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Show 39 Comments


  1. Mandy

    Run! It’s Davezilla! :wtf:

  2. junkman

    funny how the guy has a coffee after he jacks off the elephant. like it’s the most normal thing to do in the morning. check your coffee dude it might have been prepared by the girl waiting near the dong with her little sperm catcher wand.

    p.s. vote for davezilla it’s easy and it’s the least we can do. and you know how much we enjoy giving our very, very least here. :java:

  3. sledge

    Where’s the tornado?

  4. tander

    Today is: Poke a Badger with a Spoon Day

    Well, at least it’s an original sin.

    Izzard rocks.

  5. junkman

    oh yeah caption:
    “Papa Come Here Quick and Bring Me that Lickin’ Stick”

  6. They’re acomin’ fer me! Run fer the hills! Oh Loerdy, it’s jes’ like them thar X-Files! I ain’t gonna get probeulated! Nosir!

  7. Anton

    Another viral switch ad gone wrong.

  8. StevieC

    I think I can fly, I think I can fly,
    I think I can f

  9. Russ

    RUN! RUN! RUN! Don’t let them see us. If weรขโ‚ฌโ„ขre seen we’ll be forced to join the elephant ejaculation stimulation crew. :wang: :wtf:

  10. Bjorn Freeh

    Someone ate the snowman! All that remains is his left arm! Call 911! Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhh!!!

  11. family jules

    Tastes of Chicken!

  12. StevieC

    [Comment ID #174506 will be quoted here]

    Ah, the old lick ‘n stick. I always thought it meant something naughty though.

    Any of the ‘zilla girlz like to comment on this?

  13. I can’t pass up on that…who’ll do the lick’n and who’ll do the stickin’?

    Update: My father is still unconscious. He’s fighting it so hard. I’m in touch with my people in Tx to check up on him and every few hours he wakes up but has another seizure and is out again. He’s not on any medication, they say they won’t give him anything until they know what they’re dealing with.
    My plans for now, I’m going to write to him and Friday I’ll go over and read it to him. I want to have it on paper so he can have it when he wakes up.
    Yes, I’m being extra hopeful…hope for the best and prepare for the worst… Thank you all so much, it has been very helpful to have you ‘at my side’ with all of this…
    The last time my father went into the ICU (he was concious) he looked so terrible and boken down that in one of our heartfelt discussions I told him it was ok if it was too hard for him he could let go, he has done so much for us already and I knew that he’d always be with us anyway…Now I want to beat myself up for that. But clarity sets in once again and though I want him to stay with us forever and I know he has a strong will to survive I also know you can’t win them all.
    Again, thank you all so much. Your caring words and advise do ease the pain of uncertainty.

  14. about the elephant…

    How about a little cream in your coffee?

  15. Link of the day: Wait a minute. I thought watermelon was a fruit. I always put it in my fruit salad…

    Today: I found a badger but I’m fresh out of spoons. Used them to feed the alligators…

    Video: Jackass 2 all over again…it took me so long to get THAT image out of my mind!

    **I thought about it and I’ll do the lick’n if you’ll do the stickin’? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  16. Anna

    since astryd has all the bases covered ….. i will now have some coffee too. :java:

  17. StevieC

    Astryd, you’ve got the Craigslist girl beat hands down!

    Our thoughts are with you and your dad. Don’t think that you’re going through this alone; you’ve got the whole ‘zilla gang behind you.

  18. junkman

    [Comment ID #174534 will be quoted here]
    sure. while watching another dutch porno documentary. meagan and i will have to wait here patiently for you to report the results while we watch the tulip bulbs explode.

  19. Flash Gordon

    I am too addled to comment. I was cold-cocked by an
    elephant :wang: ๐Ÿ˜• :wtf: ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  20. Update: He’s critical but has improved slightly from this morning, got 2 feeding lines now since he hasn’t had any nourishmint in over 24 hrs. His blood sugar plummeted and they’re working on raising it with a sugar IV. Ct scans and all kinds of other stuff in the works to pinpoint the problem.

    Zilla Gang (OMG I’m in a gang!! ๐Ÿ˜› )-Thank you!
    *Mandy-It’s nice to have you back! We missed you.*

    [Comment ID #174539 will be quoted here]

    No innocent bystanders! All available bodies must participate!
    I may be doin’ the lick’n but I’ve got two free hands… ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  21. StevieC

    I’m not sure whether you’d call it a gang, a gaggle, or an orgy, but whatever it is, you’re officially part of it.

  22. Spud

    A loose conglomeration of random interlocking free radical participles juxtposing in between differing planes of metaphysical realities.


    Caption – North Korean weapons testing.

  23. junkman

    [Comment ID #174555 will be quoted here]

    well said. is that Limb Jong Il?

  24. [Comment ID #174554 will be quoted here]

    I like Orgy…! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜€ :wang: ๐Ÿ˜† :thong: :wang: :undies: ๐Ÿ˜€ :wang: ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    [Comment ID #174555 will be quoted here]

    Loose?! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Random interlocking?! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Love it!
    Ever heard of selective hearing? This is selective reading at it’s finest!

  25. AnnieB

    Caption: Water! Now I can find water for the village!

  26. [Comment ID #174521 will be quoted here]

    Depends on the size of the stick.

    :wtf: :wang: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  27. “The mountain, it’s chasing me! Everywhere I go there it is! Cut it out mountain! Don’t make me come up there!”

  28. Astryd, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your father. I hope he feels better soon. Lots of love, hon!

  29. Mandy

    [Comment ID #174577 will be quoted here]

    Amen! :wang: *slurp*

  30. Drusky

    My spoon’s dirty. I’ll have to poke that badger with this stick I ripped off Frosty.

    As far as the video’s concerned, I can see it now. The girl catching the swimmers will be bragging to her friends ‘My date’s hung like a elephant. No, really!’

    Astryd, if your father’s anything like you, he’s a good person with a good dose of hardheadedness and persistence. Such people don’t give up easily. I continue to think good thoughts… 8)

  31. Drusky

    [Comment ID #174499 will be quoted here]
    Hey, this creamer is thick! Did we change brands? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  32. Cara

    Whats he going to do with that models leg?

  33. Sorcha

    WAIT—– I wasn’t done spanking you yet!

  34. Driver

    Caption- Boy dont you run from me!

    Where do I go to vote for Zilla…anyone anyone.

    I believe humor gives you stength and baby you are strong…and naughty oh so naughty ๐Ÿ˜›


  35. [Comment ID #174554 will be quoted here]

    I believe the term for a group of toddlers is ‘crocodile’. As in a crocodile of kindergarteners.

    Blessings and best wishes, Astryd.

  36. bill

    wooo wooooo yea a stick !!

  37. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #174606 will be quoted here]

    Hi Driver … Click on the blogger’s choice awards icon at the top, register, then vote.

  38. katie

    hell yes izzard rox my sox off Woo ๐Ÿ˜› :dead:[Comment ID #174504 will be quoted here]

  39. Brown Suga

    The size of the stick matters alot! :wang: It can’t be small and like a noodle! :limp: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

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