The Cat’s Supper

The Cats Supper

In honor of Blogacatmas Day

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Show 21 Comments


  1. Crunchy tuna with seafood snacks. Low sodium too! Only from Whiskas…

    always have a generous supply of fresh water at hand so that your Cat can change it into wine for the faithful

  2. Anna

    The mouse sure looks yummie!!!
    (which is such a lame comment after Rust’s wine thingie …. I salute you Rust!!!)

  3. Cbatdux

    This is nothing more than an obscene photo-shopped alteration of a timeless masterpiece. The original had Garfield and a piece of lasagna….

  4. Mission

    “… and give us this day our daily mouse …”

  5. Spud

    I dunno, it’s pretty bloody funny, you know, like they’re all having a good time and all.

    The blokes on the right are probably saying “hey! woah dude didya have to cut the cheese at the table!”

    The woman on the left has fainted from the overpowering stench, her father who has caught her before she hit the ground, is telling her “chin up baby, breathe deeply…” her mother is most likely thinking “what’s all the fuss about, your father is worse”

    The cat is just in the middle, laughing quietly to itself and putting out its paws to say “yep, this is what I have to live with…”

    that’s how I see it


  6. Kirk

    Appropriate….for as it has been said:
    Cats were once worshiped in Eygpt as Gods and they have never forgotten.

  7. mikeB

    Geez, Dave. any excuse to show pussy. 😈

  8. bob

    Did Judas turn him in to the local animal controll warden?

  9. MIKE

    Cat – The other white meat

  10. Mikel

    With this rat, take it all of you and eat from it.

  11. Dave, I’m billing you for a new keyboard. I clicked to the “Blogcatmas” link, saw kitty toying with the car, and blew milk (through my nose, no less) all over my desk. Some links come come with “NSFW” labels. That one needed a “swallow before clicking” label.

    Uh, I may come to regret that turn of phrase, but anyway…


  12. Replying to my own post…

    Oops! Obviously I forgot to read the tagline about spewing my coffee. Unfortunately I was already out of coffee at the time of the milk spewage. My bad.


  13. H.R. Gerrard

    I guess that redefines the term
    “Heavenly Pussy!”

  14. pappy


    Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow..

    Damn I gotta get me some of those Clydesdale Style Leg Warmers! :wtf:

  15. misskitty

    :eek:mission you had me roaring over the daily mouse thing!!!Excellent..could’nt have said it better myself!

  16. evilqueen

    He had a steak, but the dummy sent it back so the cooking staff got pissed and well… you see what happened.

  17. Goodwin

    Why are they letting a cat sit at the most important place at the table? I don’t get it. Shouldn’t Jesus be in the center of the table? Why is a cat eating with these people. Cats don’t use forks and knives do they? Cats don’t wear clothes either. I don’t get this. And look, the rat is on a plate. Cats don’t use plates. I really don’t understand……..Is this some kind of joke? I don’t get it.

  18. Goodwin

    Dave, is that a frowny face icon? You get it don’t you?

  19. Goodwin

    Memo to self

    Goodwin, you must look in dictionary for satire. RE: confirm you understand literary device “satire”. Approach may be too subtle or stupid. Confirm meaning of “farce.”

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