America’s Best

Today we get to exercise our right as American citizens once again. That sacred right to choose between the best the country has to offer. Maybe that’s a sad commentary on our times that the best is barely adequate, no matter the choice. That won’t stop me. My choice is already made up.

I’ll have a triple venti capuccino.

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Show 27 Comments


  1. If I may add this to that:
    Before going to vote, please have a hearty snack, so that by the time you get to voting booth, you have sufficient streght, determination and decesiveness to punch a hole/press the button for your chosen candidate and no one else. Please be kind to the people/computers that count the votes and don’t confuse them by leaving hanging chads, dangling chads, etc. Thank you and I’m sure the vote counters thank you.

  2. *that should read: by the time you get to THE voting booth

  3. The “best” the country has to offer? Where is John Galt?

  4. The “best” the country has to offer? Where is John Galt?

  5. mikeB

    I hear an echo.

  6. Smart Ass


  7. malcolm

    who is john galt?

    kidding. (a is a)

  8. DAMNIT! Malcolm got to it before me!

    I need to stop getting here late!

    Tian … I clicked your link …

    Forget John Galt …

    Who is John Kerry?”

    /bad one :limp:

    (Who’s Ayn Rand?)

    (Who the hell am I and what am I doing up at almost 5:00 AM?)

  9. The only wasted vote is the one not cast. There are more than two candidates…

    When it comes down to it, I think most people are going to be voting against a candidate, rather than for one.

    Does it sound cynical to say that today we elect a crappy president no matter which one wins?

  10. I voted last week at the early voting polls Florida offers because apparently Floridians are incapable of all voting on the same day without causing MASS CONFUSION FOR OUR EVERYONE ELSE. Ahem. I should also note that there were no chads involved (most likely for the same reason previously stated), we were given pens to fill in the bubble. :java:

  11. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I want Cookie Monster from Sesame Street to be President and Bert and Ernie to be his advisors.

    From a British perspective that would be cool as it may trigger some childhood values in Mr.Blair as opposed to the “Ass Licking Meglomaniac” arsehat he appears to be wearing at present.


  12. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Rather than all the hassle of producing two “figureheads” every election, why don’t the corporations just run for office directly next time?

    Just Imagine?

    MacDonalds = Public Health

    Shell = Environment

    Coca Cola = Education

    Microsoft = Finance

    Then we could blame them rather than just the one grey haired guy in a suit!

    Sounds good to me.

  13. Let’s change Florida’s slogan to: “FLORIDA. WE KNOW FUCKALL ABOUT VOTING”

    (No offsense, Nik)

  14. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Countless people vote in Florida……..

    which is good because most of their votes run a very real risk of being countless!


  15. Esther

    Cookie Monster for president? Oooh, got my vote!:grin:

  16. No offense taken. I’ve only been here for a year and I already loathe it.

  17. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Smith and Wesson = Foreign Policy

    P.S Sorry couldn’t resist!


  18. Is the election TODAY? Well, I hope Truman gets in again.

  19. Mandy

    I vote that I get to keep my clothes ON. 👿

  20. Oh oh, Dave. We’re on different voting teams. You go for hot. I go for cold. I’m voting triple venti Caramel Frappuccino. Does that make our votes cancel each other out? :wtf:

  21. Anna

    Mid-morning in Holland. Not only in time (appr. 7 to 9 hours) are you people behind, but, Jeeeez, another 4 years of that bumfuck for president. I do pity you.

  22. Anna

    Yeeeeeaaah, we got our second political/fundamentalistic assasination. Theo (distant relative of Vincent) van Gogh got shot and stabbed by a Dutch/Morrocan guy who didn’t like his movie about the mistreatment of Islamic women.
    Finally we belong. 😈

  23. Spud

    Oh dear, what a thing to belong to.

    I hear they/him/her pinned islamic texts to his chest with a couple of knives. 🙁

  24. Of course, we won’t hear a word about that happening. We’re too busy worrying about what went wrong with our exit polls. 🙄

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