OK, OK. You can upload pics of your butt.


I’ve received numerous comments and emails requesting the ability for you lovely readers to upload photos. That’s coming, believe me. In the meantime, I started a fan page on Facebook for Fans of Davezilla, the Zilla Girls and Zilla Guys. Feel free to upload all manner of personal pics there until I get this site rehauled.

Show 30 Comments


  1. Sooo confused. Join fan page. keep from joing extra crap. Get through the mess. Try to figure out how to load a picture. Ready to lay down in a dark room.

  2. Drusky

    So, did Mistress Darla star in the Japanese Spanking Video or was she more of a technical advisor? πŸ˜†

  3. Bigwavdave

    Dave submits. Enough said.

  4. Drusky

    [Comment ID #213453 will be quoted here]
    -Dave trying to keep the site moderately tastefull – nervewracking…
    -The pressure of the unwashed masses demanding flesh – enormous…
    -The same masses trying to flush said taste down the crapper – overwhelming!!!
    -Dave finally giving in and realizing that taste flows downhill here – Priceless… 😈

  5. Mandy

    that could be dangerous but fun. i have some good photos :thong: :boob: :boob:

  6. Mandy

    ok i joined facebook jsut for you, dave. you owe me one!! :kiss:

  7. StevieC

    [Comment ID #213522 will be quoted here]

    If Mandy is joining facebook to post pics, it looks like we all owe you plenty Dave. 😈 :wang:

  8. Mohammed Γ’β‚¬β€œ wants to be your pal for fun and prophet.

    Shiva Γ’β‚¬β€œ wants a table tennis partner.

    Buddha Γ’β‚¬β€œ sez enlightenment raawks!

    Yaweh Γ’β‚¬β€œ you never write, you never call.

    Thor Γ’β‚¬β€œ wants to find fellow musicians to like totally form a metal band.

    Loki Γ’β‚¬β€œ Dear friend. I need a bank account do transfer millions of dollars from my rich dead Nigerian uncleÒ€ℒs estateÒ€¦

  9. rosebuddls

    same here, dave!

  10. [Comment ID #213452 will be quoted here]

    When I signed on as a consultant I thought it would be hard to communicate since my Japanese sucks, but fortunately spanking is a universal language. 😈

  11. StevieC

    [Comment ID #213530 will be quoted here]

    If Dave won’t take ’em, I will. 😈

  12. AnnieB

    Hey Lung … StevieC said you’re stupid! 😈

  13. AnnieB

    Crap, now he’s saying it about me! πŸ˜›

  14. StevieC

    [Comment ID #213535 will be quoted here]

    Finally noticed the new avatar, huh? I thought that you would get a kick out of that one. 😈

    I’ve gone back to the Steve Dallas look, so if you’re still seeing the pointing finger try a little refresh to see what that does for you.

  15. junkman

    hey dave,

  16. junkman

    shit. did those fat chicks on facebook eat our zilla girls?

  17. Fleetwood

    Maybe ButtBook is a better name for it now.

  18. AnnieB

    [Comment ID #213536 will be quoted here]

    Wow, really? I just rebooted and it’s still the same. πŸ˜•

    Good one Fleetwood. πŸ˜›

  19. chainstay

    And so the guessing game begins.

  20. Spud

    [Comment ID #213528 will be quoted here]
    Too funny Lung… well done sir!

  21. buuuuuut I don’t *have* a picture of my butt (whine!). Could someone take my picture? I promise to part the hair if you do…

  22. Lake Effect

    Checked out the Facebook pic…(threw up in my mouth a little bit)…real rough start there. Should I start to worry now?

  23. junkman

    how do we upload pictures to the site dave? i just had to get under/behind nicolette. :wang: :wang: :wang:

  24. Hey Dave, what ever happened to the body part collage you were working on?

  25. Dave, did you Photoshop that pic yourself? Or you just happened to get it in at the right time?

  26. UPDATE: There are now 12 pics uploaded by your favorite Zilla Girls: Mandy, Nicolette and Meagan. Still waiting on submissions from Astryd and AnnieB (not that I’m hinting or anything). :boob: :boob: :thong:

  27. StevieC

    [Comment ID #214657 will be quoted here]

    You are the MAN, Mr Z!

    Astryd, he’s waiting for your submission ….. 😈 :wang:

    I’m going to count to 12 ….

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