Saucy Wench?

I got to thinking about how people name their boats and wondered if I had a boat, what would I name it? Here’s some suggestions I recommend avoiding at all costs:

  1. Sea Maiden’s Drool Bucket
  2. Ocean Loaf
  3. Cthulhu’s Tantrum
  4. Paris Hilton’s Bikini
  5. Jimmy Hoffa’s Coffin
  6. River Chunk
  7. Leaky Heap
  8. Wet Bastard
  9. Peanutbutter and Jellyfish
  10. The Sea Ho
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Show 24 Comments


  1. mikeB

    Glad you didn’t go with Butt Pirate either

  2. Esther

    Anemone Whore?

  3. Esther

    Mind if I borrow your boat there, Stacy (and Johnny, of course)?:cool:

  4. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Ahoy there shipmates!

    Ah, A nautical theme eh?

    Treasure, pirates, wenches…..errr….drown the fishes, hoist the colours and kill the parrots….ah me Jim lad matey sea dog and all that bollocks.

    Or as an alternative we could do what we are meant to be doing and name ourselves a seaworthy vessel to explore the seven seas and pillage and burn, me hearty.

    NOTE: Remember to pillage BEFORE you burn.

    Anyways I’m very busy today doing important pirate stuff like trying to find a pen that works so I’m afraid I’ll have to cut to the chase and just name my sea related mode of transportation (a boat to you landlubbers).

    I would call my boat one of the following sea shanty, wooden legged, eye patched names:

    The H.M.S Spidey

    The H.M.S Cod N’ Chipz

    The H.M.S Honey where did YOU put the boat keys?

    And I’d be captain, but instead of a parrot I’d have a robotic 5 inch nun with Bluetooth capability, internet access and not ONE but TWO wooden legs. Arrrgh!

    Oh and an eye patch with a ruby in it.

    ……..If I were a pirate I mean.

    Or am I?

    Argggggggghhh….release the cannons.

    Better go now. I appear to have a tangerine on my left shoulder and be wearing a post it note eye patch.

    Collegues may be watching and I do so need to eat this month and have money.


  5. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Spose I’ll just get on with these sales figures then.

  6. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    did mention as well that the nun can fire lasers from her one good eye and climb rigging really, really well?


  7. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    I’ll call her “Nunra”.

    Note: “Nunra” is a registered trademark of Rev.Jelly Enterprises PLC.

    So get lost TOHO and technically “Zilla” means monster in latin so what you gonna do. Sue Socrates?

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    You can draw really good faces with a biro on the skin of a tangerine, but I regret to report that my post it note eye patch has been confiscated along with a quarter of my eyebrow.

    But thats another story…………Nunra will make them pay for this insult, I’m sure.

    No. Apparently not.

    Squawky the tangerine and Nunra have been captured.



  9. Anna

    I’d name my boat ‘Wet Patch’

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Well it’s up to you Anna.

    You’d have to sleep in it.


  11. What has 8 arms and 8 legs?  Eight pirates! – Love it.

  12. Spud

    Das Boot :geek:

  13. Mandy

    The Titanic? Sea Biscuit?

  14. I have always wanted to name a boat “Sea Hag”.:lol:

  15. Skiffucker, Slooper Dooper, 10 Galleon Hat, Front Rowboat Center… Sorry, I’m not caffeinated yet.

  16. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    “The Lesbionic Goldfish”

    Argggh she be a fine vessel.


    P.S I don’t like the cut of your jib matey.

    Only kidding people.

    Just wanted to do a bit more pirate lingo.


  17. Uhhh, let’s see…
    S. S. BUTTCRACK — but it’s already been taken…
    Edmund Fitzgerald — the legend lives on from the Chippewa on down…
    USS Petroleum Jelly — necessary for those long nights alone at sea…
    HMS Fluffernutter — awww, come on, everybody loves Peanut Butter and Marshmallow!
    NSEA Protector — and her sister ship, the NSEA RAMSES. Calling all Questarians!

  18. Frisko

    I get first choice on the “C Hoop D”
    cause thats really close to my real name
    and I third the motion for Johnny Depp as our cabana/cabin toy/boy


  19. Mandy

    Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. MMMMMMMMMM!

  20. Sheryl

    How about Walks on Water or Fishers of Men? Jesus needs a boat too! :kiss:

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