We have a winner!

We have a winner!

Now name the contest. Image via hckygyg

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Show 20 Comments


  1. BryGuy

    Well, I suppose we can assume how he’ll celebrate his victory…of whatever it was he won….

  2. Anna

    It is the regular machine that is used to test the strength of :thong::thong:
    Ofcourse all is done under strict laboratory rules and as Kenny Everett used to say “done in the best possible taste”.

  3. djemm

    I’m offended if I’m correct thats the Trinidad&Tobago football(soccer) uniform and that thong is totally the wrong colour!!

  4. sledge

    Hey mon look who I did

  5. Bigwavdave

    Winner of PETA’s “Best Fake Animal Skin Thong Worn In A Marathon By A Mannequin” Contest.

    On a more somber note, Momofuku Ando, who invented ramen noodles in 1958, died last week at the age of 96 in Japan.

  6. Tabbie

    Jee Honey they are pretty small….
    That’s right Bub and it you keep up that attitude you will never get into them ever again.

  7. Mitch

    In this years newest twist, Survivor’s biggest physical challenge is the “drag a statue, and put your drawers on it” contest.
    The winner, 340Lb Female Sumo Wrestler GobbleZiki, had to have 80% of her body digitally blurred during the contest.
    It made Richard Hatch look less like a “naked fat guy” than ever before.

  8. Atryd

    That’s where they went!! ❗
    How did they get up there though? :wtf:
    I guess it was a wild party… 😳

  9. Atryd

    Sharades: A size small thong on a very large woman…or man…

  10. Mikeme

    I wonder what the loser got? 😀

  11. Flash Gordon

    So that’s the cab driver that pur-loined Britney’s
    scanties. :wang: 😕 🙄 😳 :thong: :wtf:

  12. Cara

    Its Hugh Hefners not yours

  13. Mandy

    OK, fine I’ll say it. World Champion Muff Diver!

  14. pablo

    Winner of the 2 day thong caption contest

  15. Driver

    As this years champion hands free thong remover displayed his winning manuver he was only mildly dismayed to see the off yellow stain in the crotch :limp:

  16. Spud

    [Comment ID #84217 will be quoted here]
    I second this motion…


  17. Wayne

    Almost thought dinnis rodman, but he didn’t have pink or orange hair. or whatever it is

  18. Fai Sheng

    Lord of the Strings

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