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Show 16 Comments


  1. I wonder if that’s the same as the dreaded Rock Lobster!:wtf:

  2. Just wondering if those cats in the header pic are named Friday and Lola. See I used to have a pair like that until I had to move and gave them up. They were tap fiends and didn’t like their water any other way.

  3. Probably some guy mistranslated ‘Dragon’ or ‘dog’ as ‘Lobster’. I don’t wanna think of that horrible somewhat-Lobster-like creature from ‘Return of the Jedi’. Someone call George Lucas; copyright infringement!

  4. TinaMarie

    Hey man, don’t dis the Lobster. He’s one righteous, bad, ass-kicking Lobster.

    He’s also incredibly tasty. Kind of like my husband. Hmmmmmm. Tasty.

    Got to go now! Bye! :wang::cool:

  5. Spud

    TinaMarie is just trying to make us jealous…

    as for the Attack Lobster the mind boggles as to what the outcome would be to disturb its haunt.


  6. I’m not sure, but I bet it would involve lots of clarified butter!:twisted:

  7. Mandy

    Is THAT where Natalie has been keeping you? :wtf:

  8. M & M

    Bet the attack lobster is dressed up as Captain Hook!

  9. I see you’ve finally found Davy Jones’ Basement.

  10. Yeah, sometimes when you go down… you get bit by sea dwellars…


  11. Maybe the sticker is intended for the lobster. Beware of the attack, Lobster, or become a sumptuous, broiled meal. 😛

  12. TinaMarie

    You know, Merth, I believe there’s a treatment for “sea dwellars” that isn’t too costly or too painful. Then you’ll be able to ‘go down’ without being disturbed. 😀

  13. There’s no lobster down there, someone is just trying to give you the *shaft*

  14. You go down first and I will follow. 😈

  15. notinlove

    Rochester MA — Attack lobsters were sited on the streets, jumping from the bicycle baskets of young children who were bringing them home for Sunday supper. Some speculate that the lobsters have developed rubber dissolving chemicals which are excreated through their exoskeletans.

    The mutants are known to emitt ear drum piercing screams just prior to submersion in the boiling cook pots. Humans loose control of extremeties and randomly release the attack lobsters with spastic hurling motions.

    The lobsters use their death vice claws to remove the feet of their human prey, who topple to the floor. The scene that follows is brutal as humans bodies are disengourged with small picks.

    It’s a terrible site, so at all costs, keep your distance from the dreaded attack lobster, don’t forget your ear plugs, and protect your ankles!

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