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Show 32 Comments




    This guy, I know. A well respected member of the Entitlement Generation. “Its all about ME!”

    Gag me wid a spoon!


  2. Anonymous

    Thare’s a name fer pepple liak thes: :boobs:

  3. Anonymous

    No fair, Dave!

    I asked for :boobs::boobs:

    But all you gave me was a :boobs:

  4. Anonymous

    :wang: 😳


    :wtf: :kiss:

    :limp: 🙄

  5. Frisko

    This individual spent far too many hours in front of Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon. This individual appears as if he most probably consumed far to many fruit type gummy, roll-up snacks within his life time on the outside. He was enrolled in rehab-U for red and blue food dye dependants, once his financial aide was granted.

    God bless each and every one

    Frisko the Meanie


  6. Frisko

    Every mother thinks their babies are beautiful, in one way or another

    Another meanie from Frisko

  7. Mandy

    Carpe Beerum!

  8. Frisko

    One of my clients grandaughter married David Faustino within the last two weeks. I am asking “The fearing Davezilla fans pray me an invite to the party here in Michigan to celebrate the groovy new “Man and Wife”.


  9. Frisko

    Chuggernaut= 649 Google results, The Chuggernaut has arrived= 3 results.

  10. Margaret

    He’s a Space Camp dropout (they told him there was no beer on the moon).

  11. Anna

    This is one of the reasons I am pro abortion. 😈

  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    Oh Yes…..he CERTAINLY has!

    It’s the man we’ve all been waiting for…The one. The only….CHUGGERNAUGHT!!!!:smile:

    GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

    actually….err I meant suicide, not drinking…it’s the only reasonable option..probably for the best really, you sad little cripsy.:???:

  13. Lace Valentine

    I’m guessing rural Ohio or Minnesota.

    Tell him to keep his rusted T-bird off the front lawn!

  14. i’m betting he’s from the eastern panhandle of west virginia.

  15. Margaret

    He IS from West Virginia~~his brother is also his cousin, and his sister is his sister is also his aunt. His family tree is a 2X4.

  16. Amen, Anna.

    Incidentally, are we sure this is a male species? There’s one rather large lump curving the “aut” and “ved”.

  17. Mimi

    Isn’t he the founder of MENSA?

  18. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    You should seriously consider adding “The Chuggernaught” to your Freak Watchers Handbook.

    I believe the species to be a most interesting find due to it’s obvious ability to reproduce unassisted (Well who else is gonna get involved?) and the apparent inclusion of both male and female sexual organs.

    Closely related to the slug family with it’s love of beer and lack of facial detail “The Chugernaught” MUST be a valid entry.

    C’mon Dave…..what do ya say?…You may lose a space in the book, but you’d be gaining a “Chuggernaught!”


  19. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    GO CHUGGER!!!!


  20. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    The Chuggernaught Has Arrived?

    Judging by the facial expression “The Chuggernaught Has Just Cum” would be more appropriate.

    Ew, Nasty 🙁

  21. mikeB

    He’s the type to brag every time he takes a huge dump. “Doood! Shoulda seen it. Fuckin’ huuuuuge!” 😈

  22. mikeB

    And you know he leaves huge dumps.

  23. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I think mikeB might be on to something……

    Maybe they give birth to “Chuggerbubs” by simply crapping them out on a specially adapted porcelain throne?

    Hmmm interesting…..


  24. I ran into his brother CHUGZILLA the other day who told me that he had just bought himself a computer so he could write about his daily adventures and share them with the rest of the world. Sadly, GOOGLE hits on CHUGZILLA are ZERO. I told him that it was because of his tagline: “SPEWER of CHUNKS”

  25. Mamma Cass pledges her loyalty to the Aryan Nation.

  26. Cheap Date

    Ted Nugent’s Black Sheep Love Child.

    See what happens when you’re trippin’? You think that Jabba woman is PURDY!! :wtf:

  27. Esther

    “Dude!..Yeah..uh..umm..what the hell is a Chuggernaught?…yeah…heheheh…More beer..WOOOOOHHH!”

  28. actually, i should fess up. that was me before my deconstructive surgery. a current headshot is available on my site. *sigh* I never thought this photo would surface.

  29. This week on VH1’s Behind the Music David Coverdale recounts a tragic and tearful tale of his lust for powdered doughnuts.

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