Note to Self, No. 5,735

Do not leave the iron on for 36 hours. Seriously. How did you not notice that?

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  1. As a punishment to yourself you should have to calculate exactly how many shirts you could have ironed in those 36 hours.

  2. Rationalize. Toast a bagel for breakfast with it.

  3. Spud

    Visualize. v get yer glasses checked


  4. I’m glad Jade didn’t notice either. 😳

  5. Nina

    😀 You could have made grilled cheese with the iron while it was hot!

  6. Paige Dalton

    Damn, you must have had a LOT of ironing to do:lol:

  7. let’s see… assuming it’s a 1,000 watt iron, and that it’s on only for 36 hours, and electricity costs about 25 cents a kWH — bah, it’s only four bucks. Hell, drop four bucks at Starbucks and consider yourself lucky.

  8. of course, I meant to say, only NINE bucks…

  9. Mikel

    What exactlly is a “Iron”?

  10. Mikel

    do they make electric irons? Momma still puts her iron over an open fire.

  11. Linda

    Ever heard of the dry cleaners?

  12. Dry cleaners are too damn expensive. Besides, haven’t you heard? Wrinkled is the new black.:kiss:

  13. pappy

    Good lord it could have burned through the floor if it was on that long.

    Of course that’s considering you left it on the floor.. Face down..

    Beh I don’t know where I’m going with this. Good job Dave! 😛

  14. I’ve made a grilled cheese using an iron, just to see if it could actually be done. It can, but it takes a long time.

    Always unplug the iron before leaving the house/going to sleep. 🙁

  15. cbatdux

    As a public service, shouldn’t you also list other applicanes or devices that shouldn’t be left on for extended periods of time?

    Like sprinklers, hair curlers, vibrators….

  16. Ms. Z

    Spray Pam on paperbag then add cheese sandwich, takes shorter time. That’s pam in can not your friend.

  17. hippychick

    Vibrators should always be left on…:wtf: in case of an emergency…woohoo

  18. I agree with Tami… glad Jade didn’t notice it. 😮

  19. Well, I bought a new iron on Sunday. This one has auto-off. (I’d had the last iron for more than 20 years) :mrgreen:

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