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Show 76 Comments


  1. Anita Mann-Badley

    Oh, my. And the medicine ball was clearly labeled, “For external use only.” :wtf:

  2. Driver

    What kind of porn is this? ……. Oh , I mean if she does manage a situp do you think she could touch her knee with her elbow?

  3. logan

    crap i really think se should try doing incline pushups instead of those crunches besides if she succeds on of the both of her boobs will pop

  4. Marcus

    I hope that picture is edited. If not, excuse me while I have a heart attack. Maybe she you work in Africa feeding starving children.

    A “Star” painted in the pupil of the eyes & a non-toxic “Halo” that GLOWS IN THE DARK, makes this beautiful “BABY JESUS” DOLL© different from any other doll. Does it come with the baby peeing feature and crying feature.

    “I don’t talk, I just listen…I don’t cry, but please hold me…I don’t walk, so please carry me…I love you, please love me…My name is Jesus”. Someone please shoot these Nigerian Baby Doll Jesus Freaks.

    Ok gotta listen to Marilyn Manson, NIN, and Black Sabbath. 😈

  5. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #33108 will be quoted here]

    I think it’s moe like “those medicine balls”, with an “s”.

  6. Master Solace

    :boob: :boob: :wang:

    So where is the button to enlarge the icon selection above? Simply put…….. :wtf:

  7. Paul

    A stewardess for a Cruise Line demonstrates the proper use of the floatation device. :boob::boob:

    All the other dolls follow Jesus around everywhere he goes all trying to touch his robe.

  8. Becky

    **Speechless** :puke:

  9. Craig

    Wanna go jogging? 😛

  10. Spud

    Good god!

    That girl could get roaring fall down drunk and yet never hurt herself.


  11. mitch

    GOOD GOD!!!! Her driver’s side air bag has deployed.

  12. Patrick

    And her peers voted her “Most Outstanding”!
    Pushups, we want to see her do pushups. For the love of God, pushups please!

  13. The Cynical Villain

    and……….and……two…….and….damn….must….reach……damn someone should had told me putting these weights on before I did this workout. I hate to see her when she does jumping jacks or some running. 911 better be alerted. Or some cameras better be a running. 8)

  14. Becky

    Ok now I see how this is going…….Dave wanted an guys only day……geez……..she should save some silicone for the rest of the world! :dead:

  15. Mandy

    She’s smuggling a basset hound in that top! :boob: :boob:

  16. Da Popster


  17. Peaches

    Dang………and I thought my DD’s were a nuisance

  18. jules

    all i can say is WOW!!! I bet her back hurts at the end of the day! 😀

  19. Dixie Chick

    OMG!!! I bet she can’t even stand up straight if she can even get up off the floor!!! 😛

  20. jayray

    I’d kinda like to see her bend to reach something on a lower shelf at Wal-Mart!!

  21. humpty

    Has to work out to carry those :boob: :boob: around.

  22. scamper

    Attn. walmart shoppers male assistance needed in the bra dept, where things are lower then the prices

  23. tabbie

    [Comment ID #33363 will be quoted here]
    That isn’t a basset hound that is more like 2 basset hounds smuggling a side of bacon a piece!!!!!

    Sorry… No sleep last night, the best I could come up with


  24. Patrick

    [Comment ID #33320 will be quoted here]
    Jumping Jacks, she might put out an eye! Makes me want to bury my head and go “Blubalubalubalubalubalubalub”!

  25. Beaner

    I hope she’s not a lifeguard. :wtf:

  26. Beaner

    Of course if she is a lifeguard, she has the floatation devices covered…your just are not allowed to go further than 1 foot underwater, cuz theres NO WAY she could go down any farther to rescue you!

  27. Spud

    I think both air bags have deployed mitch.

    Patrick – …… “Blubalubalubalubalubalubalub”! ……. too funny.


  28. Bjorn Freeh

    I’ve been re-reading the Book of Sven, the long-lost biblical text that proves, once and for all, that Jesus was indeed born in northern Europe, just as most movies and (now) dolls portray him.

    “And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Geneva. And saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets.

    And he entered into one of the ships, which was Bjorn’s, and bid him launch out into the deep.

    And Bjorn, answering spoke unto him, ‘Ya, Master, but ve haf jest toiled avay da night and haf taken nutting. Ne’r da less, ve chall let down da nets.’

    And when they had done this, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake.

    And then the herring was pickled and the people fed and were left wanting of mead.” (SVEN 5:1-6)

  29. It’s fairly pathetic that since being banned from commenting, justjim has continued to try commenting under women’s names. 🙄

  30. Becky

    [Comment ID #33474 will be quoted here]

    Yes very pathetic……and stupid to think you wouldn’t know

  31. Pappy

    Holy crap. I just want to know how she got into that top. :puke:

    I’d hate to see how stretched it is when she gets it off.. If she can get it off… :wtf:

  32. JFLY

    [Comment ID #33375 will be quoted here]

    Same here, Peaches…suddenly I feel flat-chested. I find it funny that she’s working out though…as if anyone is ever going to notice the rest of her!

    All together now: “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts…”

    How’s the hangovers, everyone? :java:

  33. JFLY

    One more thought…I didn’t know Jesus came in flavors! :wtf:

  34. Spud

    All of you names are a belong to us.

    (zilla 3:12-5)

  35. [Comment ID #33477 will be quoted here]

    With a titanium alloy crow bar.

  36. Ace

    Wow! How do you live with those things?

  37. aifreak

    i think she forgot to take off her new invention the personal use airbag. 💡

  38. DAVOLA

    Now those are ta ta’s. Its a dead heat at the zeppelin race. 🙄 🙄 🙄

  39. Alex

    She is living proof that all women are created equal. I bet she has dirty feet because they won’t get wet in a shower! :boob: :boob: :boob: :wang: :wang:

  40. Beaner

    Same here, Peaches…suddenly I feel flat-chested. I find it funny that she’s working out though…as if anyone is ever going to notice the rest of her!

    All together now: “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts…”

    How’s the hangovers, everyone?

    Was hungover…now moving on w/ my favorite drinking holiday weekend! And now I yet again have a song stuck in my head from this site! 😀

  41. Beaner

    oops, wrong button, props to JFLY’S comment!

  42. Mandy

    I’ll stick with my 34Bs, thanks.

  43. Marcus

    Help me please help help attack of the baby Jesus dolls… help too many colors. I guess those baby Jesus dolls really freak me out. Very creepy Chucky Jesus Dolls.

    One more question about the baby Jesus doll. Is it safe for a witch to own one or would it burn our fingers?

  44. mikeB

    We haven’t seen the 34Bs yet. :limp:

  45. Bjorn Freeh

    After quite a discussion with my astral body, we have agreed that this woman with the run-amok plastic surgeon does not even approach attractive. Apparently, she can’t even get off the (very disgusting) floor.


  46. Paige

    Why didnt someone tell that woman to stop???????How can she do crunches with those things?? I think Ive been traumatized :dead:

  47. Ace

    The poor lass probably has trouble getting out of bed, how many sit ups does she expect she can do?

  48. Mary

    Hey…I know that girl..poor thing has elephantitis of the mammary glands….. We must ALL try and support her in her time of need..

  49. arch

    and for her next trick……………..shade for the entire state of nebraska. :boob: :wtf: :boob:

  50. GFL

    Come on guys, really there is nothing wrong with this
    picture. That is what the joke is about. Mandy has 34B,s
    Hehehe. ❗

  51. I hear tell that a handful is the perfect size for breasts.

    I hope her boyfriend has very big hands.

  52. Spud

    I think we have been treated to the 34b’s mike, I could be wrong, but I could be right.

  53. mikeB

    Not out of a t-shirt though :boob: :boob:

  54. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #33506 will be quoted here]

    no we haven’t but I say why stop there, who’s about everyone else talking about there boobs, I personally would like a visual, please!

  55. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #33375 will be quoted here]

    Last post you sent me a kiss, how’s about today ya give me a peek. Just wishful thinking!!!! :boob: :boob: :wang: 😈

  56. Spud

    [Comment ID #33518 will be quoted here]

    No, not out of a T shirt, but tomorrow is another day…

  57. aifreak

    wow i was bored and looked up davezilla on urban dictionary. you have your own word way to go davezilla 😆 😀

  58. family jules

    It looks like the girl is on the floor of a bar, not a gym. I’m betting someone bet her money she couldn’t do a sit up, and that explains her feet hooked into the footrest of a barstool.

    Apparently everyone at the Baby Jesus Doll Company was so dazzled by the day-glo halo that they didn’t think about putting the implement of torture Jesus will eventually die a long, slow horrible death nailed to, on the front of the infant’s gown? Does anyone else see the 9 levels of WRONG there? How would you like to be in the newborn nursery with an electric chair carefully hand embroidered on the front of your one-sie?

  59. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #33525 will be quoted here]

    :wtf: Why are you looking at her surroundings? I can’t get passed the beach balls she smuggling in her shirt.

  60. cbatdux

    [Comment ID #33375 will be quoted here]

    DDs? PROVE IT!

  61. Meagan

    I must, I must, I must increase my bust! Oops, too much! :wtf:

  62. [Comment ID #33357 will be quoted here]

    More like “Boobs of Doom.”

  63. Peaches

    [Comment ID #33520 will be quoted here]

    Wish I could…… :kiss:

  64. Peaches

    [Comment ID #33638 will be quoted here]

    :boob: :boob: This is as close as I’ll get

  65. Anita Mann-Badley

    [Comment ID #33375 will be quoted here]

    Wow… double D’s. My feet are much more narrow.

  66. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #33753 will be quoted here]

    I have TWO hotmail accounts, either one of them would be willing to take your generous boob-pic donation. Maybe you can help an insomniac like me have nice dreams again. Just a thought…

  67. Timmmy

    tee hee hee hee BOOBIES! ha ha ha ha!

  68. The Cynical Villain

    She should be classified as potential weapons of mass destruction.

  69. crazed and dazed

    LMAO. I swear she’s got two enormous exercise balls shoved up her 😈 :puke: 👿

  70. Infernos

    In the unlikely event of a water landing, the porn star behind you can be used as a flotation device.

  71. DaSent

    You DO know that this is *cough* exotic dancer/adult actress *cough* Minka, right? And yes, she is that big (enhanced obviously ;)) Has her own webpage as well, easy enough to be found …

  72. [Comment ID #38009 will be quoted here]
    No. I’ve never heard of her and knowing it now doesn’t make this photo any less amusing. 😈

  73. Timmmy

    Oh my god! It’s Debbie, my old girlfriend Debbie, and she’s gotten breast reduction surgery, she used to be bigger!

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