Meet the Americans No. 2

Phyllis Glabstrubber.

Phyllis Glabstrubber

Phyllis Glabstrubber. American. Bunions are acting up again. The glasses help smelling flowers. Never paying $4.95 for a lousy paperback again. Bra is too tight. Dying for a Virginia Slims 100. Nope, don’t like the Pepsi Clear, either. Call that a dog? Damn kids. Toilet papered the trees again last night. Shoe’s coming apart. Running out of the Gold Bond powder. Think I’ll upgrade to first class on this flight.

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Show 14 Comments


  1. Esther

    I think this woman may have been sitting behind me on my flight home yesterday.

  2. Mandy

    Are her glasses in her nose? :wtf:

  3. dave, feel free to take anything from or i give you permission. no worries. 🙂

  4. Thanks, wantwit! I’ve been waiting for your permission. Can I have a drink of water now? :mrgreen:

  5. Esther

    Forget the water, break out the brewskies!:java:
    (I think a beer icon is in order):smile:

  6. mikeB

    I had no idea there was a master-slave relationship between Dave and wantwit. Does Natalie know about this?

  7. Kirk

    I think Phyllis’ glasses are at the end of her nose because they got steamed up while she was reading those hot sexy scenes in her latest romance novel paperback.:smile:

  8. Kirk

    😈 I also think Natalie should be contacted immediately….Davezilla has taken a strange atraction to men with no pants and lonely women at the airport. Davezilla needs some immediate “:boobs::wang::boobs: from Natalie!:twisted:

  9. TinaMarie

    “Nerd in Shining Armour” my ass.

    What I want to read is “Nerd in Bondage”!
    That’s more my style.

  10. Chris

    Hey Davezilla and Zilla fans.

    I hope you won’t get upset with me – but I’m trying to pull off an April Fools Day joke and thought you’d all be the kind of folks that would get in to it. I want to bombard a friend of mine with bizzare postcards from all over. You don’t have to write anything or if you do, I hope you’ll be nice. If you’re so inclined, please send to:

    PO Box 4000
    Ontario, CA 91761

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. And Dave, if you yank this – my sincere apologies.

  11. Asshat

    Hey! You know how I hate postcards!

  12. Spud

    Under what classification do you place Phyllis Gladstubber??

    Genus Airportartis (American)

    sub-species Female


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