Typical day in San Francisco

Typical day in San Francisco

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  1. Don

    Hey I think those mugshots are from San Francisco.

  2. [quote comment=”632392″]Was this outside of a Starbucks?[/quote]
    No, I took this on the street last week.

  3. Sure is a dirty street, huh? Damn bunch of litterbugs in San Fran…

    Hey Bigwavdave, is that you in the tiger suit? 😛

  4. Bigwavdave

    [quote comment=”632395″]Sure is a dirty street, huh? Damn bunch of litterbugs in San Fran…

    Hey Bigwavdave, is that you in the tiger suit?

    BUSTED!!! :wtf: Let me know when you’d like to come over and pull on my tail :kiss:

  5. DaPopster

    Hey, hey, I TOLD you to flush the gene pool when you were done !! Now look at it – – – :puke:

  6. Programmers with too much spare time on their hands – one of the most tragic consequences of the economic crisis in Silicon Valley…

    …so I guess the chick with the phone is the dungeon master.

  7. fruf

    another walk to work in gay bay
    tackyiest costumes yet

  8. Flash Gordon

    Hey Annieb, is that you in the cowboy hat? It’s just precious! :kiss: :love: :wang:

  9. Draca68

    [quote comment=”632422″]Hey Annieb, is that you in the cowboy hat? It’s just precious! :kiss: :love: :wang:[/quote]
    Now Annieb looks so much better than that!

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