New look. Same crappy attitude

So I finally redesigned. Old stuff will be archived. We are starting from scratch. It is still a work in progress and there are many browser tweaks to come. Hack suggestions are always welcome.

By the way, if you don’t care for the photo on the upper right, hit reload. There are a few dozen in the queue.

Show 62 Comments


  1. Esther

    Very nifty! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Beth

    Niiiiiiice! I love the ever-changing pictures up top. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I like green. And it’s sort of, um, green. Lovely. Thank

  4. I will be still making a few tweaks to things over the week. I am not real crazy about the comment spacing. I like having the comments numbered, but I’d still like a horizontal rule to divide each one.

  5. Looks good.

    I like how the comments work now, I never was real crazy about “comment boxes”.

    Carbs are yummy.

  6. Davezilla
    Davezilla, funniest site on the net, redesigns and switches to WordPress. Seems a little slow though, might want to check out the Staticize Reloaded plugin.

  7. Spud

    In a word – Yuck

    Looks like a Martha Stewart website.


  8. Spud

    While I’m on that track, where is the manliness of the site
    gone I ask you?
    The greyness, the Blue?

  9. Cool! You can file your posts under multiple catagories. I wanna do that!!!

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    OMG it’s, well it’s horrible! (sorry Dave)

    Now I have to make up an email address to post for fear of work related dismissal.

    Oh the pic, thats just sad…..Snoop famously said “niggers don’t give a fuck” I bet they would if they saw this young man walking through the projects. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Mate, the layout kinda breaks in Opera. Maybe lack of margin:0; padding:0 for body…

  12. Fantastic. Very, very good.

    But I keep forgetting that licking your logo will
    not give me the taste of a Krispy Kreme doughnut. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    *two thumbs up for the new design*

  13. Anna

    Ambivalance has always been one of my great character-flaws. So, I’m gonna stay on the fence for awhile. Leanin toward ‘YUCK’ though.

  14. young man walking through the projects
    Uh, there is no such picture, Rev. All these pictures were taken in Royal Oak, Toronto and Vancouver. Nice areas.

    Mate, the layout kinda breaks in Opera.
    Odd, Body > margin:0 was already set, but padding was not (it is now). I’ll check that in Opera, thanks.

  15. Spud

    Today’s Tally Count

    Yay’s – 13 (A very unlucky number)
    Nay’s – 2 (Feng Shui goodstuff)
    Undecided – 1 (Female of course, or perhaps a Libra)

    Verdict – Undecided :mrgreen:

  16. You didn’t add the emails received thus far, Spud. Fourteen more yays and one more nay. As with all redesigns, readers either love it or hate it (except the Libras which, as Spud pointed out, need the other 11 to decide for them).

    As I recall, I got twice the hate mail over my last two redesigns. Especially that grey, manly one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Sorry Dave, slight mixup. That comment was meant to go with the gangster photo.
    Posted it here though (I was half asleep).

  18. Spud

    I’m swinging out here on a limb, but possibly, just possibly I could be bought with g-mail. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Spud

    Also, word wrap is not working on the comments box. :mrgreen:

  20. I was going to comment about it being bork3n in Opera, but you’ve fixed it since earlier. Rock on ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Icairus

    It still needs some work, Dave.
    The top is too big. You’ve got all that empty space above A little bigger than the image would be a much better size, instead of massively bigger. And the comment spacing is pretty bad.
    But as a work in progress, I like it.

  22. Icairus

    And the archive doesn’t work.

  23. Aww, look! Dave’s showing us his “feminine side”! It’s so pretty!

    Translation: Ewww! It’s girly, make it stop!!!

    Layout works in Opera for me, although I’m stuck with the same pic at the top no matter how many times I reload. Pfft!

  24. Fake

    Yuck. Can I say yuck on the web?


  25. Btw, I’ll have 2 powdered jellies and 1 chocolate frosted donut.

  26. Hm … there’s something different about you, but I can’t put my finger on it. Did you lose some weight? Cut your hair?

    Or, hm … could it be that my comment box is like 5 pixels wide? ๐Ÿ˜›

  27. I just love the smilies! ๐Ÿ˜€ Is that a WP plugin that converts them into images? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. dan

    The pic changes for me in Opera, but the design does look kind of girly.

  29. OK, I like you, but really don’t like this. It’s just not YOU-like. OK, I mean, I don#t know you that well, but I just don’t think mint green is you. OK, putting shovel down and shutting up now.

    Here are some wiseass comebacks for ya: “Well, I like your site, but not you!” or a la Rocky Horror Picture show: “I didn’t make it FOR YOU!” or: “Shut up!”


  30. Very fresh and cool, but where’s Skinny? Bring back Skinny! (the monster…)

  31. slick

    bring back the old layout, dave. this one is icky.

  32. fiend

    Other than the spacing issue, it looks good. But I have to agree with the feminine remarks.

  33. icairus

    Dave, you are now my favorite person within the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy.
    But I have to tell you, I AM a peruvian timber snail.

  34. How is this layout “girly”? If it was pink and covered in flowers and boobs it would be girly, but I’m not quite sure why red, green and white look feminine to some people.

  35. mikeB

    Everyone that said ‘feminine’ are prolly fat old men sitting in their wive’s panties and worried about how the green and red flowers look against their pasty white flesh

  36. Yeah, cause photos of women and bikers are sooooo girly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  37. Spud

    I object to pasty white flesh, yeah it’s, it’s more like pale putrice.

  38. The comment spacing is a bit LONG but it looks nice. No more popups! I have to go refresh the main page madly now. Redesign heaven! (I have two in progress, lol, hopefully not quite so long a rollout as it has been historically for me.)

  39. Sorry, but I am not a fat old man although I am wearing women’s underwear, MikeB, just in case you wondered. If you need me to prove my own femininity, I’ll mail you my maxipad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    It looks like one of those green mint candies I used to get at Fannie Mae growing up. I didn’t even notice the red until Natalie mentioned it.

    At least the picture up top finally changed. This one helps some (it’s the bald guy with his hand over his face), but the last one (some girl with her back to us looking at something) just added to the “feminine feel” for me.

    Just my opinion. *shrug*

  40. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Yes indeed, The bar to the right does remind me of my old shower curtains a bit. I
    remember when the slogan I would associate with Dave would be “Carpus Scrotum” = grab the
    world by the balls and shout, now he’s mellowed and released his feminine side I think
    that “Carpus Handbag” may be appropriate. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    That should be to the left, not right. How about a manly royal BLUE (royal like Royal
    Oak) and a nice Oak backdrop. Royal Blue and Oak…how manly. How Davezilla. ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. LOL! I like the atkins tag line! *Laughs her ass off*

  43. It looks much better on my browser now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. What do ya know? I switch the !DOCTYPE to validate as XHTML Strict and suddenly it’s displaying correctly in IE Mac 5.2.

  45. Anonymous

    I am inbetween on the redesign here. Although I’m no regular to the posting board, I’ve spent a great deal of my man-time here. I like the layout of the redesign, and kind of a cool pattern goin on with the side menu, not to mention the endlessly changing bannerbar, but I have to join the group of people who find the mint green to be a little, uh…. :limp: Keep everything else and find kind of a :evil:DAVEZILLA:evil: color and I would be back in manly heaven

  46. Meat Popsicle

    I am inbetween on the redesign here. Although I’m no regular to the posting board, I’ve spent a great deal of my man-time here. I like the layout of the redesign, and kind of a cool pattern goin on with the side menu, not to mention the endlessly changing bannerbar, but I have to join the group of people who find the mint green to be a little, uh…. :limp: Keep everything else and find kind of a :evil:DAVEZILLA:evil: color and I would be back in manly heaven

  47. Meat Popsicle

    :roll:heh, ignore my double post, I was fidgeting with too many buttons at once :wtf:

  48. Moose

    So good they TB’d it 3X. :mrgreen:

  49. I’d love to see Davezilla stop using darn www. in URIs! And in the comment form, the Name field is styled differently than the other fields… Just some :boobs:suggestions:boobs:.

    Oh, and the boob smily (:boobs:) is called through boobs, but all I get to see is one boob. :limp::wtf::sad:

  50. Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd love to see Davezilla stop using darn www. in URIs!
    I’d love to see you give one legitimate reason to stop using it. Many URIs simply fail without it (depending on server configuration).

    As for styling, I see no difference in the fields. Maybe it’s a browser-specific thing. Anyway, it’s up for redesign next month so I will certainly take a look at the form fields. Thanks.

  51. All URIs on here on Davezilla work fine without the “www.” part. You want reasons?

    www. is deprecated:

    By default, all popular Web browsers assume the HTTP protocol. In doing so, the software prepends the http://' onto the requested URL and automatically connect to the HTTP server on port 80. Why then do many servers require their websites to communicate through the www subdomain? Mail servers do not require you to send emails to [email protected]. Likewise, web servers should allow access to their pages though the main domain unless a particular subdomain is required.

    Succinctly, use of the www subdomain is redundant and time consuming to communicate. The internet, media, and society are all better off without it.

    Besides, it looks ugly, but that’s just me :wang:.

    As for the styling, I’m looking at it through Mozilla Firefox 1.0, and I do see a difference. The border of the Name field is unstyled.

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