The Darwin Award couldn’t come soon enough

The Darwin Award could not come soon enough

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Show 28 Comments


  1. StevieC

    Segway – an unconventional wheelchair for the truly lazy.

  2. Chris S

    Just when I thought people couldn’t get any lazier.

    Although maybe there is a reasonable explanation for this… like…ehm… no that’s just plain lazy.

    Unless she just bought that thing and it was the only way to get it home. The segway I mean, not the baby.

  3. Bigwavdave

    Tell me that’s a parking lot and not a four lane highway.

    I once met Chuck at a halloween party. Seemed like a nice guy. Unfortunately, I think he’s had one too many kicks to the head since then. He’s kidding, right? :wtf:

    Seen the video before…Oooo yeah baby, just keep doing that! :wang:

  4. sledge

    foly huck I couldn’t believe this a yuppie on a segway with a kid in a carrige . This is a definite winner of the Darwin award.I hope that this was a parking lot. Great turn signals

  5. Spud

    By the very definition of its name – stroller – I think it means walking, not riding a contraption that at any second could cut loose and do something wild.


    :wtf: We can’t function without remote controls for everything. Being a channel surfer I can understand that, but c’mon people this is getting ridiculous!
    Those things attached to the bottom portion of your body (usually) are made for walkin’.
    USE THEM, I hear it’s good for your health and stuff.
    😈 Keep using them girls and they’ll be beautiful and look even greater in heels! (I’m not too comfortable with guys having pretty legs, I suppose it’s the competition factor ❗ ) But guys, scrawny chicken legs aren’t as attractive to some of us as you may think :puke: …
    πŸ˜› Now get your ass of that couch and grab your own beer!
    Woman, Make the fucking effort to walk, you lazy bum!
    😳 …maybe her ankle was spraigned?

  7. christina

    that is just pure laziness :wtf:

  8. thewhiteknight

    look……on the highway….. its a truck….. its a car…..its……segway-women

    saving children from oncoming traffic by day and sleeping by night

  9. Janet was so mad she could spit. The babysitter canceled at the last minute, and Janet was running late to the church charity Segway race. Well, there was no other way, she plopped Melody into the stroller, stepped up, and off they rolled.

    Only the vicious biddies at the First Universal Life Church of Peace on the Grass shouted horrible things at her as she wheeled across 4th Street. They thought pushing Melody was dangerous! And the things they said about Janet, and Janet’s upbringing and family life! Oh, it was awful. In tears, Janet spun around for home, went back and caught Melody’s carriage before it hit the curb (and got a few more jeers), and headed for home.

    Now, Janet wondered, do I still have time to find the baby stomach pack and Segway back for that race?

  10. junkman

    -i think the baby has a hemi. who’s zoomin’ who?
    -chuck norris could hypnotize all germans at once with one single roundhouse kick to their squareheads.
    -gotta go now, there’s a car in the parking lot that needs me badly.

  11. [Comment ID #187185 will be quoted here]

    Lung for the win! And now I’m picturing the Segway derby, televised and with sponsorship, of course. I’m sure there’s one in our future.

  12. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #187185 will be quoted here]

    Bingo! You won! Direct hit to the old funny bone!

  13. Welllllll, if she were any good at riding a Segway she’d have BOTH hands on the stroller.

    Unfortunately, she looks like a complete dork.

    The worst part? If she somehow loses her grip on the stroller, she will LEAN FORWARD – which of course is Segway speak for GO FASTER.

    Mmmmm, I can definitely see this ending ugly.

  14. Chuck, I think it’s time to break out your WMD’s on this crazy woman.

  15. Flash Gordon

    I think she’s damned clever. It’s far better than
    fastening the kid to the grill of her SUV. 😈 πŸ‘Ώ πŸ™„ πŸ˜• :wtf:

  16. harley

    Chuck Norris for president…now THAT would be a vote I would make!! :)He would get this country back to where it should be,or kick every bodies ass that messed up and call it secuity

  17. Drusky

    [Comment ID #187185 will be quoted here]

    The only way that could be safer is if she put a trailer hitch on that back of that Segway and towed the kid. Just another woman with one hand on the wheel while driving distracted doing something else…

    (OOOOhhh, NOW I’ve done it… :dead:)

  18. Bigwavdave

    “Keep using them girls and theyÒ€ℒll be beautiful and look even greater in heels”
    Astryd – I like the way you think. I’ll bet you got great stems… :wang:

  19. Bigwavdave

    Astryd – I had to check for myself – Thats’s you at the Mirage, no? You just keep doin’ what you’re doin’ :wang:

  20. Bjorn Freeh

    You’re all wrong. Clearly, the self-propelled baby carriage is pulling the woman and her busted Segway. I just hope the baby hasn’t been drinking and can steer straight (she looks to be driving a bit outside the lines).

  21. Bigwavedave- Aw shucks, Thanx! 😳
    And I’m working on those shoe’s from the playboy mag. BF had to order them cuz they don’t have them in a size 5 at the stores. And believe me, We looked!

  22. Mandy

    LOL @ Lung! πŸ˜€

  23. crash

    Clearly all she needs is a cell phone LOOK OUT!!!!!!! :dead:

  24. I could see having the baby in a back pappoose… I really could, I’d think that was cute even, but THAT well the police just need to find her and ticket her for endangerment.

  25. Dee

    😈 I bet she is into healthly living and does two miles eveyday πŸ™„ on the treadmill that is dang yuppy

  26. Quade

    You guys are so flippin’ gullible and so flippin’ quick to judgement.

    This is a PhotoShopped image.

  27. officeratt

    Are you sure this is photoshopped? hmmmmmmmm…. :wtf:

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