Overheard: Victoria’s Secret Edition

I went to Victoria’s Secret with my friend Lisa on Saturday. Long story. Cut to the chase. VS is a pretty good place to hear some interesting conversations.

  1. Mother: I can’t believe you wore that yellow skirt to the mall. [Daughter is around 15 and wearing a thin yellow mini] I can see your thong right through it. How embarassing.
  2. Daughter:
  3. Mother: You know, you don’t have to wear anything under it.
  1. Overweight wife: [points to a beautiful corset] Oh, isn’t that beautiful? I wish I were thin. I would totally wear that.
  2. Overweight husband: Oh, but you are thin, dear.
  3. Wife: Excuse me? I’m a size 20. I am not thin.
  4. Husband: You are if you think you are.
  5. Wife: Yeah, whatever you say, Gus.
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Show 41 Comments


  1. Mandy

    Stop me, these are fun! You’re making it too easy for us Dave! :kiss:

  2. Mandy

    Did you redraw them, btw? These ones are cuter. πŸ˜†

  3. Overheard: VictoriaÒ€ℒs Secret Edition
    Overheard: VictoriaÒ€ℒs Secret Edition

  4. :wtf:

    YAY! Smiley thingies!

    Those conversations don’t surprise me. Usually when I go to Vickie’s, I’m overheard saying, “You want HOW MUCH for this bra?? Are you fucking INSANE?!”

  5. Esther

    As a former Vickie’s addict, I’ll admit it: I’ve got a drawer full of their 5 for $20 undies. We won’t talk about the number of bras I bought there. 😐

    Nifty new smilies, Dave!:grin:

  6. Oh, but I’d like to point out, though … that I would pay Vickie’s prices for one of these. As I said on my site, “Hey, at least it’s kosher.”

    (And Esther, I do have a lot of their undies. I just hate that their bras are so damn expensive!)

  7. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    ItÒ€ℒs funny the things people say, but itÒ€ℒs even funnier when it comes from the mouths of babes.

    Last Saturday I was walking along the high street with my eldest daughter Amber (sheÒ€ℒs 4) and we were discussing the most complex of subjects. After dispelling the myth that hamsters Ò€œDo not have feathersÒ€ and that the substance to which she is referring to is indeed fur and yes Amber, Daddy thinks hamsters are very cute as well (cough). We passed a large hedge that could only be described as absolutely buzzing with large, fat, stripy, bees.

    So I explained that bees like flowers and that they use what is in the flowers to make honey.

    Having watched Winnie the Poo in some detail, she confirmed this statement as true (thatÒ€ℒs a big thing. SheÒ€ℒs still in denial about the fact chickens lay eggs or that cows make milk!) and feeling proud that I had taught her something useful, we continued on our merry way.

    Her interest was obviously aroused by the subject and she began asking me all about beeÒ€ℒs for the next hour or so. We clarified that they live in hives, that there is a queen and also that they keep all the honey in the hive.

    On a winner (or so I thought) I asked her the following question.

    Ò€œSo Amber. If Bee HIVES have HONEY in them and BEEÒ€ℒS MAKE HONEY. What do you think they do with all the honey once itÒ€ℒs made?Ò€

    She said.

    Ò€œDaddy? You are silly arenÒ€ℒt ya? The beeÒ€ℒs SELL it to ASDA (WALLMART) before Winnie the Poo comes. ThatÒ€ℒs why they have it in jars see, when we go shopping?Ò€

    Suddenly I felt a bit stupid.

    Why hadnÒ€ℒt she mentioned her obviously superior knowledge of bees until now?

    Anyway it doesnÒ€ℒt really matter. IÒ€ℒm still smarter than her (I hope) and at least I donÒ€ℒt walk around with bunches in my hair and a giant ladybird on my sweatshirt.

    Well not in public anyhow. πŸ˜•

  8. ReV.JeLLYBaBY


    And at least unlike Amber, I’m allowed to use pens in grandma’s house not just crayons.


  9. Frisko

    Well Rev,
    Your daughter didn’t ask what happens to boy bees in the hive did she. Lucky for you. Glad to see the fan police let you out.


  10. Frisko

    I hate the mall, and overpriced underware that too many people have tried on, and decided not to buy for that reason. ooh yuck

    Such sweet youth. Challenging her mothers psyche with threats of going bare butt under her transparent clothes.

    Poor Gus, he justs wants his girl in sexy stuff.

    Poor witness to it all, dont they offer a VS protection program yet?

  11. Frisko

    Yarmulkebras are the new twist to the beloved coconut bra. Stacy could give them out as campaign literature.


  12. Frisko

    Do I know Lisa also?

  13. Challenging her mothers psyche with threats of going bare butt under her transparent clothes.
    No, it’s the Mom is telling her not to wear undies. :wtf:

    Yes, it’s that Lisa. πŸ˜›

  14. Spud

    Go Commando! πŸ˜€

  15. Frisko

    I think the girl will considder going commando with her mother in a future trip, power of suggestion. What was her Mother thinking. LMAO


  16. Having a 14.5 year old who drops hints that she would like a thong, my response is always to give her a wedgie and say “Voila,instant thong”.

    Any mother suggesting that her daughter go commando at age 15 is just…wrong.She was probably on her way to drop her off at stripper school as well.

  17. Anonymous

    Dabeeeed. You are so very cool. :boobs:

  18. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    I for one would NEVER allow any of my daughters to go commando or wear thongs..

    Other peoples daughters over the age of 16.

    Im fine with that. πŸ‘Ώ

  19. ReV.JeLLYBaBY


    Girls in thongs!

    Hey Stacey!

    What about a poster for this slogan?

    “Vote Bush. NOT Bush!”

  20. TinaMarie

    The idea of my daughter walking around in a mall with a see through skirt on and nothing underneath it….oh yeah, that makes me feel so motherly….WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING????

    Sorry…I can’t help myself. I have two daughters, and…and…you understand.:?:

  21. TinaMarie

    I tried to click on the smiley that is 7 guys from the left and it didn’t work, Dave. I feel deeply disappointed and just a little lightheaded.

    Nevermind, it’s the Zima.

  22. You’re right. I’ll fix that tonight. That’s what I get for coding right before bedtime. 😳

  23. What about a poster for this slogan?

    Ò€œVote Bush. NOT Bush!Ò€

    Well, Rev … I wouldn’t do it for a few reasons:

    1) I don’t want to distract anybody from my tits.
    2) I don’t want to confuse anybody … (I’m a Democrat).
    3) There is no bush, only pavement down there. 😈

  24. id use reverse psychology and when i have a fifteen year old daughter seeing their mother wearing one will put them off for life.

  25. Spud

    I don’t know Stacey, but I feel like I’m getting to know Stacey, if you know what I mean… :mrgreen:

  26. Esther

    Nice reverse psychology there, minnow. 😎

    Stacy, my comrade in undies, nice job stunning all the men into silence with the ‘pavement’ comment. πŸ˜†

  27. Spud

    πŸ’‘ πŸ˜€

  28. Spud

    A Monty Pythonesque smilie would be cool… :nudge: :nudge: :say no more:

  29. HamHa

    At first I thought this πŸ’‘ was a cyclops…

  30. It’s what I do best, Esther! (Btw, “Esther” and I share the same Hebrew name: Haddassah.)

    Oh, but at the moment, you can’t call me your comrade in undies, because I’m going commando! :mrgreen:

  31. Spud

    Nice pussy πŸ˜€

  32. Spud

    … um …cat, I meant Kitty Cat 😳

  33. Terrie

    Why would anybody care that you can see her sandals?

    I’m SO glad I have a boy!:roll:

  34. Mike

    1.) You can’t spell embarrass without “bare ass.”

    2.) Good survival instincts on the husband. What was he supposed to say?

  35. mikeB

    I’d like to change my vote to a vote for Stacy going commando. It needs a banner, too. πŸ˜›

  36. Mandy

    If she shows some skin, I might too.

    But probably not. 😈

  37. Sheryl

    I won’t. My ex-BF put a nudie pic of me on a BBS. Fucker. πŸ‘Ώ

  38. Anonymous


  39. Shrey

    see it wiggle my ass it jiggles! i have on your clothes and a snake bit my nose. :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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