Hellooooo ladies!

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  1. “no, i do not want to see your nuts, mister.”

  2. junkman

    let go of my hand you old pervert and fuck the t-shirts i need pants. :boxers:

  3. Patrick

    Hi little girl. Wanna play with my goobers? I’m just nuts about your pretty little shirt, and I do mean little. Cashew? God Bless You.

  4. Spud

    This is Amerikan humour right, because to me, this is just plain nutty.


  5. Drusky

    In a sign of the times, the depressed market forces Jimmy Carter to fall back to his roots…

  6. Drusky

    “Hey baby, I’ll make it stick to the roof of your mouth. You want it creamy or super chunk?”

  7. janeeto

    [quote comment=”452639″]”Hey baby, I’ll make it stick to the roof of your mouth. You want it creamy or super chunk?”[/quote]
    WINNER!! But, eeww… kind of gross :puke:

  8. julesOdeNile

    Y’all are some sick SOBs. I love it! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰
    but i goota say, that Madam is recruiting them way too early, and pimping them off to such nuts!

  9. I wonder if he’s ever called Mr. Dickhead… oh, sorry, that would be whatshisname. ๐Ÿ˜›

  10. Bigwavdave

    Mr. Pee-nut finds another golden shower partner…

  11. junkman

    what happened that any generation could find a green and white polka dot pant suit wearable.
    why is mr. monacled peanut pith head wearing lipstick?
    is that a cane in his hand or does he have a peronie?
    why is there a used kleenex on the ground behind him?
    orange you glad you’re not the little girl?

  12. From a very early age Monica Lewinskyโ€™s Mom taught her how to hold an upper class penuts in her hand.

  13. [quote comment=”453792″]From a very early age Monica Lewinskyโ€™s Mom taught her how to hold an upper class penuts in her hand.[/quote]

    …followed by oral instructions?

  14. Da Popster

    Another sign of hard economic times, a mother forced to pimp her daughter to some nut case to pay for the sub prime mortgage and SUV ( Hummer ? ) payements ………. sorry, best I could come up with. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  15. ShiftyTim

    [quote comment=”453777″]what happened that any generation could find a green and white polka dot pant suit wearable.
    why is mr. monacled peanut pith head wearing lipstick?
    is that a cane in his hand or does he have a peronie?
    why is there a used kleenex on the ground behind him?
    orange you glad you’re not the little girl?[/quote]
    I believe the decline of modern society can be directly traced back to when people STOPPED wearing polka dot pant suits…but thats just my opinion…BRING BACK THE PANT SUITS! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. “Well, now that you’ve seen the nutz,…… can I interest you my the foot long??” ๐Ÿ˜ณ :wang: ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  17. Flash Gordon

    [quote comment=”453814″][quote comment=”453792″]From a very early age Monica Lewinskyโ€™s Mom taught her how to hold an upper class penuts in her hand.[/quote]

    …followed by oral instructions?[/quote]
    Yes, and by a pretty blue dress! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  18. Spud

    Man walks into a psychiatrists office wrapped in cellophane.

    The psychiatrist says

    ‘I can clearly see you’re nuts”

  19. julesOdeNile

    [quote comment=”453866″]”Well, now that you’ve seen the nutz,…… can I interest you my the foot long??” ๐Ÿ˜ณ :wang: :oops:[/quote]
    [quote comment=”454463″]Man walks into a psychiatrists office wrapped in cellophane.

    The psychiatrist says

    ‘I can clearly see you’re nuts”[/quote]
    DIZZ NUTZ!!!! ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜€ โ—

  20. Tammy

    Where are the little girls pants?

  21. J

    I’m digging the fact that you could get a cool T-shirt for $1.49-now thats awesome!

  22. Is that a peanut in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ๐Ÿ˜›

  23. Mark

    Nice to meet you little girl. Want to see what happens when you pull my finger.
    It’ll make you go nuts.

  24. Now I’m not as creeped out by those Emerald Nuts commercials…I’m just glad he hasn’t been shelled yet…

  25. bellalunastellar

    $1.49 all sizes….. what? were they all smalls?

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