Total badass. Or not.

Total badass. Or not.

This was up for sale on eBay until Friday. Hard to believe he’d part with such a bitch-magnet of a car.

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Show 24 Comments


  1. Mandy

    Oh yes. Oh baby. How hot. 🙄

  2. Esther

    Wow, how, um, uh…yeah. 😐

    He might have better luck putting an image of that fugosity onto some thongs, and selling them instead.

  3. I am not sure how badadss it is. But I do think it looks like Michael Knight and KITT’s arch-enemy.

  4. Spud

    That car is definitely a chick magnet.

    To other news…

    I read recently where Michael Hasselhoff recounted that during the early 80’s he was so badly drunk most of the time, he actually thought his car spoke to him.

  5. D’oh!

    Kismet got to it first! 😳

    I was gonna say that it looks like the beginning of one of those “You know you’re a redneck if …” jokes by Jeff Foxworthy.

    But … now I guess I should just suck it up and admit that when I first saw the pictures I said, “That’s fucking SWEET! 😛

    — Detroit redneck 😀

  6. Okay … I just got back from checking out the link … and while it’s cool that The Darkness was able to sell that many … uh … hate to break it to ya’ll, but bands selling thongs ain’t nothin’ new.

    In fact, Detroit badass bitchin’ babes Broadzilla have been selling thongs that say “Jam out with your clam out” with a clam on the front for years now. I actually wore mine today! :wang: My friend Bubz bought me some for “Kwanzaa” one year. (He’s good friends with the lead singer/guitarist who used to be my neighbour, Rachel… and he keeps forgetting that it’s Hanukkah.)


    I checked the merch link at da Broadz’ site, and looks like they’re not in the online store, but you can still get them at shows, I’m pretty sure of it. 😆

    As da Broadz say …

    “Rock out with your :wang: OUT and JAM OUT WITH YOUR CLAM OUT!!”

  7. The last words that will be heard in that car, will be, “Hold my beer, and watch this.”

  8. Spud

    How can you be a “Commando” with a thong? or am I just spliting hairs?

  9. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    For Sale:

    Slightly used battleship grey Camero, with oversized tyres.

    Price includes “go faster” rust on left wing and chassis, also comes complete with a fully upgraded interior.

    Custom features:

    Rotating beer holder
    Shotgun rack
    Backseat “love curtains”(unused)
    Free cowboy (interior) hat stand
    Furry Dice
    Chuck Norris novelty gear shift cover.

    Asking price, only $2000 or would consider a trade in against a “Dukes of Hazard” car or one of them, there, those “A-Team” vans like a Mr.T or something.

    Ain’t got no phone, but folks round here know me as Buck.


  10. anon

    “Rock out with your OUT and JAM OUT WITH YOUR CLAM OUT!!”
    You’re all class, Stacy.

  11. Snake

    Stacy what part of the D are you from? You seem familiar 😈

  12. Frisko

    Compensating. The guys that own and drive such wonders of automotive technology, also would ask their date to wear one of those elastic mini skirts from the 80’s without panties, then expect her to climb into the “car thing”



  13. mikeB

    Right again, Frisko. The higher the car is jacked up, the less the driver HAS to jack up. 😈

  14. Choison

    Did you read the comments at the bottom of the ebay listing? Someone was having fun with yonder redneck.:razz:

  15. OT:

    Spud – it’s a long story about how way-back-when in the comments here I mentioned something about how I wasn’t wearing any underwear or something, and that kinda became the joke for a while.

    anon – Hey … I was only repeating the famous words of the famous Detroit chick-metal band Broadzilla. And yeah … pretty damn classy, eh? :wtf:

    Snake – technically, my hometown is Flint (Shit), but I got the nickname “Motor City Bad Kitty” working in the music scene years ago … the town adopted me, and I adopted it in return. I don’t really associate myself with Flint more than I have to. The “part” I live(d) in is actually not the D, it’s the Royal Oak/Ferndale area, I lived right between 8 and 9 mile. If I’m not moving out of state to the east coast in the next year or so (upcoming pending announcement on my site, hopefully), I’ll be back in D-town either in the same area, or somewhere around Wayne State. But … I probably do seem familiar … if you’ve been in the music scene in the past 6 years or so, chances are, you’ve seen me around or at least heard of me. :kiss:

    Okay … NO MORE FROM ME!! I promise!

    Out the do’ and off to the Church of Reason …

  16. Best quote is in the answer to the second-to-last question, where he says he’s put lots of money into building it, “never mind how many hours of man time.” 😮

  17. It’s for sale? Wowee, now I can get me something to keep my feet clean down on the hog farm!

  18. Frisko

    …or how many cheep beers it took to make the car look that good.



  19. facette

    AH-HA ! LOL

  20. Spud

    Stacy, yes I remember the commando thing, I was trying to put a pun in about the clam wearing thongettes.

    It flopped…:limp:

  21. So I suppose you have to buy the hydrolic lift to get inside yourself.

  22. Mandy

    I did too. 😳

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