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Show 26 Comments


  1. If I’ve learned one thing in life Son, it’s never to get too close to an ornery AIBO.

  2. Spud

    This looks like something out of Dan Germans toy /work station.

    Caption – It’s just a flesh wound…

  3. StevieC

    When I said ‘pull my finger’, I didn’t mean ‘pull it off’!

  4. sledge

    Looks like a doll from “insane paratroopers destroy cleveland ” and lost

  5. Driver

    Joey…do you like Gladiator movies or so much for my Kung Fu grip.

    Have ya ever been lookin right at somethin and not see it. Thanks darlin, umm we’re not back to that moron thing are we…Duuuuh 😀

  6. junkman

    if you see big jim or mod-hair ken tell them i’m gonna kick their asses.

  7. cbatdux

    Caption: I will NEVER insult Chuck Norris again….

  8. Russ

    White Chicks and Gang Signs – Nice! Real Nice! 🙄

    What a conversation starter. I’m collecting photos of women doing gang signs would you pose? 😈

  9. Bigwavdave

    Just what we all need…a further celebration of the “gansta” lifestyle. I can hardly wait till my granddaughter learns a few. It will be so cute.

  10. Caption: “Aw shit, Not again! Ok men! I dropped something! Lets retrace our steps.”

    Link: I have a 90 lb yellow lab that has broken 5 250lb chains…I would have gotten this for him to protect my visitors if I had known about it…instead I took his balls away… ❓ I’m so sorry Sgt!

    Drusky: I’ve been a naughty, naughty girl…(offers booty) will I get punished?

    Update: No changes.
    My father is hardheaded and persistent…and I thought I was because I’m a Taurus.
    I was talking to a friend of mine and I made a comment about my dad being stubborn and not always taking care of himself the way he should be… I was cut off and he said “So that’s where you get it from. He’s the reason we have to pin you down to give you cough syrup!” 😳 (I’ve told them many times to give it to me in pill form, that liquid shit tastes aweful!)
    Now I’m considering getting my dad one of those beds that we can strap him to. 😛 Although with 80some pills a day that he has to take (all the medicine for everything that ails him, then more pills so they don’t counteract, then more pills for the side effects and to protect his stomach for taking so many damn pills but only 8 oz of water a day!) I don’t blame him! No doubt he should have taken better care of himself and I am grateful his wife has always been after him to do so even if he gets mad…
    Still with high hopes…thank you ‘Zilla Gang!

  11. junkman

    do you think mr. barbie here had an unfortunate accident with an elephant?

  12. junkman

    or is that orifice in the back of the hotdoll a pencil sharpener?

  13. “Damn kids! If I could shake my fist at you…”

  14. Bjorn Freeh

    Let this be a lesson, boys and girls: never try to hitch hike at Talladega.

  15. Nobody comments on his livejournal anymore.

  16. StevieC

    Ever since his dishonorable discharge, Sarge had been forced to work the city streets looking for a handout.

  17. Bjorn Freeh

    [Comment ID #174750 will be quoted here]

    Maybe an elbowout…

  18. patrick

    Boys take it straight from the mouth of your shop teacher, Mr. Bennett, “Power tools are dangerous. Don’t fuck around with these things! Ooops, shit there goes another finger”!

  19. Flash Gordon

    Et tu, Brute? (The unkindest cut of all.) :dead: :wtf: 🙄

  20. but hey, forget the guy… what’s THAT behind him? :boob:

  21. Cara

    This is what happens when Ken cuss’s barbie out

  22. AnnieB

    Yeah? So exactly what are you going to do about it Jack? Nub me to death?

    Driver: Nah, too obvious. lol :kiss:

  23. junkman

    [Comment ID #174809 will be quoted here]
    a chupacabra and a fifth element mannequin?

  24. Drusky

    [Comment ID #174726 will be quoted here]
    Kinda like sticking your finger in the barrel of a shotgun? Mr Barbie’s massaging the elephant’s prostate to put him in the mood and just like some guys, the elephant picks that moment to fart…
    😛 :wtf: :puke: :dead:

    Astryd (looking at offered booty and having hard time concentrating), I’ll punish you alright but I don’t want my hand worn down to the wrist like Ken’s… 😈

  25. That sexdoll for dogs is so wrong on so many levels. And yet so right.

  26. “Astryd (looking at offered booty and having hard time concentrating), I’ll punish you alright but I don’t want my hand worn down to the wrist like Ken’s”

    That only happens to those who are not experienced in these matters.
    I’m sure you’ll have no probem… 😈

Comments are closed