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Show 40 Comments


  1. Palooka

    7h47 guy $ur3 7h!nk$ h3 !$ 7h3 $h!7.

  2. Spud

    Maybe I’m just getting old, but I can’t read a bloody word.

    No comprende bor fa for


  3. Spud

    I now wish I hadn’t decoded that.

    Lee Thanks

    That guy sure thinks he’s the shit

    thax ya big palooka


  4. That car belongs to the fry cook of your local Mc Donald’s.

  5. Sorry, Spud. It says, “elite hacks”. Anyone who has to say it, clearly does not.

  6. Anna

    I thought is said “Lethal” (kinda funnily spelled, okay, but still …
    Then I thougth “lethal” and “mini” = :limp: :limp:

  7. mitch smith

    :limp:the pretentious little prick…

  8. Mandy

    WACKIEST link EVER, Dave :mrgreen:

  9. Paige

    One of the symptoms of being implanted-EXTREME PARANOIA!!!!!! :wtf:

  10. I have visions of this guy running a tech support business and dressing in choice suits with gold keyboard cufflinks…

  11. Spud

    I would never have got “Elite Hacks” out of that…


  12. Stephanie

    um…..hmmmm…..I still don’t know what it says!??! :wtf:

  13. I kinda like the car — I’m not too sure about the red LED’s.

    but the licence plate… kid needs some imagination. :geek:

    Buck Fush!

  14. tander

    Wish I’d been warned to don an aluminum foil skullcap prior to clicking the link of the day! Can I be implanted by just reading this page? I feel faint!

  15. Craig

    Circuit City’s “Dork Squad”:wtf:

  16. Audition for the British version of the hit series Knight Rider.

    (Not to worry Spud…I didn’t get the plate inscription either)

  17. mikeB

    I bet he thinks using Napster is L337. 😈

  18. DaBull !!!

    I just hacked gov and local law and reported the car stolen and put the plate name on different car.
    Teach im right!

  19. hey

    Can Someone please explain

  20. Jodi

    🙄 So that’s where the cellulite in my thighs came from! It wasn’t just post-pregnancy weight, it’s a symptom of the microchip implantation they must have done while I was giving birth!

  21. Pappy

    Thank you for explaining Dave.. I didn’t want to..

    1337 PWNS!!

  22. southerngirl

    Spud – it’s not that you’re old, which is what I thought myself when I didn’t get it, it’s just that we’re way too cool!

    Not that Dave isn’t, of course.

  23. Christall

    😳 O.K. I don’t get it.

  24. Stephanie

    This guy is quite the character. He is basically yelling at the top of his lungs that he is the ultimate, huge, super geek. But he knows that only “his kind,” these other L337s, will be the only one to get it. He loves the superiority he feels when he looks in his rearview mirror watching the guy behind him furrowing his eyebrows as he tries to figure out what the hell it means as they sit in traffic. All along This guy, with a The Riddler-esque feeling, smiles to himself thinking “You are of too poor intellect to unravel my messege! HA HA!” So off he goes laughing at all of us who don’t speak geek!

  25. Stephanie

    It’s because of these government implants that I don’t go to these so-called “doctors.” I happily go to a witch doctor who gives a very thorough exam. And all for the price of 2 owl eggs and 1 ounce worth of nail clipings.

  26. Garth

    Geeze Dave
    Your four English majors would have a lifetime job on that link site just correcting the grammar……….I mean………..this guy is for real?…….Really?

  27. dougieace

    monkeys are funny

  28. Garth

    all this L337 stuff just reflects what a sad and sorry age we live in. My 29 yr old daughter (solicitor, compliance manager, whiz kid) is now on the cusp of generation “X” and generation “Y” is now on the up and up and she is becoming old hat……….at 29 FrGd’sSk

  29. I remember when we were kids, we didn’t have the entire alphabet to choose from, half of the vowels and a good number of the consonents were earmarked for the war effort. There were people who started up VICTORY DICTIONARIES where you could get extra “e”‘s and “t”‘s so you didn’t have to worry about $þ3└└¡ñ& mistakes.

    One side effect was the spread of VD. It was a pretty nasty situation since there weren’t enough “I”‘s and “L”‘s left over to make the word “penicillin”

  30. Stephanie

    I agree with Dougieace.

  31. ED


    Noob, I pwn joo!!!!

  32. mYstEryGirL

    WTF? I cant read a WORD of that….mybe im just out of the lingo loop…:roll:

  33. jules

    what the hell was that ?? mayb i’m old decrepid or just plain stupid, but , what the hell is that suppose to mean ? ❗

  34. H.R.Gerrard


  35. H. R. Gerrard


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