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Show 46 Comments


  1. Spud

    Priscillia & Mini E. on their happy day…

  2. Driver

    I cant decide whitch one has the most evil grin , the dummy or the little guy on her lap . 😀

    RE: Bigfoot unchained

    Bigfoot giving sexual pleasure to a Unicorn , would that be Beastiality or dare I say …Inter Racial ? I’m just curious . 🙄

  3. “If you wanna see me do my thing, baby pull my string…”

  4. Anna

    Michael Jackson and some girl

  5. Anna

    that should be Michael Jackson with “Some girl”.

  6. Da Popster

    Title it: “You gotta be kidding me, Vol 1” :puke: :wtf:

  7. mikeB

    Ms. Gwendolyn and Morning Wood in their latest release, Women Pull the Strings

  8. H. R. Gerrard

    Album title, eh? How about that all time classic country western recording,
    “My Little Woody Has Splinters Which is Why He’s Such a Prick!”

  9. H. R. Gerrard

    Oh, and here’s a joke…
    Q: What do you call a redneck hooker that specializes in anal sex?
    A: A Back- Ho.

  10. mikeB

    [Comment ID #81603 will be quoted here]

    Oh. I thought the answer was Britney Spears.

  11. Bigwavdave

    Dixie Longate & Buster Himen Visit Jamaica

  12. If My Love Doll Shrunk in the Wash, Why am I Still Smiling? By Mary’s Three Helmets

  13. junkman

    Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii. not yet morbidly obese from lemon cupcake abuse, elvis was already feeling the effects of his full blown pill addiction. it made him a little pasty and wooden. people appeared larger than life. priscilla ,obviously an enabler at this point, would prop him up to get him through performances and dress him in his favourite evel knievel cardigan. after the big, fat goof died, when asked about those days, priscilla would say ” I felt like a sasquatch jacking off a unicorn. we could all see it coming. elvis was like a seven legged, hermaphrodite, deer in the headlights.” :dead:

  14. sledge

    This is a new TV show “the dummy wears gay and the witch wears white”the story of the fallen white witch of the west and her companion Gotta Woodie and their adventures in Michigan among the Hummers

  15. Arianna posed with her personal Elvis. Yes, this was her wedding day, yes, she interrupted the wedding photos to slip in one of her Elvis all duded up. And, yes, Hank had threatened to ‘just go home’ if she did insist on ‘fucking with that wooden pervert.’ Well, here she was in the sunny tropics, at a gorgeous resort, with her Elvis.

    Arianna smiled at the camera. A tinge of regret flavored her smile, fleetingly, as she thought, “I’m sure going to miss him.” And the shutter clicked. Perfect.

  16. Buck

    Wedding Night Slivers

  17. beyonduplication

    Lie to me, Pinocchio…. Lie to me baby. 😈

  18. Bigwavdave

    [Comment ID #81607 will be quoted here]

    Way too funny – You covered all the bases 😆

  19. This is a shot in the dark but I am going to say that this came from
    Talent hour on The Lawrence Welk Show.
    (I can’t beleve I know that)

  20. beyonduplication

    Lie to me, Pinocchio…. lie to me, baby :wtf:

  21. Snagglepuss

    I Married Conway Twatty

  22. Infernos

    From her smile you call tell that he doesn’t suffer from BTLDS – big truck, little :wang: syndrome

  23. Knkangaroo

    The dummy’s expression shows it enjoys the hand up the butt, oh, and the puppet too……..

  24. Creepin’ Me the Fuck Out’s Greatest Hits? cuz ummm… that creeps me the fuck out. seriously. :wtf:

  25. The Mighty Quinn

    “She tickles me like a termite” or “Wooden wonders: Two in the bush is better than a hand in…”

  26. MJaz

    Loretta Lynn and Michael Jackson’ s “An Aloha Christmas” Album.

  27. sledge

    brings all new meening to wax the dummy

  28. coley

    [Comment ID #81612 will be quoted here]

    So wrong, but oh so funny… 😀

  29. Myra

    Loretta Lynn and Michael Jackson’ s “An Aloha Christmas” Album.

    My thoughts exactly! Whatever it is, it is just sad and sorta twisted.

  30. It’s hard to picture an album, here. The woman is obviously an anthropologist who has explored deep enough into the Amazon Jungle to discover an obscure tribe of pygmies, called “the Dumi”, who bear an amazing resemblance to ventriloquist dolls.

    She’s wondering what it would be like to sleep with him, and he’s thinking how she’ll taste on a spit at tonight’s cannibal luau.

  31. pablo

    Lucretia McEvil does Evel Knievel in the woods.
    Containing those classic hits:
    I would pine afterr you if you weren’t made of oak.
    Your prostate is FINE (up to my elbow at least)
    Knucklehead Smith is my Bitch
    Send $29.95 right now and you will receive a bonus album from Reba MacIntyre and Vern Troyer.

  32. Ducatisti

    Regarding the deer story – but the buck ran under the truck and got hit.
    How tall is this guys truck? From the name of the lake, to the last word, this one just screams HICK!!!!! Wait, I think I live next to that guy.

    Anywhooo, about the album cover,
    hmmmm i dunno, I can’t get over the pink pants with a red jacket (any guy who’d wear that to a photo shoot hasta be a real dummy). Also, the corrugated metal roofing material they appear to be kneeling on – where are they, on top of some poor sharecroppers shack in Oahu?

    But the hair, oh my god, the hair. The laquer-like gloss – the ‘wall of bangs’ – the way it lays like steel wool across the shoulders of her wedding dress.

    The only thing I can think of is:

    Gwendolyn Squareface and Barney McWoodie sing your favorite Hawaiian Wedding Songs. Part of Lawrence Welk’s series ‘Music to get Leid To’.

  33. That has got to be the funniest $#!%, Iv’e seen in a while. Dave keep them thinking . I love this sht!! ,,,cool,

  34. De Layna B

    I Was Born a Coalminer’s daughter’s Man 😈

  35. slave2oshun

    Creepy as Hell’s Greatest Hits?

  36. Drusky

    “It’s a Very Michael and Janet Christmas”
    ‘Hillary and Bill after she wins the election…’ 😈

  37. “Me and My Wooden Lover” or “Coconuts and Wood”

  38. Who knew a 4-horned, 7-legged hermaphrodite deer could taste so good? I just can’t believe he ate it! :wtf:

  39. Wayne

    by the way, yea i ate that creepy little 7 legged 2 genitaled freak of nature, and he was tasty..


  40. Gary

    A stiff male puppet, where I supply the words and conversation. What a time saver!

  41. Jessica

    Woman loving Her Puppet Man of a Husband

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