Caption Time #292

Caption Time #292

Oh, Japan. You vex me so.

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  1. Robot girl give life to old tv while boyfriend sits on yellow thing’s schlong.

  2. fruf

    OK you have a guy in gay shorts and a bow tie,a schoolgirl stripper, and a yellow furry pervert with a 6 foot dingus. Looks like a typical day in my office

  3. [quote comment=”636142″]OK you have a guy in gay shorts and a bow tie,a schoolgirl stripper, and a yellow furry pervert with a 6 foot dingus. Looks like a typical day in my office[/quote]
    Where the hell do you work? 😯

  4. Patrick

    Looks like genius boy has on his Batman underoos.

  5. Spud

    This is an old plot from a Japanese movie in the 60’s called “Dr. X Comes Again!”

    Basically it goes like this…

    Evil genius guy with bad dress sense, plugs soon to be ex girlfriend into his latest creation hoping to learn the secret of what women want.

    Unfortunately it goes horribly wrong.

    After plugging his girlfriend in to the transference generator machine, the machine which has unknowingly being taken over by a sinister alien entity, re materializes his squeeze as a Tele Tubby from the Porn Universe.

    Cue cheesy music…

  6. junkman

    wow. a ritual to resurrect the turntable. do you have to poop a giant yellow cheezy to make it work? not a such a sacrifice if it gets rid of cd jewel cases. 😉

  7. chainstay

    And the yellow thing is thinking, “what port should I plug this big thing into?”

  8. Nuilogad

    the yellow thing looks like a fuzzy condom, who’s whispering to the creepy guy to go take advantage of the cute robot girl

  9. Flash Gordon

    Love his Royal Crown Hair Dressing! :gay: :geek: ❗

  10. Flash Gordon

    He looks like Alfalfa on a bad hair day. :geek: :wtf: 😛

  11. tina beans

    [quote comment=”636147″]This is an old plot from a Japanese movie in the 60’s called “Dr. X Comes Again!”

    Basically it goes like this…

    Evil genius guy with bad dress sense, plugs soon to be ex girlfriend into his latest creation hoping to learn the secret of what women want.

    Unfortunately it goes horribly wrong.

    After plugging his girlfriend in to the transference generator machine, the machine which has unknowingly being taken over by a sinister alien entity, re materializes his squeeze as a Tele Tubby from the Porn Universe.

    Cue cheesy music…[/quote]

    bow chicka a bow wow……………chicka chicka bow wow……. :wang: 😉

  12. zilla hun? stop filming my dates? kthx bai! :kiss:

  13. sph

    this pic is a scene from the movie “Funky Forest: The First Contact”.

    well, it’s… japanese. it’s weird but funny. not a movie as you know it XD

  14. freckleface

    Gotta catch ’em all. Poke e mon! or Poke em in! ❓

  15. Nicholle

    Is that tube going into her belly button?!? 😯

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