Overheard: Solving World Hunger Edition

Mark: “Y’know Canada has more oil than any other country and them bastards are hoarding it from Americans. That’s how they maintain their air of neutrality. It’s a sham. They are ready to gun the f*ck out of anyone who finds out about the oil reserves. Nobody knows a thing about it.”

Al: “If nobody knows about it, how do you know?”

Mark: “Look, all I’m saying is you have people in this country who don’t read and who is to blame? Bush, of course. He doesn’t want black kids in Detroit to learn how to read. Then he’d have no one to be bodyguards for him. That’s how he sees it. It’s all tied back to oil in Canada. You watch the news and see.”

Me: Will you two keep it down? It’s bad enough that you’re loud, but do you have to be loud and stupid?”

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Show 50 Comments


  1. I will say it, in honor of the comments from some of the more recent post(or most, but who’s keeping count)…


    And no, I am not talking about that bush—–> :thong:

    I am talking about letting comments about President Boy George ensue…

    I would begin, but I will let someone else do the honors… 😈

  2. Ben Franklin or Jakob Nielsen?

    I don’t know…but it looks like an ebay rip off to me…

    Maybe if I take a hand full of white string, glue it to the back of my daughter “Water Baby”, and tie a yellow and red bandana covering the top of it’s head, I can sell it on ebay as a “Hulk Hogan” baby doll…

    “Check it out, it’s the ‘Hulk Hogan Baby Doll”!!!!!!! This is what the Hulkster looked like when he was a baby…long before he became the biggest asshole in the business!!!!!!”

    Sorry, did I say that… 😈

  3. [Comment ID #44900 will be quoted here]

    Yeah, did they keep it down?

    And Dave? You get a brownie from me for saying that to those two clowns. 😀

  4. Ace

    That’s a nice looking half-blad baby doll. Does it come with the candle and candle holder?

    Props to Dave for the nice burn.

  5. Ace

    I bet some Canadian guy who hoards oil forked up the $32 for the doll.

    Mmmm… brownie.

  6. Driver

    Wow Canadians have Moosehead and oil … who knew ?
    Brownie’s are GOOOOOOOD !!!

  7. Spud

    Was this on a bus, on a train, in a plane?
    with a hat, with a bat,
    it could be here or there,
    it could be anywhere….


    oh, and the doll reminds me of Chuckee


  8. mitch

    Dave, as you know, stupidity is rampant in the world. Those two guys are prime examples. The only thing that Canada is hoarding is bad pop singers and even worse TV shows. But ignorance starts at the top, with our esteemed retarded president and leaks down like the slobber on the jaw of brain-dead crack head.

  9. “Mark” gets his information from FOX network.

  10. Anna

    Gotta go for Ben Franklin … he can be stuffed in a small box and never be seen or heard from …. well, ofcourse so can Nielsen, but that would leave nasty stains on the carpet.
    Wish I could put Mark in one of those boxes too. Wouldn’t even mind the stains.

  11. Bob

    WHAAAAAAAAAAT! Canada has OIL??? Call out the troops. If the libs think we only go to war for oil then canada’s fucked as the U.S. is the only real defence they have.

  12. bhamm

    Wow. So many things come to mind…

    – Notice how Mark smoothly steered the conversation away from his own stupidity and focused on Bush’s?

    – “They are ready to gun the f*ck out of anyone who finds out about the oil reserves.” Yeah, those wacky Canadians, standing there with their hockey sticks and SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS.

    And finally, if we cna learn nothing else from these ramblings, it’s that
    – President Bush only hires illiterate, black, Detroit kids to be his bodyguards.

    All because of hidden oil in Canada.

  13. Craig

    I wish i could afford to fill up my gas tank and go to canada.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  14. A topic about bush and no nude photos are attached… :thong: ?

    Oil in Canada? I heard Canada has WMD… we need to invade… err… liberate the citizens NOW!

  15. Meagan

    Those guys don’t know what they’re talking about! We’re not hoarding oil up here!
    Mitch is right, we do have bad pop singers, cough, Celine Dion. But we do have great beer and funny comedians.

  16. You also should have told Mark how silly that tinfoil hat makes him look too.

    Jesus, that doll looks like the lovechild of Karl Rove and Kelly Osbourne.

  17. Bjorn Freeh

    Venturing into Warren, again, Dave? You just never learn…

  18. MrDoug

    Oh Can uh duh…

    Good Beer in Canada? Megan….Uh mass produced piss is not beer sorry bout that.

    Hmm Oil in Canada? Yea that makes sense I saw Ice Age 2 they had all the dinos up there so there HAS to be oil.

    Now if it was all about Oil we would be waging war on Texas. Everyone knows that’s where the Oil is silly libs

    Funny how everyone bashes on Bush as stupid. Raise your hand if YOU have an ivy leauge degree. :troll:

  19. Marcus

    Oh the horror!!!! The pure unadulterated boneheadedness of it all. Poor poor Dave I think you may be living in South Park. I remember when the good people of South Park wanted to attack Canada. In addition, Dogbert put Canada in his encyclopedia. The entry said, “Canada Has Trees.” Yes they do.

    Help help!!!!!!!!!! The baby doll is trying to kill me. All it needs is a bloody knife. :wtf:

  20. Marcus

    [Comment ID #45002 will be quoted here]

    Raise your hand if your Daddy paid for your degree and you really only have a piece of paper. It is a common mistake to think most of the elite got their degree by working for it. Many of the elite in the Ivy League never fail their classes because they usually have someone do everything for them. So, he has a degree from Yale and a MBA from Harvard. The MBA was a very new program offered by Harvard at that time. It wasn’t easy for him from what I understand, but we don’t see him using what he learned at HBS, or do we?.
    In addition, many of my friends who are political scientists agree that people with MBAs don’t really make good Presidents because they make decisions based on business philosophies. So, Is he stupid? The world will never know.

  21. Bjorn Freeh

    If this is the “Solving World Hunger Edition,” must I surmise that all the oil Canada is hoarding is of the vegetable kind? Canola, perhaps?

    Are those Mexican bastards hoarding all the vinegar?!?

  22. Ace

    [Comment ID #45045 will be quoted here]

    No, the hot sause.

  23. Ace

    Yes, that should be “sauce.” Sorry folks.

  24. Jim S

    It’s frightening HOW uneducated some people still are in this day and age. 🙁

  25. lucygoosy2004

    BLAME CANADA!! God, I loved that South Park movie. I heard that Canada imports more oil to the u.s. than all other oil-producing countries combined. and I also heard that they HATE americans.Is that so??Any Canadians out there????? 😕

  26. Tina Marie

    Those oil-hoarding Canadians are why I live down here in Phoenix, AZ, down by all those lovely Mexicans who are currently marching in our streets, asking that we let them come into our country unabated whenever they want.

    I’m not sure I’m getting the better end of the deal here. I’m all for my brown brothers, but damn, there isn’t another country in the world that will let me do that…I have to have a passport and a visa. Not even those oil-hoarding Canadians will let me in without making me produce a birth certificate.

    I’m feeling really disgrunted over the whole deal. In fact, this has been going on for a long time. I can’t remember the last time I was fat, happy, and fully gruntled.

    I need a hug. Anyone? ❗

  27. prtyprincess

    I think I agree with that Mark guy

  28. prtyprincess

    WHOA! That doll is frickin crazy, I think you just gave me a new nightmare Dave. One that will kill me dead of a heartattack at 22 years old, thanks, Thanks alot… :dead:

  29. Flash Gordon

    Down here in north Georgia we got more Mexicans that Mexico City.
    Help us send them back. 😕

  30. Drusky

    Bob and Doug McKenzie as the new ‘oil barons’ of the North?!? It just makes sense somehow…

    That doll COULD be modeled after Jason Alexander from Seinfeld 😈

  31. jeff's wife

    [Comment ID #45045 will be quoted here]
    Good one, Brother Pepper Spray of Love and Mercy.

    Sister Spiky Mace of Desirable Mindfulness &
    Brother Hand Grenade of Love and Mercy.

  32. leslie

    speaking as a Canadian, I’m fairly certain that the MIddle East has more oil than we do, and we prefer to shoot wildlife (not people – or hadn’t you heard about our peacekeepers?)

  33. leslie

    [Comment ID #45064 will be quoted here]

    Yup. Hi!
    We don’t hate americans – just wish you knew more about us – for example, did you know that our gasoline at the pumps has gone up by approx. CA$0.60 per litre in the last couple of years?
    Touque – woolen hat.
    Kayak – long one-person boat
    Mukluk – Furry leather winter boots
    Moccasin – Furry leather shoes (furry optional)
    We live in houses, not igloos.
    A chesterfield is a sofa.
    We don’t say “eh” as much as you think, eh? *lol*

    Until next time,

  34. leslie

    [Comment ID #45066 will be quoted here]
    holy cow! bitch, bitch, bitch – americans blamed us for problems with terrorists getting into the country (which, by the way, was a horrific thing to have happened…), and then complain when we don’t just let anyone into the country without checking out things first…

  35. Mandy

    [Comment ID #45002 will be quoted here]

    It’s obvious you don’t, MrDoug. It’s “league”, not “leauge”. 😛

  36. Dennis Bookhart

    Great pciture, Mr. Doug!!

  37. Patrick

    The only thing worse than being loud and stupid is being loud, stupid and in a postition of power.
    The only thing worse than being loud, stupid, and in a position of power is being a Republican.
    Put them all together and you get: Senator Jim Inhofe from OK who thinks global warning is a farce! What a dope! On behalf of all Okies, I apologize for the idiotic rantings of Sen. Inhofe, now and in the future, but rest assured I didn’t vote for that dimwit.

  38. Flash Gordon

    I love Canadians, but we are still overrun with Mexicans. I don’t really
    have anything against them—in Mexico. 😕

  39. DaPopster

    Better beer in Canada than in the US, that’s for sure ……hmmmmm, beer, oil and that sexy French – Canadian accent ……. think I’m gonna ask for asylum from the Asylum. :wang: 😛 :wang:

  40. lucygoosy2004

    [Comment ID #45124 will be quoted here]I stand corrected!!! I guess Im guilty of sweeping generalizations and misinformation!!! I do apologize leslie!! As a matter of fact, my first name is leslie!! lets be friends kay?

  41. Meagan

    We do not pronounce the word “about” like “aboot.”
    Ottawa is the capital, not Toronto.
    We have one dollar and two dollar coins that we call loonies and twonies.

  42. leslie

    toonies… lol

  43. leslie

    [Comment ID #45263 will be quoted here]
    no insult intended, lucygoosy.

    p.s.- thanks for backing me up, Dave!

    ’till next time… 8)

  44. Flash Gordon

    Are you people Mexicans? 😕

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