Naked Friday

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Show 28 Comments


  1. Coleman

    Someone somewhere is wondering right now why in the hell they just saw someone changing on a street corner.

  2. I would think of a good one, but I am still somewhat tuned into this amazing hypno device….what was it again…I can’t seem to remember…….

  3. She used to work in a fancy hotel and her clients were all classy businessmen but now she’s just another hooker on a street corner.

  4. bandwagon

    Link of the day: A group with too much time on their hands.
    The mild-mannered reporter couldn’t find a phone booth. This corner will just have to do!!

  5. Where flashers hang their coat when they’re off-duty.

  6. Bob

    Billy tried to open a back-alley abortion clinic, but just couldent get his hands on the proper equpment.

  7. Spud

    I’ve really got to stop hanging around here…


  8. Mandy

    Naked Friday? yay! 😀 I will if you will, Dave! Let’s see some :wang:

  9. Did I just see Mandy with an offer?……for the sake of all of us men, Dave take her up on it…only if she promises us that we can see pictures of the momentous occasion……….. :boob: :boob:………………………:twisted: :wang:

  10. Paige

    How do you wash that bra???? :boob: :boob: Looks like their intended clientele would want to wash off the stench of stale beer and desperation. :limp:

  11. Driver

    Mmmm Hypno-Bra good , must buy over priced drinks , must over tip scanky tittie dancer , must spend all the rent money , must go home pennyless .
    [ and alone ]

    Naked Friday … just hangin out . 🙄

  12. cbatdux

    That hangar is too close to the runway!!!!

  13. Quin

    Aren’t half-exposed breasts already hypnotic enough to most men? :boob: :boob: :wtf:

  14. Driver

    [Comment ID #56372 will be quoted here]

    No Quin half-exposed is only a distraction we need full view of at least one breast to be fully spellbound ….mmmm BOOBIE :boob: :wang:

  15. Bjorn Freeh

    Sorry to be the naysayer here, but if it were really Naked Friday, shouldn’t the hanger be covered with clothes?

  16. mikeB

    [Comment ID #56386 will be quoted here]

    No, Bjorn. You see, it is covered in clothes. Those are the Emperor’s new clothes. You can’t see them?

  17. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #56411 will be quoted here]

    So the emperor is really naked? There’s a good story in this, if we can just work it out.

  18. The Hypno-Bras look like they could star in a soft-porn version of TRON.
    (which could easily double-bill with the Da Kinki Code)

  19. A wine-o’s closet.


    Blame it on a mime. 😛

  20. Mjaz

    [Comment ID #55959 will be quoted here]

    THAT is funny!! Very funny!

  21. Jeffro

    I’m somewhat disappointed. I thought it said “hippo-bra”. I got all excited and clicked on the link only to see bling-bling boobies. Where’s my BBW?

  22. dougieace

    :boob: :boob:

  23. Drusky

    Just wait, next will be the 3-D ‘Hypno-Jock’… It’ll be available in sizes ranging from Extra small to something that resembles the Christmas Tree at Rockafeller Square 😈

    [Comment ID #56341 will be quoted here]
    What would Dave post the picture(s) under?
    A) Caption Time
    B) Photo Fun
    C) Pay-Per-View Streaming Video

    How about it, Dave? Willing to take one for the boys, errr, the site? 😆 😀 😆

  24. umm

    The cardboard shelter is cozy, but the real attraction of this living space is the walk-in closet. Plus, if you sign the lease now, we can guarantee you reserved parking for your shopping basket.

  25. Da Popster

    The total sum of Dubya’s knowledge :dead:

  26. Meagan

    I don’t need no Hypno-Bra, I’ve been entrancing men with my boobs for years!

  27. Mandy

    [Comment ID #57223 will be quoted here]

    I hear ya, sister. :boob: :boob:

  28. Meagan

    :boob: :boob:

    You are under my command. You will buy me jewellery, yes, LOTS of jewellery! And Manolo Blahniks! Two pairs. No, wait, make it four! 😈

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