Modern Literature in Five Words

Swann’s Way — Marcel Proust
“I just can’t fall asleep.”

Lo! — Charles Fort
“It’s raining cats and frogs.”

Mists of Avalon — Marion Zimmer Bradley
“Ew! With your own brother?”

The Prophet — Kahlil Gibran
“You’re all just lazy peasants.”

The DaVinci Code — Dan Brown
“Fine. Blame Leonardo for everything.”

Angela’s Ashes — Frank McCourt
“Irish boys have dreadful lives.”

Finnegan’s Wake — James Joyce
“They’ll never figure this out.”

Little Birds — Anaïs Nin
“Girls have naughty thoughts, too!”

The Age of Spiritual Machines — Ray Kurzweil
“Yes, computers will take over.”

Against All Enemies — Richard A. Clarke
“War on terror? Good one!”

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Show 18 Comments


  1. Superman — DC COMICS
    “Strange Visitor From Another Planet”

  2. Girl With A Pearl Earring ~ Tracy Chevalier

    “The Dutch have been horny for centuries”

  3. jen

    Less than Zero
    Whiny rich kids with “problems”.

    Fellowship of the Ring
    God, are they singing again?

  4. Less modern:
    War and Peace – French are crap at war.
    King Lear – Teenage daughters are a problem.
    Treasure Island – Don’t talk to strange men.

  5. Anna

    “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” – Invasion of the :boobs::boobs:-grabbers.

    Although I heard it once said: “Men are from Earth, women are from earth. Deal with it!”

    PS Thank you Moxie … I’ve been wondering what that feeling was.

  6. Spud



    ~ Joe Schmo

    THE definitive history on “Oraly Transmitted Diseases, their causes, effects and what you can do to stop.”



  7. Spud

    On the other hand, on I had a good laugh over your original list Dave.

    Great idea


  8. VenusManTrap

    Catcher In The Rye ~J.D. Salinger

    Boy Interrupted.

  9. frisko

    “Popcorn. It’s what’s for dinner.”

  10. Mandy

    The Vagina Monologues — Eve Ensler
    “Men know nothing about pussy”

  11. Fight Club — Chuck Palahniuk
    “Self-improvement is masturbation”

  12. Lace Valentine

    The Stranger– Albert Camus
    Malaise? Go shoot an Arab.

    Nausea –Jean-Paul Sartre
    I’m more morose than you.

    Flowers of Evil — Baudeliare
    Praise the beautiful wicked.

    The Genealogy of Morals–Nietzsche
    Civilization. Bah! A junk heap.

    Catcher in the Rye–Salinger
    Adolescents make holy rebels.

    On the Road–Kerouac
    Keep moving with happy restlessness

    Whenever possible, shag the ladies

    Wuthering Heights–Emily Bronte
    Love’s comeback: incestuous reincarnation

    Manfred Park–Jane Austin
    Wit above all else

    The Poems of Emily Dickinson–E.D.
    A discursive depression questions glory

  13. Mandy

    LOL! Those are great, Lace! :mrgreen:

  14. ali

    Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
    Fireman burns books; changes mind.

  15. Flowers in the Attic – V.C. Andrews
    Locked upstairs? Incest is best.

  16. Lace Valentine

    Thanks Mandy, by the way, I thought your Vagina Monologues screamingly funny, quite succinct, and the best of the bunch. 🙂

  17. Mandy

    Thx! :kiss: (curtsies)

  18. Lace Valentine

    I haven’t a clue where I came up with the title, “Manfred Park.” :wtf: Jane Austin’s book is actually called “Mansfield Park.”

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