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Show 18 Comments


  1. Mandy

    “That’s quite a weiner you’ve got there, Bob.”
    “It sure is, Dennis. Wait til you sink your teeth into it.” :wang:

  2. pablo

    Is that a foot long or are you just happy to see me?
    Spread open your buns and you’ll find out.
    Use the tongs! Please use the tongs!!!!

  3. cronewynd

    I’ve seen this photo before, as part of a tour through the worst knitwear in the world. It’s right up there with Regrettable Food. Two guys, two weinies, the weinies are perpenDICKular to the guys… you know, the whole phallic imagry thing.
    Wait, two guys, THREE weinies! Dave, they want you. You know they do. They are sending out the message…..

  4. t1nyturtle

    “Toast your buns?!?” You bet I’ll toast your buns, baby! Just wait til I get a grip!!

  5. Whoa there Skippy, this one’s almost as big as yours!

  6. Klesko Fan

    After being horribly emaasculated by the sweaters, they completed the job and are grilling the last remains.

  7. Driver

    Well Bob grilled wieners are fine but I was hoping maybe you would SMOKE mine , by the way nice buns . :wang: 😮

  8. Flash Gordon

    Hey, where’re the girls? What kinda weinie roast is this, numbnuts. ! :limp: :kiss: 🙄 😕 :wtf: :wtf: ❗

  9. “Hey Bill, you want a bratwurst?”
    “Why yes, Greg, that sounds delightful!”
    “You want it in a bun?”
    “Yes please!”

  10. Jack: Heyyy, you do a pretty good job of jamming the meat into the buns.
    Dick: Ohhhhh wow, my wife tells me that all the time. 😛

  11. Bjorn Freeh

    The Darwin winner provides clear evidence that you should always seek treatment from a licensed dermatologist to properly remove moles.

  12. Mikeme

    Wow! thats way bigger than mine. Tastes better too!!! 😛

  13. Spud

    I had nothing to ad to this…

  14. I’m always a little nervous when I’m putting the meat in the bun, especially when I have an audience. 🙂

  15. Don Jones

    Woah Sen Edwards…I voted ‘For’ weenie-sharing before I voted ‘Against’ it, so stop staring at my buns!

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