Please remove shoes and thongs at the door

Remove your thongs at the door.

Different neighbors. Equally weird.

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  1. Esther

    Maybe it’s their version of mistletoe?

  2. Kissing under the thong? Wow, Christmas at Esther’s house sounds fun! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  3. Hobbit

    That’s where I left it.

  4. Mandy

    Have you been shagging Natalie in the hallway again? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  5. Kissing under the thong isn’t reserved just for Xmas anymore.

  6. Steppenwolf

    Wish a guest of mine would leave her thong at the door. Would make things easier…or harder. ;^)

  7. 3 men’s shoes and 1 pair of women’s sneakers, too?
    this doesn’t look to good.

  8. ReV.JeLLyBaBy


    Is one of your neighbours a 7 legged transvestite with crabs?

    That could explain it…….


  9. I’d have to say the thong is more tasteful than those hideous shoe choices.

  10. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    That would be so true Nikki……..

    Except for the fact, that the thong WAS white earlier on……


  11. Mandy

    EW EW EW EW ๐Ÿ™

  12. Spud

    Correct etiquete

    5 Point Bonus

    Shoes and Thongs to be left out.

  13. Patrick

    Well, my holiday gift ideas are apparently old fashioned, I was going to bring a nice table wine…


  14. frisko

    Is todays display in the hallway near the yarn thingy?

  15. Well! someone’s in a big hurry.

    Consider the bright side! They didn’t discard the used condom. Heh.

  16. frisko

    Do these any of neighbors try to interact with you? If so, RUN HOME. At least your neighbors provide a solid source for our entertainment.

  17. frisko

    Todays theme, Thongs in the hall, and fish sauce.
    Nice touch, Dave.

  18. Now there’s a party that I wish I was invited to.

  19. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    Maybe you should accidentally fall over it and sue for whiplash.

    I’m sure she would like to settle out of court…….rather than her husband finding out about her 3 man “thong-a-thon”.


  20. ReV.JeLLyBaBy

    P.S You could use the money to move.

  21. The most disturbing thought… the only shoes in the entryway are male shoes. So either that one of the guy’s thong, or the tramp forgot to take her shoes off.

  22. mikeB

    I would be inviting that neighbor over more. :wang:

  23. The guy in the hooded knit shirt is a real doorknob. :dead:

  24. I do remember some folk lures about female undergarmentรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs potent effect on warding off evil spirits and zombies. Could it be your neighborรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs subtle way of telling people in the building to f_ck off?

  25. mikeB

    Thongs ward off evil spirits? “Exorcist IV: The Devil Wears a G-String”

  26. Mandy

    Bu they don’t ward off ugly guys. ๐Ÿ˜•

  27. Esther

    I don’t think anything does, Mandy. ๐Ÿ˜

  28. fenix020387

    so….I think the real question is:
    which of your MALE neighbors does this belong to?

  29. Spud

    Mine’s pink.


  30. Spud

    heh ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. It’s actually a guy and a girl, fenix020387. They do have a lot of wild parties, though. :wtf:

  32. Dave if you ever move can within RO can you tell me where because perhaps if a few of all of our favorite people move to the same street we won’t have to say, “Not that annoying neighbor, the other annoying neighbor.” or “No, no… not that insane asshole neighbor, the other insane asshole neighbor.” or….I’ll stop.

  33. I’m on the west side of RO, still (by Beaumont Hospital), right in the main breeding territory for many of the species.

  34. not my real name

    that is nat’s thong fer shure :wang:

  35. not my real name

    maybe it’s esther :boobs::boobs:

  36. not my real name

    one thing is shure. dave got some tail. way to go!!

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