes have got to go!”

    And yeah, I love the sign and what they’re marching for… but funny is funny.

  9. fruf

    isn’t it too early for gay pride parades ? That old guy with the sign seems to be saying that if you survive , you may end up looking like him Father Boynooki

  10. Bigwavdave

    I’m just thankful he’s not wearing only a lime green spandex-butt-floss thong which is typical at this type of event.

    What actually bothers me is the concept of “Since we know our lifestyle bothers the majority of the population, we need a public display so we can rub your noses in it.”

    Do what you want, just don’t force me to be a witness.

  11. BWD, minority groups have always staged rallies in their fight for against oppression. Whether it be for gender, race, sexual orientation, or your choice of blogs, someone somewhere is going to make a public appeal for acceptance.

    Until these issues become as mainstream as political party affiliation (which stepped backwards 50+ years in the last 8), you will continue to see people bringing it to the forefront.

    I have family members who are gay. I also have family members who support Harper’s Conservative party. Needless to say, the two groups are diametrically opposed to each other, but there is acceptance of each other. I know that you should never think that you can actually change a person from what they really are at their core, but we do hold out hope for those who voted for Harper.

    That said, I still cringe when I see them hold support rallies.

  12. [quote comment=”627068″]Rainbow coalition’s poster boy WANTS YOU![/quote]

    Well, they did merge with PUSH, you know…

    United (to)

    Exactly how you salute them is up to you I suppose… 😛

  13. DaPopster

    But not by you my little butt munching fool ………

  14. junkman

    -you are loved…………..from behind!
    -hey stevie, shouldn’t gay st. be changed to bi st. if it goes 2 ways?
    -that video was informative. if i ever get in a fight with a 2 year old i might have a chance.
    -hey what about the scottish deep fried mars bar? barf icon. barf icon. barf icon.

  15. Bigwavdave

    StevieC – Yeah, I know…Deep sigh here 🙄

  16. Bec

    “You are loved” ?

    You are high 😀

  17. nina

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I don’t wanna be loved by Kenny Rogers he’s creepy and a gambler.

  18. Obviously he was in a rush leaving home today and absent-mindedly grabbed this instead of his ‘SMELL MY FINGER’ placard.

  19. lobo de luna

    Finally the answer to the song Could you be loved?

    I don’t believe him

  20. junkman

    as ween says “there are many colours in the homo rainbow” unfortunately gray is not a colour.

  21. How sweet! A valentine from the local gay group!

  22. Chris S.

    Great. All my work to not be loved has gone for nothing. There goes 35 years of hard work down the shitter…

  23. Would a Fuck you! make you feel better, Chris?

  24. Chris S.

    Strangely, yes. Yes it would. 😈

  25. Memphisbandman

    That video is just SO disturbing…the look on the kid’s face at the end gave me chills.

    BTW…when posting a video, make sure that you don’t start it off by picking your nose and wiping it on your eyebrow…

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