Hither and Yon

Some more useless items that make the Web great. A tattoo needle deliver ink in ultra slow motion. Cat mode stopped in mid-activation Someone will pay dearly for this. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com I want to eat your nose, Amazon Dating. Better than it sounds.

Terrible Ideas for Tattoos

I've seen some terrible ideas for tattoos in my time. Hell, I've come up with some. But the public does it better. Homer Simpson bending over so the tat owner's navel is his asshole. The Warner Bros. Tasmanian Devil holding a beer, with the caption, this bud's for me (alternately with a joint). And I really don't get the goth girls who get open-mouthed devil faces down there. Thanks, no. Here's some more that really exist. You're welcome.

Sex on a Hot Tin Roof

I used to have a cat named Sex. I didn't name it. My roommate Chris H. had the honors. He was inspired by a mutual friend, Kevin F. who had cats named Gravity and Reality. Chris' rationale was it would be hilarious to yell "SEEEEEEEEX! Here Sex! Come on, pussy," across the neighborhood. Consequently we found other amusing things about that name. "Don't be afraid of Sex, unless she bites or scratches." "Hey. Sex is waiting for you, outside that door. Right now." "You hurt Sex!" "Haven't you been paying any attention to Sex?" "Is Sex all you think about?"…