Caption Time #159

Caption Time #159

Image via Rocket City Poet

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Show 35 Comments


  1. Shauna

    Wha?? Not what I wanted to have in my head at bedtime. Now I get another hour awake trying to shake the image!!

  2. Recently divorced men make such damn good roommates, donÒ€ℒt they?

  3. djemm

    Someone walked in on the shorts bandit 😈

  4. Spud

    The something wrong with this picture is the socks, one should never stand on a bed in socks.

  5. Da Popster

    Please tell me that’s NOT a camera and he’s using it to
    take pictures ……… of whatever. There’s just soooo much “notable” in that pic.

  6. Buck

    Is that Tom Sizemore?

  7. sledge

    Mr. Neat he was just tossed out of the pig sty.

  8. Flash Gordon

    Deer in the headlights, pt. 5. :geek: :dead: :wtf:

  9. junkman

    richard hatch readying himself for rudy? consider one of my senses assaulted today.

  10. Atryd

    :geek: …and then world famous skiier Terrance Johnson sliced through the fresh powder with such speed, he looked like a blurr to loyal spectators. And he went left, and he went right, and coming up to the ramp he steadied himself to perform the most outstanding…

    :kiss: Dear, could you please come take out the garbage? I’ve told you three times today. Come on, and I’ll make you those delicous peanut butter squares you love so much…

    :geek: (whining) But Mooom! I’m extremely busy right at this very moment. I’ll do it in just a few minutes. …could you do chocolate drizzles on them for me? And could you stay in your room? I have a date tonight.

  11. Alternative: He’s on speaker-phone with tech support, and they asked for a screenshot so they can diagnose his laptop…

  12. StevieC

    lonelygirl15 meet divorcedoldman46

  13. Coley

    [Comment ID #85922 will be quoted here]

    I was thinking Billy Joel, but Sizemore could almost work.

  14. Char

    Coley- I saw Billy Joel too. It must be the years before he became the “Piano Man”.

  15. Mike

    Is that Mandy’s bedroom.

  16. There is just something so wrong with this image! It will probably stick in my head now for the rest of the day THANKS lol…

    Carry on…. ❓

  17. MRDOUG

    Billy Joel before the super bowl does a few quick warm up streches. Horified look on his face is that he just found out that Prince would get to wear a doo rag and wig this year and he would have to go with the creepy bald old man look.

  18. Anna

    Gives new meaning to the term “bedsurfing” … or is that only used in Holland?

  19. scamper

    Dave you really need better taste in pictures. This pic may cause blindness

  20. Atryd

    …or at least greatly increase the risk of sexual dysfunction…

  21. Atryd

    I’m too sexy for my shirt
    Too sexy for my shirt
    So sexy it hurts

  22. dougieace

    i think he may have been photographing his bologna tits for future use.

  23. Cara


  24. family jules

    Caught in the act. What act, I do not want to know.

  25. George, having just heard about cybersex, was trying to arouse his laptop, aka dellkins, with a strip-tease and some high resolution up-boxer photos.

  26. Billy Joel is looking pretty desperate these days.

  27. “It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.” ❗

  28. Zilla the Younger

    Billy Joel poses for his new Virtual Laguna Beach Avatar

  29. ducatisti

    [Comment ID #85949 will be quoted here]

    Yea, I think this was back when he was called ‘Organ Man’.

    Good thing webcams have gotten smaller in the convening years, so much easier to fit down your shorts.

  30. I opened this in class the other day and immediately closed it once I saw the picture. I’d rather pay attention to the teacher than see a photo of a half-naked old guy. :dead:

  31. pablo

    [Comment ID #85956 will be quoted here]

    And that doesn’t mean using middle aged fat broads either!!!

  32. bad things to think about

    your :wang: is so :limp: :limp: :limp: that trying to make a movie is :dead: to all :wang: 😳 :mrgreen: πŸ™ too see it

  33. “Shit I have to stand like this for 10 more minutes… had I known that, I never would have agreed to bleaching my sphincter.”

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