New Year, New Look

Please don’t chastise me for going all Web 2.0 on you, dear readers. It’s all in the name of usability and user experience. My dear friend, CrazyHoh modded this theme for me and I love it. Same toys as before, but a new paintjob.

  1. Comment link is now by the title. You’ve been warned.
  2. Links and categories are now at the bottom. Because I keep adding more blog links, I am now serving them up randomly to conserve space. Fear not, no one has been bumped from the list.
  3. I get a great deal of fan mail asking me to look up old Links of the Day. I am doing two things about that. First, I now have the last ten links displayed at the bottom. Secondly, I am exploring programming options that will include links and videos in the search results. That should be live next week.
  4. Type is larger and uses a better screen font

Let me know what you think!

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Show 47 Comments


  1. Woohoo! Now, bring on the martini icon. :kiss:

  2. Yes, please submit any ideas for icons you want to see. These ones are getting tired. :dead:

  3. Driver

    Great new look Dave .

    RE: Sexy English , Cockpit means Pussy , I’m still laughing and Blowing job , I hope she has big lungs cause a breeze is just never enough .

    How about a BEER icon Dave , bottle or mug .

  4. cows go moo

    nice 8)

  5. Sallie

    Very nice… :java:

  6. sledge

    Not bad I would also like a beer icon.Thanks

  7. [Comment ID #83756 will be quoted here]

    Based on email, it looks like I will be drawing icons for beer, pizza, boxer shorts, PWNED, martinis, thumbs up/down and kittens.

  8. Stevie C

    Hey Dave,

    I like what you’ve done with the place. Mind if a grab a beer and take a look around? :java: (…. ummm, yeah, I’ll be glad when you get your liquor license too)

  9. Driver

    Dave , those are all great icons but if you do kittens dont forget a rabbid or just plain mean DOG mmmkay .

  10. I liked the old one better, but this sure isn’t bad.
    I like the commenty thing better.
    Also it is still funny.

  11. pablo

    New look works for me. Can we get a larger font? We old coots misplace our reading glasses quite often.
    Hey, we lost our bold, italic & underline, those were funny right?
    May I suggest a draw your own icon contest Who knows what this bunch will come up with.

  12. pablo

    Hey, there’s a frame around my icon. You do love me!

  13. Bjorn Freeh

    I tell ya, I was framed!

    [Comment ID #83740 will be quoted here]

    We need a geezer icon. You’ve added the larger print (just like Reader’s Digest!) for us, but we need an icon of our own. Maybe something based on William Shattner’s ugly puss?

    I like what you’ve done with the place, Dave.

  14. Bigwavdave

    Egad – Dave, you know some of us have difficulty accepting change. I’ll have to discuss this with my therapist.

  15. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #83737 will be quoted here]

    Vodka or gin?

  16. Pablo

    It won’t let me add to the poll. It lets me write it, but not vote for it.

  17. This layout is great. Nikki rocks.

    A bunny icon would be good, just for extra cuteness.

  18. I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I’m disappointed.
    This new layout looks like, what, 20000 other blogs? It does not carry what makes your blog a fun read: FUN. Gray doesn’t make me smile much, and the “Add to” bit reminds me too much of random technical blogs.
    I hope that CrazyHoh’s not done modding this theme, or better yet that you’ll end up with something truly original like your previous incarnations… to bring back the fun!

  19. bigboy

    :wang: :wang:

  20. Ya know, for a second there I wasn’t sure where I was. It’s a nice redesign, good layout, though I gotta say it could use a little brightening up in here. How about a nice happy sun icon? 😆

  21. Spud

    You know, every time you change the look of the site Dave, I don’t like it, I suppose that’s more to do with being comfortable with familiar surrounds more than any asthetic reasons.

    Having said that, after a little while each and every change has grown on me to the point that when it gets tossed out, I feel like I’ve walked into the wrong shop again.

    So, I’ll shut up at this point, allow this new design to wash over over me, absorb the new look an become used to it in good time.


    The Old Fart.

    P.S. – Beer icon is good, a Jack Daniels Icon would be great and a free carton of Jack Daniels sent to every Davezilla reader who would like one would be terrific!


  22. Flash Gordon

    I found three Alabamans who could read and they
    approve the new look. I’m reserving judgment. 🙄 😈 👿 :kiss: :wtf:

  23. Spud

    In regards to the FedEx topic, FedUp would be a better moniker. Fear rules Fear.

  24. Driver

    Dave , whats up with the poll , I cant post on it either ?

    Hay Dave maybe a little color to the background what do ya think ?

  25. Amber

    love the new layout but it looks a tad sterile could use a little color 8)

  26. Cara

    Love the new look

  27. Gladia

    Hey Dave.
    I had to stop and check the address twice when I logged on, but it looks good!!! I agree it could use some color though. on the subject of icons, how about a cheese burger, and a slice of cherry cheesecake????

  28. [Comment ID #83783 will be quoted here]

    Nope, we’re still tweaking things. Among them, color and the header. I will also be replacing the giant RSS icon with a random image. 😈

  29. Spud

    I think I should add that my comments are from an asthetic point of view, and not from a functional viewpoint.

    Knowing that the colour will change gives me hope and also that the header will change as well.

    But, to what?

    The suspense will be too much I fear, perhaps incorporating the old Zilla beastie?

    Things change so fast in design and coding practice, I mean, I still like HTML.


  30. Hmmm….. I updated my blog, too… I think grey is the new color…

  31. [Comment ID #83803 will be quoted here]

    Well, you know, I do usability testing for a living. I would rather have, as michel v said, “‘ooks like, what, 20000 other blogs” but is highly functional, than a clever design that gives certain readers issues. I have 16 visually impaired readers (that I know of) and I often make design compromised to ensure they can be read to.

    Yes, Spud. The Zilla dragon will return and CrazyHoh has some ideas cooking for the header.

  32. Hmmm, kind of a shock at first. But not bad. Doesn’t it look too… serious, even ‘corporate’, for your content? I’d definitely expect something edgier. This looks like you’re trying to attract investors.

    The validator reports errors(28), but mostly they seem to be waterfalling off of a youtube link. Don’t you hate it when you have a perfect page and one bad URL throws a monkey wrench in it?

    Of course, I’m the last one to criticize function over form. In re-doing my site, I made it standards-compliant, fast-loading, cross-browser/system compatible, and ugly as a herpes-infected hyena’s ass. I love it! Studies have shown recently that ugly sites actually get more repeat traffic – because they stick in your mind!

    By the way, while we’re all admiring our framed icons… any way to get an icon *without* being a WordPress member?

  33. [Comment ID #83812 will be quoted here]

    No, I don’t care. The site is still standards compliant. The only people who care about every part of their site validating every time are bored developers with no dates. Who are they trying to impress? The site will still be functional, right? The day I worry about an un-encoded ampersand, is the day I retire.

    No, you must sign up to have an icon. I don’t use the info. It just sits in your profile page that I have no access to. Sorry, that’s pretty standard.

  34. cbatdux

    I want to see my frame.

  35. *shrug* But I’m the Linux geek, I’m *supposed* to be the hopeless wonk!

  36. Mitch

    For those of us who are not WordPress literate…

    How would we get a WordPress account? Does it cost money? I’d sign up for something trivial to gain an Icon, but I also don’t want to be a drag on anyone else’s (or my own) systems.
    Let alone my Wallet.

    I like the site, looks good.

    Oh…And on the “Booze” icons….Don’t make a Jack, make a Jim Beam!

  37. Mitch

    Oh…and Please make user’s who have websites accessed through clicking on their names in a unique color.

    I never would have gotten some Wonderful soap if that was not the case before.

  38. Spud

    Just register and sign up Mitch, it’s a free and relatively painless and easy step by step procedure, and then upload a picture of your choice.

  39. Timm

    Testing, Testing, Am I on? Sometimes with Webtv (Msntv) if a site changes I get a panel that tells me I’m screwed because Webtv is too outdated to use the site. The Webtv people even told me it’s old technology and they are not going to improve it. I’m pretty sure Microsoft wants to discontinue Webtv.
    Webtv on the information superhighway is like trying to drive a Model-T Ford on a real highway.

  40. Mitch

    [Comment ID #83865 will be quoted here]

    Thanks Spud. I went to first, and didn’t see Dave’s local “Register” link.

    Thanks for the Shove! This is Fancy!

  41. Mandy

    Ooh, pretty! Er, sorry, what a manly design, Mr. Zilla. :kiss:

  42. [Comment ID #83765 will be quoted here]

    What about a rabid dog with a martini glass?

  43. [Comment ID #83862 will be quoted here]

    *blush* Thanks!

    Glad you liked the soap, Mitch. Always great to get feedback. 😆

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