“So Ma’am, was this before or after you made out with the Oompa Loompa?”


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  1. It’s all fun and games until someone swallows an Oompa Loompa

  2. ..and the Wonkamobile hit her so hard, it knocked her ass round the front of her body…

  3. Fruf

    talk about overhangs,the midget holsing her hand looks like he’s completely shattered maybe she fell on him
    Remnants of the Inaguration Clown Ball

  4. DaPopster

    Holy Crap, the gene pool runneth amock !!!! :wtf:

  5. omg!!!! eye bleach stat!!!!

    so many things wrong with this picture. :dead:

  6. Timm

    A photo from Bristol Palin’s baby shower got leaked to the internet.

  7. Ye gads, what is it?

    You know, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to hear “I Am The Walrus” again without that image forming in my mind. :limp: :wtf: 😛

  8. Bigwavdave

    Ted Kennedy has a relapse at the “After-party Party”

  9. ReV.JellYBaby


    You have my support in what must be a difficult time.

    Not only did you bravely admit that your Momma was (sorry is) a supervisor at a brothel in the face of my joke. Now this happens!

    Yes she gets 1 million dollars for the night……….who knew tickets were only $5 dollars each?

    Be strong as even without her, I think your unpaid work experience placement in the “Horny and Homeless” department would make her proud.

    That Willy Wonker won’t get away with this I promise!

    Deepest Regrets


  10. sexy jamie

    I told my uncle Frank that going to that party would put him in the hospital but noooo he wouldn’t listen and now the bunnies are devestated.

  11. junkman

    the rabbit is grief stricken after witnessing it’s first “front” bum. the oompa to the left is getting his hand ready to go in for a front bum exploratory. the oompa to the right is checking out the ambulance drivers ass. sheesh! i looked too long. 😐 8) :puke: :dead:

  12. Chris S.

    An Oompa-friggin-loompa, an ass stomach, ambulance, and furries consoling each other… That’s one party I’m glad I missed. WTF could have possibly happened there? :wtf:

  13. yea whatever

    WTF is right ……..are we sure that is a women on the stretcher???? 😮

  14. Patrick

    [quote comment=”625913″]WTF is right ……..are we sure that is a women on the stretcher???? :-o[/quote]
    Nope, looks like a fat guy in drag to me. Not complaining, mind you, just stating what I believe to be the obvious. And (s)he’s an ugly bitch!

  15. Bear

    OMG..I am totally speechless. How am i going to sleep tonight with this vision in my head
    And yes …I agree (s)he’s one real ugly bitch

  16. Just when you thought Britney Spears was getting it back together… :wtf:

  17. [quote comment=”625906″]the rabbit is grief stricken after witnessing it’s first “front” bum. the oompa to the left is getting his hand ready to go in for a front bum exploratory. the oompa to the right is checking out the ambulance drivers ass. sheesh! i looked too long. 😐 8) :puke: :dead:[/quote]


    @ ReV – Thanks!

  18. DaveC


  19. Sherri

    Awww..poor Brittany. She was better off with Kevin. 😛

  20. Wilie Wonka was never the same after he sold his factory to Cadbury. After another wild night of Oomping the Easter Creme Egg bunnies, Willie felt like he was having a heart attack. Thankfully, a Loompa pulled his finger as he was being loaded in to the ambulance and Willie realized that it was just gas.

  21. awww, cripes. Anyone else notice that this one has that thong :thong: apparently pulled down… in the back… :puke:

  22. Drusky

    [quote comment=”625889″]..and the Wonkamobile hit her so hard, it knocked her ass round the front of her body…[/quote]
    Lung, You’re killing me! 😆 😀 😆 😀 :wtf: :dead:

  23. nina

    So if you get it on with a oompa loompa you not only get to go to the hospital but your ass becomes your front?

  24. evilqueen

    Do not pitty Bruce, for he died doing what he enjoyed the most. Whatever it was. :wang:

  25. [quote comment=”625919″]Just when you thought Britney Spears was getting it back together… :wtf:[/quote]
    Poor Britney – never gets any peace.

  26. tinamarie

    Wow. She’s fat. Damn. That’s hilarious.

    It’s not pretty, but it’s just fat. The Oompa Loompa thing is creepy and furries are a little (!) odd, but for Christ’s sake folks, it’s only fat. You don’t have to fuck it.

    Can we be just a little more compassionate? Remember, one day, we’ll all be old and ugly, and some of us will be fat, and then some a**hole will take our picture on a stretcher and put it on their website and a bunch of young a**holes like us will sit around and laugh at our pitful selves. What a nice future we have.

    Sorry to be so baleful and serious but I just can’t take much more of ‘laugh at the fat person just because they’re fat.’

    Now…if you want to make fun of the Brittany Spears outfit, be my guest. Fat is one thing, but bad taste is another thing entirely.


  27. [quote comment=”626152″]

    Sorry to be so baleful and serious but I just can’t take much more of ‘laugh at the fat person just because they’re fat.’


    Calm down tinamarie, we are laughing at the whole picture and that…. person, on the stretcher is a guy. Come on Oompa loompas? Bunnies crying? Drag? He was probably diddling something from that bunch. He had such a good time he had a heart attack, or he was poisioned by the flying monkeys that failed to make this picture.

    For crying out loud when I get old intend to be a royal pain in the ass, swinging from the chandeliers and screaming “I am the leopard queen, kiss my ass!” and when I do you can take a picture of me and you can laugh all you want.

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