Too soon?

Anna and Clippy

  1. Beloved pinup model and pop icon, Anna Nicole Smith dies, suddenly.
  2. The identity of her baby’s father is left uncertain.
  3. The next day, Microsoft’s Clippy is declared officially dead.

Coincidence, you say? I think not.

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Show 23 Comments


  1. Zinkerbell

    U Go Boy!!! (clippy) 🙄

  2. Spud

    Nice photo, a real stunner.

    The red or the blue pill?

  3. sledge

    Clippy has more effect on my life than whats her name

  4. Char

    If you have to ask if it’s too soon- it most certainly is.( That is almost always the case) However, it wasn’t a real surprise to hear of her death. Clippy’s death threw me for a loop-just didn’t see that one coming.

  5. Bjorn Freeh

    Too soon? Yes. Absolutely. And in incredibly bad taste.

    When someone who is in the public eye — even for reasons that aren’t so clear — dies, the public deserves some time to absorb and accept that loss. People deserve the respect to mourn their public icons.

    As a religious man, Dave, you know how important icons can be to people. Too soon? Yes. I think we can all agree that many, including me, will miss Clippy — I worry that he will lose his topicality and, eventually, disappear from this site.

    Oh, BTW, who’s that freaky-looking chick next to Clippy?

  6. pablo

    I’m looking for it now. It’s sort of roundish and furry. There are a couple of legs near it, oh yeah and a long hairless tail. If I can find it I’ll give a rat’s ass!

    Sorry about clippy

  7. Re: Clippy: The souless Redmond Giant offers up the universal eugenics excuse: “Office XP is so easy to use that Clippy is no longer necessary, or useful,” explained Lisa Gurry, a Microsoft product manager.
    No longer necessary or useful. (So why is there a Zune?

  8. Bigwavdave

    Don’t forget to tune in next Sunday for the much anticipated mini-series, Anna Nicole Smith – An American Tragedy, Pt. 1 and view the shocking, never before seen footage of Clippy and Anna Nicole in their secret “love nest”.

  9. mikeB

    [Comment ID #86042 will be quoted here]

    Exactly! 😈

  10. sparks

    I believe Clippy and Elvis are in the same place. It’s just that they no longer like living in the spot light..Clippy you will forever be in my heart! 😆

  11. MJaz

    Dead? Har! Clippy is just retiring. I heard he has a mansion in LA with blonde bimbos running around nekkid all day. He wears little 3D silk pajamas – NOT the skirt as claimed by the japanese.

    Sheesh – get it right!

    (Look for his debut on the small screen in the form of a freeware app.. probably loaded down with virii – good thing for him that he is actually impotent and the bimbos are just for show!)

  12. First Gates retired, Now Clippy is gone, who is in line to be the new Micro$oft front man.
    Perhaps this guy –> 👿

  13. scamper

    After the untimly death of anna clippy just couldn’t go on anymore, knowing he was not the father of her child and had nothing left but 2buck chuck and some cheap mexican brown. clippy took his life in a eletrical outlet, wittness’s said it was shocking.

  14. For Anna Nicole Smith? Yes. For Clippy? I didn’t even know he was dead. God speed, Clippy. Rest in peace, you annoying little icon.

  15. Clippy? He was still around all this time? I thought he rang down the curtain with Microsoft Bob. Guess I have been out of the Microsoft Loop too long…

  16. Flash Gordon

    Both of them have no more troubles in this vale of
    tears; they’ve been ushered into Beulah land.
    Jerry Fallwell said so. 🙄 😛 😈 :wtf: :dead:

  17. cbatdux

    Steve Balmer asserting himself….

  18. Nope, now that Bill Gates turned him loose from slavery, we of the freedom software community have reincarnated him and given him a new home:

    He might even get some dignity after awhile…
    At least he’s assured of a long life – nothing dies on Linux.

  19. Mikeme

    Although,Clippy has more personality than some people I know. Maybe smarter, and has a bigger :wang:

  20. BIG D

    loos like micheal jackson with blonde hair;or too much persimmon juice.i can’t really tell!!!!!!!! :wang: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: 😆 😆 😆 😈 😈 😈 😀

  21. blustpie

    :wang: ” having fun it helps”! gogogogogogo………guyzzzzzzzz
    :thong:keep up open minded!! bewareeeee
    😳 & be true to yourself
    :lol:afterall……..time will change :limp: :limp: :limp: :limp:

  22. Wayne

    -Rick James (bitch)

  23. bad things to think about

    I hate to say this but betty davis is gone but this is 😈 and would make a :limp: man out of a :wang: of a 12 year old so keep it in your :thong: so the 💡 of 👿 don’t cum up

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