Christopher Reeve XXX at XX

(Yes, this is real. I took this screenshot shortly after hearing that Mr. Reeve had passed away)

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Show 21 Comments


  1. Ooooh fun! Sleep-deprived Stacy goes delerious and let’s see where she goes with this …


    Christopher Reeve FARTS at BUSH
    Superman actor Christopher Reeve flatulates at the president

    HEAVEN: The world’s beloved superman farted today in the general direction of George W. Bush from the gates of Heaven, according to Saint Peter.

    I shall now return to my parking spot in Hell. :evil::dead:

  2. They write all the obits of famous people ahead of time and leave blanks for dates and stuff. Whoever pulled this one out of the file forgot to fill in the blanks first. lol, he’s probably fired now.

  3. Anna

    This kind of thing sure XXX my XXX. Not to mention the XXX at XX.

  4. Lace Valentine

    Oh I thought the article was saying:

    Christopher Reeve Thirty at Twenty

    The world’s beloved Superman (Kiss/kiss) today in 20 from 20 according to 20.

  5. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Christopher Reeve the worldÒ€ℒs beloved Superman was re-animated today in colour from a small fragment of his DNA, according to George Bush.

    Spiderman was unavailable for comment but did say that it was “probably a lie of sorts from a man he wouldn’t trust to walk his spider dog.”

    Bush denies the allegations and plans to use the same proceedure to revive America’s crippled economy.


  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBY


    Bush also added, that when elected (cough), he plans to install some free internets in every trailer, in a conscious (cough) bid to improve educational standards.


  7. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    P.P.S He also said that his name was Polly Prissypants and that he likes wearing lipstick, but obviously we could only print what was relevant with the country on a “terror alert” and all.

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Just In!

    Below is a list of policies drafted by Mr. Bush, for immediate execution (sorry Saddam no pun intended)


    Free Ice cream for all!


    Rushing of the Iraqi elections in order to render them invalid with a view to enabling reinstallation of the current (U.S picked) interim government.


    Buy a new cowboy hat for Gaddafi, in return for some more contracts.


    Collect dirty laundry.


    Personally oversee that the counting of votes is done correctly in future elections!


    Buy Michael Moore an island far, far, far,far, far, away.


  9. Now there’s one movie I won’t be seeing.

  10. Mandy

    I always look to XX for my news about XX. Doesn’t he write for Fleshbot? :wang:

  11. Frisko

    careful ’bout those trailer park stereotypes Rev.



    MORE POWERFUL THAN A LOCOMOTIVE! (chugachugachuga!)

    Look! UP IN THE SKY!
    It’s a bird…
    It’s a plane!
    No! It’s SUPERMAN!!

    Yes, It’s SUPERMAN, strange visitor from another planet with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men!

    Yes, It’s SUPERMAN, who

  13. ReV.JeLLyBaBY

    Frisko my love.

    You’ll NEVER be trash to me.



  14. mikeB

    Why is it that “nude protestors” = “ugly, hairy, wrinkly protestors”?

  15. Screw Kerry and Bush…. I am voting for Dave!

    Click my link!

  16. Spud

    Well, all I can say is R.I.P. to Christopher Reed, he wasn’t a bad actor, very unfortunate in the way things ended up for him.

    Also the Great Keith Miller died as well on Monday, a former fighter pilot in ww2 and a real legend in Australian cricket during the late 40’s & 50’s, this guy knew what pressure was all about, one of his best retorts when told by a young bloke he didn’t know what pressure was, went along these lines….”young man, pressure is when you have a Messerschmidt 109 up your arse spraying tracer bullets past your window”

    Go Nugget πŸ˜•

  17. Sorry, Choison, you’re late on the draw. Everybody’s already voting for my tits here. They’ve been in the race for months, with my running mate Princess Consuela Banana Hammock’s tits. We’ve got an entire campaign, complete with posters, two platforms, merchandise, the whole two tits bits.

    “Elect tits, not boobs!”



  18. tj

    that’s so sad. i had heard he was dead … but XXX too!? jeez, what’s the world coming to?

  19. Who's That Girl

    Yes, they are called “advanced obits” in the media world. So if someone famous :dead: you aren’t left :limp:

  20. Who's That Girl

    but then again, what else is there to say other than “dead” for XXX?

    Christopher Reeve “healed” at “Lourdes”?

    Christopher Reeve “walks” at “64”?

    Christopher Reeve “mad” at “Bush”?

    Christopher Reeve “not dead” at “53”?

    even for an advance obit, it’s a lame headline.

    Headline Writer Maimed at Blog.

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