McGavin-Knotts-Weaver Coincidences

McGavin-Knotts-Weaver Coincidences
  1. All three had cheesy television shows in the 1970s
  2. All three were male actors
  3. All three favored ugly hats
  4. All three starred in TV roles as law enforcement officers
  5. All three died within 24 hours of each other
  6. Their birth months are sequential (McGavin = May, Weaver = June, Knotts = July)
  7. Darren McGavin has an ‘a’ in his first and last name
  8. Don Knotts has an ‘o’ in his first and last name
  9. Dennis Weaver has an ‘e’ in his first and last name
  10. All three have 2 ‘n’s in between their first and last names
  11. The number of children they each had is sequential (Knotts =2, Weaver=3, McGavin = 4)
  12. Dennis Weaver rode a horse on McCloud and Gunsmoke
  13. Darren McGavin rode a horse in the Sioux Massacre
  14. Don Knotts turned into a fish in The Incredible Mr. Limpet
  15. Dennis Weaver chased fish in Sharks!
  16. All three appeared in movies about ghosts (McGavin = The Night Stalker & Affair with a Ghost, Knotts =The Ghost & Mr. Chicken, Weaver = The Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom)
Show 59 Comments


  1. Spud

    Well now mr zilla, I am forced to expunge a few thoughts in this matter.

    1. You have way too much time on your hands.
    2. The Night Stalker was a great show.
    3. Mayberry RFD was okay.
    4. McCloud was kinda cheesy.
    5. Their hat sizes were the same
    6. All three (3) wore suspenders at one time or another
    7. Don Knotts could roll his eyes in different directions
    8. Darren McGavin could roll his eyes
    9. Dennis Weaver could roll his own cigarettes
    10. All three were in movies.

    I feel so much better getting that out…


  2. 1. They all talked funny.
    2. They were all annoying.
    3. They are all featured on Davezilla at the very same time.
    4. I hated all their shows.
    5. They were all homely men.
    6. They all had penises.
    7. They were all once alive.
    8. They were all probably guest-stars on the Love Boat (like all has-been TV actors).
    9. They are all the subject of the question “Didn’t that guy die?” because no one remembers or cares to.
    10. They are all a bunch of stiffs.


  3. marcus_learn

    [Comment ID #25897 will be quoted here]

    I agree with you completely. Some of us may be happy to see that they are now ghosts themselves.

  4. mitch

    1. They’re all now answering to a higher power about all the petty shit they put on TV.
    2. They’re all telling St. Pete: “Don’t you recognize me?”
    3. They’re missing the latest episode of the George Lopez show and for that they feel “black inside”.
    4. They’re all finding out that there really isn’t a stairway to Heaven…it’s more of a dumb waiter.
    5. They’re all dead.

  5. You have way too much time on your hands.

    Ha! I worked 13 hours yesterday.

  6. Bjorn Freeh

    1. All three made me laugh
    2. None of the three ever played a character named Prunella
    3. All three made more money than I ever will
    4. Worse than missing George Lopez, none of them ever posted on Davezilla

    It’s important to note that Don Knotts was never in Mayberry RFD. That was the weak spinoff from The Andy Griffith Show (it starred Ken Berry).

    I don’t think Darren McGavin was famous for playing a cop. He may have guest-starred as a cop (probably a corrupt one), but he wasn’t a cop in his big roles.

    Dennis Weaver rode a horse in an episode of The Simpsons.

  7. Becky

    Dave needs another day off! πŸ˜†

  8. cbatdux

    They all have ties on and have bands on their hats….and they have teeth.
    They were all married to Angie Dickinson….at the same time.
    They all tried out for the role of Barretta (even tho Darren was allergic to birds)
    They all appeared on the Mike Douglas show in 1974.
    None of them wrote a Pulitzer Prize-winning book.

  9. justjim

    Dave…. take a month off you need the rest

  10. justjim

    no…….. now seriously….. if you want to try and really waste a day… just try standing still for a day… do nothing but stand… I’d bet you nor anyone could do it for much over 4 hours.

  11. Today is also:
    Fat Tuesday (happy Mardi :boob: :boob: Gras!)
    National Pancake Day :java:

  12. Peaches

    Dang people………………have a little respect for the departed. They deserve that much.

    And I agree with Spud……..Dave you have WAY too much time on your hands.

  13. franklito

    they all white and old

  14. mitch smith

    [Comment ID #25934 will be quoted here]

    Come on, now. Let’s not play the race card.

  15. When I moved into my current apartment, which already had two male roommates I began hearing, “It’s like the reverse three’s company.” After a day of that I came up with the response, “Yeah, except without Don Knotts.” Now I must face the reality that there will never be Don Knotts. And I think it’s kind of sick to continue using my comeback…which means I will now use that comeback, but with feeling.

    The other two, no idea who they are, but that’s showing my age.

  16. Anita Mann-Badley

    Don Knotts, Dennis Weaver and Darren McGavin could all beat up the French Fratboys.

  17. [Comment ID #25935 will be quoted here]

    Whoa, now, Mitch. You yourself played the race card in your comment. And I quote, “3. TheyÒ€ℒre missing the latest episode of the George Lopez show and for that they feel ‘black inside’.” πŸ˜€
    Sometimes when I watch American Idol, I feel “white inside.” Should I consult my physician?


  18. mitch smith

    [Comment ID #25939 will be quoted here]

    Lighten up Frannie…..I was just kidding. “The Black Inside” comment came from one of the skaters at the Olympics. Please, please, please find your sense of humor.

  19. Dave has very little time on his hands. It just takes him less time to be wittier than most people.

    Relax, and go flash your :boob:s for some beads.

  20. Esther

    Mitch, if you knew Fran, you could see that her tongue was firmly in cheek, and her sense of humor never lost. So, in a sense, nobody really needs to ‘lighten up’…well, maybe you, a little bit. πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ :kiss:

  21. MarcyW

    As an aside, if someone were trying to play the race card using the George Lopez show, they’d really have to reference feeling all ‘Latino inside.’
    And that would just wouldn’t make any sense.

  22. mitch smith

    [Comment ID #25942 will be quoted here]


  23. Duke

    [Comment ID #25902 will be quoted here]

    You worked 13 hours on this? πŸ˜›

  24. mitch smith

    Fran…I humbly apologize, both for my “not lighten up” and, most of all, for not knowing you. I’m sure that that is my loss. Accept my apology.

  25. You worked 13 hours on this? πŸ˜›

    Uh no. 13 hours at work. 13 minutes on this post.

  26. Bubbles

    Sorry, can’t comment today. IHOP has free pancakes until 2:00.

  27. Duke

    When I read “all three were male actors” it reminded me of my brother when he was about 8 years old. My mom read and ad in the paper that said “Free to good home, male boxer.” My brother looked up and asked “The house and the mailbox?”

  28. Esther

    [Comment ID #25944 will be quoted here]

    No ouch meant, Mitch. It’s all kisses and not-so-free love here in Zillaland. I’d give you a cookie, but there’s no icon for it, so here, have a beer-filled coffee mug. :java:

  29. franklito

    they all look like they passed gas :dead:
    by the way should i have said caucasion

  30. [Comment ID #25950 will be quoted here]

    Where’s my kiss, Esther? 😈

  31. [Comment ID #25951 will be quoted here]

    No, you should have said caucasian. πŸ˜›

  32. franklito

    [Comment ID #25953 will be quoted here]

    no doubt :wtf:

  33. MrDoug

    Hmm a miscommunication almost made today into the day of the :troll:

  34. They’re all dead?

    I fell asleep during at least one episode that they each made, when it was re-broadcast on late night TV!

    I actually enjoyed many of their performances! And, if you had an ounce of integrity, you would admit that you did, also!

  35. Anita Mann-Badley

    [Comment ID #25955 will be quoted here]

    Barney Fife, Carl Kolchak and Kentucky Jones were never

  36. Lace Valentine

    All three actors look like members of the Rolling Stones:

    McGavin = Ron Wood

    Don Knotts = Mick Jagger

    Dennis Weaver = Keith Richards

    And where there’s the Rolling Stones, there’s

  37. Lace Valentine

    The underwear and boobs icons didn’t manifest.

    Maybe the Rolling Stones don’t get any anymore.

  38. Steppenwolf

    Before anyone else has a chance to say it I will. Yes, I know I’m old. But…
    I thought McGavin was great in A Christmas Story, Weaver was great as Chester in Gunsmoke and Knotts was really great as Barney Fife.
    Now don’t make me take my bullet out of my pocket folks. :mrgreen:

  39. laceylegacey

    No comment.. now I have a real reason to sleep all day and avoid everyone in my house. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  40. Bjorn Freeh

    Andy! Andy! What’re we gonna do?!?

    Steppenwolf, you’re not old, you’re venerable.

    I watched Barney Fife (et al) long before reruns. I could whistle the theme song (still can). It was a great show that, along with the Dick Van Dyke show, formed the basis for all comedies that followed.

    I loved Kolchak, The Night Stalker. Creepy with humor. McGavin was born to be grumpy and rumpled.

    Dennis Weaver was great as McCloud. He was a wild-west Columbo.

    Next to these guys, George Lopez is a poser.

  41. Steppenwolf

    Hey, I’m not venereal! Oh wait….never mind. 😳

  42. Spud

    I stand corrected about Mayberry RFD, I had meant to say the Andy Griffith show but I got it wrong.

    Also I’d like to say RIP to all three actors as they were bloody good in their day.

    As for the amount of time worked vs time spent on posts, some are more quick witted than others.

    ‘dI hazard a guess that I’m in the latter, I think of witty responses on average about a month later.


  43. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #25973 will be quoted here]

    Being one does not preclude the other… πŸ˜†

  44. Steppenwolf

    Good one Bjorn. πŸ˜†
    Hell, the last time I had sex the only concern was getting crabs…and we liked it that way. 8)

  45. Duker

    LOL! Steppenwolf, you’re either very old or an amputee!!!

  46. Steppenwolf

    55 and penniless but not penisless Duker. 😈
    Sure glad I directed this thread away from the original topic. πŸ™„
    Let’s return to making fun of the dead actors.

  47. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #25980 will be quoted here]

    You should never have sex in Boston Harbor. You never know what’ll happen.

    BTW, being penisless would make you a dead actor, Steppenwolf. Now we’re back on topic!

  48. cbatdux

    Who the hell is George Lopez? (I feel so old/out of touch)

  49. Wow! Leave the internets alone for a few hours and all heck breaks loose.
    I was only kidding Mitch! Apology accepted.
    Thanks for having my back, Esther. :kiss:
    Let’s all join hands and sing 10 choruses of Kumbayah and eat Mardi Gras jambalaya….after our pancakes, of course! πŸ˜€

  50. Duker

    :boob: :boob: No beads please, just throw money!!

  51. net-surffer22

    There once was a deputy named Fife.
    He carried a gun and a knife.
    The knife was all dusty, and the gun was all rusty.
    Because he never caught a crook in his life.
    ” A Tribbute to Barny Fife.
    We all love you. And miss you.”
    This was a poem from the kids in maybarry, that was going around the school yard.Opie and his friends from school told it to him . πŸ™‚
    You will be missed. πŸ™‚ πŸ™

  52. John K

    ALL of you are talking about facts, characteristics and/or similarities, personal opinions and observations NOT coinincidences!!!
    cheesy is an opinion during the 1970s is in the same decade that is a stretch
    All three were male actors…..(.so are a lot of other actors )
    All three favored ugly hats…(..favored, wore, liked …).
    All three starred in TV roles as law enforcement officers.(…starred?? )
    All three died within 24 hours of each other .(…fact )
    Their birth months are sequential (McGavin = May, Weaver = June, Knotts = July) ..
    (again fact…)
    Darren McGavin has an Γ’β‚¬ΛœaÒ€ℒ in his first and last name
    Don Knotts has an Γ’β‚¬ΛœoÒ€ℒ in his first and last name
    Dennis Weaver has an Γ’β‚¬ΛœeÒ€ℒ in his first and last name
    ( they all have a ” D ” to start their first name.)
    All three have 2 Γ’β‚¬ΛœnÒ€ℒs in between their first and last names
    (They do not – they have a space in between their first and last name….One has 2 n’s in his first name …one has 2 t’s in his last name and 1 has 2 r’s in his first name…and this means what)
    The number of children they each had is sequential (Knotts =2, Weaver=3, McGavin = 4) …again fact..
    Dennis Weaver rode a horse on McCloud and Gunsmoke
    Darren McGavin rode a horse in the Sioux Massacre
    (Did Don Knotts ride a horse too? All 3 walked too….and what is the coincidence)
    Don Knotts turned into a fish in The Incredible Mr. Limpet
    Dennis Weaver chased fish in Sharks!
    (Did Darren McGavin eat fish?…(…. Again what is the coincidence)
    All three appeared in movies about ghosts (McGavin = The Night Stalker & Affair with a Ghost, Knotts =The Ghost & Mr. Chicken, Weaver = The Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom) (…again fact….and they all appeared in other movies and/or shows)

  53. John K

    This did not take way too much time either maybe 10 minutes..

  54. Kinyou

    Hey hey now. Why are yall whining about who those people were. You do realize that they had scripts to read from. Just remember that they were paid to be a dumbass on national television. I’m sure that if you were offered a million dollars for three stupid aired television show’s and movies, that you’d take up the offer. I sure as hell would. :x. Who people are on television aren’t always who they are in person, you just remember that.

    Also, the one where the dude in the middle, turned into a fish in that one movie, I loved that movie!
    I just can’t remember his name or the movie, even though I could scroll up, I’m too lazy and don’t care enough about him to help this sentence make sense. πŸ™‚

  55. Hi, my name is John K and I have no sense of humor. Say hi everybody! :dead: It’s a parody of the Lincoln-Kennedy nonsense, but I’m sure you wrote to them as well.

  56. John K

    Au contraire Davezilla…..I responded to your parody of nonsense with logic, wit and creativity unlike a majority of people who preferred not to match your nonsense but as Kinyou so eloquently put it ” why are you all whining about all these people….” let alone criticizing each other instead of making an honest effort to take a stab at being creative without throwing in meaningless political statements or just any other bs which seem to show up more often than not. Remember clean humor ….filthy comments… PS the Lincoln-Kennedy nonsense you referred to was I suspect that string of dates and facts that made absolutely no sense whatsoever at least you combined your facts, observations, and opinions with creativity. I just reversed your parody with reality πŸ˜›

  57. I responded to your parody of nonsense with logic, wit and creativity

    Is that what you call it? InterestingÒ€¦ πŸ™„

  58. The biggest oddity you left out was that all three of their names started with the letter D (as does yours, Dave, of Davezilla fame).

    And all of them DID indeed star as law enforcement types (cop/detectives – split whichever hairs you want to there), notably with McGavin’s amazing tongue-in-cheek performance as sarcastic private detective Mike Hammer. Weaver was also very good as McCloud, but was perfect as Chester, the limping deputy on Gunsmoke.

    However, the undisputed king of perfection in this “Cops 3 Stooges” discussion has to be Knotts. He acted in fantastic form for five years on the Griffith show before leaving it to do movies, but he WON an incredible 5 Emmys IN A ROW for each and every one of those 5 years! (No, you didn’t read that wrong.) That incredible feat will NEVER be duplicated by anyone. Not this century, and not a hundred centuries from now.

    So R.I.P. ,
    Law Enforcement 3.
    You acted for all you were worth-
    before the awful birth
    of Reality

  59. dawn

    so what the hell was that frat boy drinking out of the pan anyway??

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