Note to self: 4,812

If the garbage bag of cat litter is too full, and you’re hustling to the dumpster before it rips wide open, wear shoes and socks next time.

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Show 24 Comments


  1. Sheryl

    Lends a new meaning to toe jam. :wtf:

  2. Also, when dumping the litter, make sure the bag you’re using doesn’t have a hole in it which causes you to make a trail of cat litter from the cat box to the front door. 😳

  3. Unfortunately, I know exactly what you’re talking about.

  4. That’s why I’d use 3 bags at a time. That is, before my cats ran away. 🙁

  5. Esther

    This is why I don’t own any cats.

    Well, that, and I’m slightly allergic to ’em.:dead:

  6. Anna

    Here speaks the voice of experience (and old age):
    1. That’s why you should get the litter that turns into a stone brick when peed upon.
    2. It is also handy to have dogs … they love (to eat) cat pooh.

  7. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Oh happy day’s Dave, cat litter and mookey sticks for all, but do you know what the sad thing is?

    I used to be just like you guys till I discovered an ancient technique handed down to me from a Tibetan wise man called err Timmy Longchop. He said that in order to achieve full enlightenment and also not to get shit on your shoes (well in your case feet!) one must follow the ancient path.

    Which incidentally is as follows:

    1/ Place the litter tray in a plastic bag so that it is square with the base of the tray.

    2/ Roll down the sides of the bag so that they do not exceed the height of the tray.

    3/ Wait until the tray is full.

    4/ Roll up sides of bag and using your right hand, using your left grasp and tip the trays contents into the bag.

    5/ Remove empty tray and throw bag in the direction of thy enemies. Who being naughty in ones sight, will be smote by the noxious poo within.

    And so that’s the story of how I became a master of the “Way of the Cat” and now thanks to Timmy you can too, but remember to use your knowledge wisely, only for the good of mankind, not for profit and only for feline hygiene reasons.

    But before I go, I MUST leave these words of wisdom for all who now follow the true path.

    Please remember that IF the shit accidentally hits the fan.

    It is NEVER evenly distributed.

    Sayonara, Davezilla san.

    P.S If anyone is going near the Misty Mountains of Doom could you please pick up some groceries for Timmy. He may be quiet hungry/angry by now, as I said I would only be about half an hour.

    P.P.S and that was about six weeks ago……


  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    Next week I may reveal Timmy’s secret of eternal youth,beauty and capturing your very own Johnny Depp for purposes unknown, but I thought the cat thing was more relevant for todays post.


  9. I, too, know too well exactly what you went though.


    My cats have this thing, too, where they have to fling their cat litter as far out of their box as possible. It’s all over the damn laundry room/kitchen all the time. D’oh!

  10. Frisko

    I think it is worse that Dave was barefooted in a public area that his wacked out neighbors have access to than to know Dave had cat waste on his tootsies. Even worse, to think his wacked neighbors watched him sweep up the mess….or did you leave it in the parking lot and run away?

    Good note to self, however it sounds like a Mastercard commercial.

    Still your friend


  11. Frisko

    Did anyone else “discover” their Pirate name quiz on yesterdays link? Woke up way too early.


  12. Step on a butterfly and shake you shake the universe
    Frisko, are you saying that spilling my cat litter caused the 160′ sinkhole? Things are more connected than I thought. :geek:

  13. Esther

    ‘Mookey sticks’?

    It’s probably what I think it is, so I’ll just leave it be.:-(

  14. Esther

    Dave, the little grey guy icon (second to last) isn’t being sad for me.

    Frisko, my pirate name is:
    Dirty Ethel Bonney

    You’re the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean — not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate’s life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

  15. Esther

    Think I’ll lay off the icons for the rest of the day.

    Now, what’d I do with that chocolate?

  16. Hey Mike, if cats were meant to use the toilet, God would have given them newspapers. 😛

  17. Because Frisko asked:

    My pirate name is (from

    Iron Grace Read

    A pirate’s life isn’t easy; it takes a tough person. That’s okay with you, though, since you are that person. Even through many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the sterotypes. You’ve got taste and education. Arr! 😈

  18. And I don’t know what’s up with the cat litter party either. What are they thinking? “Maybe if I kick enough litter out of the box, this time I’ll find the prize!”

  19. Esther

    Kitty Cracker Jacks?

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