Soy vey!

I missed an amazing photo opportunity today. I normally have an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time for photo weirdness, but not today.

Picture if you will, a rusted and dilapidated Geo, lovingly, but not carefully, hand-painted to resemble a cow. A Holstein, I believe. On the side, a message: “I love my 40mph Geo”. I am still unsure whether the writer actually meant 40mpg, or if this is in fact, the top speed attainable by this vehicle (and I use that term loosely).

The other side was a true artistic vision. A hastily slopped-on cow head, crowned by God’s mightiest creature, the majestic manatee. Underneath the bovine bas relief, a phrase of philosophic wonderment, “Got Soy?”

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  1. omg, i wish you had posted that picture. i would’ve enjoyed it immensely. 🙂

  2. Anna

    This guy MUST be related to the guy in the picture below us. Okay, a redneck relative, but still ….

  3. Spud

    Soy is the new methane!
    Get your Soy today!
    Buy more Soy!

    “Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy Soy”

  4. That happened to me last year.

    I saw a car with ground effects, a two foot spoiler, and a hood scoop made out of cardboard and duct tape.

    It was an amazing sight to see.

  5. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I saw a car.

    Does that count?

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Make that two cars. With wheels and everything!

  7. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Do little cars count as one……Or should I count them as half a car?
    Does anyone here have a car? I like cars. Cars are cool aren’t they? I like to watch cars. Sometime I see lots of cars and sometimes there isn’t that many cars. Once (LOL) there wasn’t any cars for a whole ten minutes. That’s odd isn’t it……….I mean imagine a world with no cars. Scary eh?

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Here’s an amazing discovery!!

    Dave, It’s just possible that the car you saw once belonged to the famous writer Charles Dickens! Here’s asmall exert from the popular diary of the great man himself.

    “It was then that Mr. Snodworthy and myself decided to take a trip to Walton on The Naise in none other thatn my new automobile and to meet our dear friends once more.
    The automobile in question was a Geo and displayed the most fantastic bovine motiff..Holstein I believe.
    Atop the head of a such decor was the proud Manatee recreated I add in all its maritime glory.
    Do little cars count as one……Or should I count them as half a car?
    Does anyone here have a car? I like cars. Cars are cool aren’t they? I like to watch cars. Sometime I see lots of cars and sometimes there isn’t that many cars. Once (LOL) there wasn’t any cars for a whole ten minutes. That’s odd isn’t it……….I mean imagine a world with no cars. Scary eh?”

    Hmm Interesting…;)

  9. Toast

    Whats a Geo? Some weird car or something?

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    This ones for toast…..


    1/ Earth Geocentric
    2/ Earth Geophagia

    are the two common definitions of Geo

    The third definition is……


    A shit car with cows drawn on it and possibly a special edition manatee logo.

  11. Geos are kind of the land equivalent of those useless peddle boats you see at touristy areas in the summer.

  12. What do you say to something like this? Only Rev.JellyBaby knows.

    I wish I had seen that car.

  13. Esther

    Here’s hoping that fate will once again bring you and the Soy model Geo, and that you will have your camera with you. You might want to consider having it surgically attached, so you don’t miss any more photo ops.

  14. Esther

    “bring you and the Soy model Geo together” That’s what I meant to say.
    Maybe I need more caffeine.

  15. P.S. I want all toilet kitties all the time on my banner. How do I do that?

    Long live the toilet kitties!

  16. Jake Conner


    The valid xhtml link yields the message “this page is NOT valid XHTML 1.0 transitional!” Dave, I’m shocked!


  17. icairus

    That is absolutely impossible!
    A Geo cannot rust. Cheap plastic does not rust. And metal is far too expensive for use in Geos.

  18. me

    whats up with my half assed layout?

  19. Good catch, Jake! And fortunately, a very simple fix. 😉

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