Ad Placement FAIL

In advertising, location is everything

In advertising, location is everything
Via April Winchell

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  1. DaPopster

    Looks like somebody forgot to flush the gene pool ……….. 😕

  2. Bec

    Flush the gene pool? I think it is in some need of some chlorine – stat!

  3. Bigwavdave

    Wait a minute – APRIL WINCHELL is sending you stuff? OMG! We have comic royalty amongst us!
    April – Huge fan – love your work, especially on the Roger Rabbit films. Loved your dad as well.

  4. fruf

    Barbeque as a cremation machine??? those steaks aren’t going to go down too well tonite

    Memo to self DRINK LOTS OF BEER

  5. Scamper

    I wonder if they used Kingsford. Ya I know thats tacky

  6. Drusky

    How’d you like to be the Home Depot employee working in the returns department when THAT grill comes in… :puke:

  7. Drusky

    [quote comment=”630880″]Wait a minute – APRIL WINCHELL is sending you stuff? OMG! We have comic royalty amongst us!
    April – Huge fan – love your work, especially on the Roger Rabbit films. Loved your dad as well.[/quote]

    I loved their donuts… 😀

  8. Sherri

    The sentence doesn’t do justice to the crime. I say gasoline and a blow torch for both would be sufficient. Oh and don’t forget the Kingsford Competition Briquets

  9. Kingsford Competition Briquets now come with Soylent Green Barbecue Sauce. :wtf: :puke:

  10. Spud

    Some folks is dummer than a bag of spanners

  11. juleOdeNile

    [quote comment=”630907″]Kingsford Competition Briquets now come with Soylent Green Barbecue Sauce. :wtf: :puke:[/quote]

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