Thinking outloud

  1. Do you think there are any hot babes along the International Date Line?
  2. Is it possible to truly have civil disobedience?
  3. I buy plenty of finger food, but my hands just never seem hungry.
  4. Tuber is one of the silliest words in the English language. Say it outloud about ten or eleven times and you’ll agree with me.
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Show 31 Comments


  1. name

    tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber tuber

    Hey, you’re right! :mrgreen:

  2. Okay, boyz … (and girls who appreciate):

    You asked for it, you got it. If you cast your eyes over to the left, under “Geek,” you’ll find a present from yours truly.

    Now vote for my tits, damnit.

    “Elect tits, not boobs.”

  3. Steppenwolf

    All have attractive positions Stacy but #6 will overcum the rest. 😉
    All I can say is WOW!…I’m tongue tied! :boob::boob:

  4. Steppenwolf

    BTW, redheads make my legs weak (well, not THAT one :wink:) so I have to ask…do the cuffs match the collar?

  5. Spud

    Okay after seeing those splendid shots of Stacey’s titties, I’ve forgotten all about daves post.

    oohh mama!


  6. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Once again it’s Monday in the good ol’ UK.

    The birds are smiling, children are singing and everyone’s happy.

    Except me.

    That’s because, last night, the world (well my bedroom actually) turned into a sauna.

    Not a “hot love” sauna as one might expect from a man of my talents, but a nasty head stuck to the pillow kinda sauna.

    You know, those nights where you wake up every hour on the hour drenched in your own sweat and wishing to God that you HAD bought the bigger fan instead of the sorry rotating midget one now whirring pathetically in the corner of the room.

    Laying there, in the darkness I suddenly felt the urge to rebel against the exhaustive humidity and armed only with a pair of white boxer shorts (which were inside out incidentally) I undertook the perilous journey to the bathroom trying very hard not to tread on any sleeping cats along the way.

    It was then I realized that everyone in the known universe WAS PEACEFULLY ASLEEP and I WASN’T.

    Probably because they HAD bought the larger fan.


    P.S Oi! Stacey. You’ll have someones eye out with those. :boob: :boob:

  7. ReV.JeLLYBaBY


    Tragically my fan was smashed to pieces last night and thrown from a second floor window by a man police are yet to identify.

    The only clue being a pair of white boxer shorts that were inside out incidentally.

  8. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    Okay it was me. I killed him. I KILLED MY ONLY FAN!


  9. I have this feeling that Stacy’s readership is going to increase exponentially today. 😉

  10. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    It’s probably for the breast Dave.

    Did I just say breast. I mean’t best.


  11. Frisko

    Nice to meet you and the girls Stacy.

    About Davezillas post:
    Stacy and her girls could (have) cause(d)a bit of civil disobedience within a few groups.
    Maybe even on that International dateline too.


  12. ReV.JeLLYBaBY

    “Do you know why God gave women boobies?”

    “To give men something to look at when their talking to you.”

  13. Esther

    Looks like today’s post has turned into a dedication to Stacy’s breasticles.

    However, I will counter Dave’s ‘tuber’ theory, by saying that ‘moist’ is a much sillier word. 🙂

  14. Looks like today’s post has turned into a dedication to Stacy’s breasticles.

    Breasts always trump tubers.

  15. Esther

    Being not of the male persuasion, I’ll take the tubers, preferably w/a slab of ribs or a medium-well ribeye. 😉

  16. My breasts thank you guys for the compliments.

    Unfortunately, I won’t be able to take advantage of my increased readership (if that were the case)… I found out some really bad news and have decided to take a hiatus from my blog for a while. Don’t know how long.

    I have a funeral to go to tomorrow, hopefully I’ll be back sooner than later.

    — Stacy

    P.S. Dave, sorry about distracting everybody from your post. 😉

  17. Frisko

    Hi all,
    Time for a Duh question. Is the area code scam email I have been getting legit? I usually don’t waste time reading that stuff unless a geek pal brings it up. What is the address of a reputeable place to check this stuff on the net?

    Almost computer-functional,


  18. Frisko

    Thanks Dave….you rock.


  19. :tuber:

    Damn, I was hoping for something long and hard.

  20. jeff

    Words that when repeated seem weird, only seem weird to the person who decides they seem weird. in other news, this is totally up your alley:

  21. Mandy

    Natalie and Dave are being dirty in front of the kids! :wtf:

  22. Frisko

    The kids should be in bed by now.


  23. Mandy

    :dead: – :java: = :dead:

  24. Mandy

    Um. 😳

    I meant 😈 – :java: = :dead:

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