Creepy things to call your lover

From Davezilla:

  1. My little pancake of pleasure
  2. My sweet love salamander
  3. My festering kraken of love
  4. My thumbtack of desire
  5. My little Vaseline vixen
  6. My beautiful love-turnip
  7. My little sugar booger
  8. My sweet love bunion
  9. My darling durian of desire
  10. You’re the stent o’ my heart

From Natalie:

  1. My hairball of loveliness
  2. You’re my hard, hot peach pit
  3. Oh stoat of my heart
  4. My bouncy little warthog
  5. You’re the sweetest allergen in the world!
  6. You’re sexier than lint, my little spin cycle
  7. My snuggly megatherium
  8. You devilish little filbert!
  9. My irresistible bottom-feeder
  10. My delicious sex yak
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Show 26 Comments


  1. Mandy

    You must tape a bedroom conversation sometime.

  2. Esther

    I feel so…dirty.:oops:

  3. TinaMarie

    “My irresistible little bottom-feeder”

    Natalie, I’ve got to tell you, that sounds good to me.

    Really good.

    Excuse me, I need to go wake up my husband.

  4. julie

    I may have been called some of these. 😳

  5. frisko

    All the mush is freaking me out.

  6. Spud

    Creeped out would be a better discription…

  7. Ron

    “My Chunky Monkey”
    …and I’ve actually heard that one used.

  8. Anna

    George Washington and Martha Dandridge Custis were married today in 1759.
    I bet they did call each other one of the above [“my hairball of loveliness” springs to mind].

  9. mikeB

    My crusty cuddle curmudgeon

  10. How about Pookie Bear? That one has always creeped me out. :dead:

  11. Martha to George Washington:

    My cherry-chopping wooden-toothed sooth-sayer and father to the nation… (ooh, should I take ’em out and gum you all over?)

    Just makes me hot thinking about the republic-building that went on afterwards!

  12. Esther

    Rust, that is just disturbing.:grin:

  13. mikeB

    Father of the Nation, huh? :wtf:

  14. Dave, you are the stringy toe-jam of my soul! 😮

    Dave, you are the loving zerbert to my naked armpit! :wtf:

  15. Geek Warblings:

    • My furry little mouse-pad!
    • Code me now, my parseable RSS feed!
    • My GPS-enabled WAP!
    • My little blue-tooth daemon!
    • My text-friendly little lynx!
    • My cross-platform code migrator
  16. frisko

    Now I am creeped out.

  17. Kranatee

    My manager and assistant manager call each other sugar booger. They are not lovers, but I have heard it used.

  18. Mandy

    You taint my nipples with your festive saliva, my lovely drool bucket.

  19. Mandy

    😳 Um, I meant TAUNT, not taint.

  20. Spud

    Taunt / taint, it all ends up the same.


  21. Darrell

    Ewww. Ewww. Ewww.

  22. *Shiver*
    I wonder how many times a woman would slap you if you said some of those?

  23. tom

    i’ll call you my little sphicter gerbil if you put it in the old stinkpipe

  24. tom

    men and women alike love to hear me utter those magic words and then i grab the lube and away we go.

  25. 😛 that is some seriously funny shit guys i gotta say, maybe it’s the herb talking but damn

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