Note to Self, No. 5,811

The next time you go to the laundromat, ensure that the box of Arm & Hammer you are taking with you is detergent—not cat litter.

That was embarrassing.

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  1. Did you figure that out before or after you pulled the laundry out of the washer, Dave?

  2. Bjorn Freeh

    Wow, Dave, your cat must have the cleanest ass in town.

  3. Jen (yep, me too)

    Holy Moly, that was hillarious. I’m sorry that I’m laughing at your misfortune, but to be honest I can see myself doing that. I have to agree with CroneWynd though; when did you figure that out? 😆

  4. b-dizzy

    Paranormal Mates Society… for when your imaginary mate walks out on you. :geek:

  5. Cat: Dum de dum de …. what the hell is this? Why is my litter a fine grain? Wh.. oh, he did it again. *cue silly sitcom music*

  6. Ace

    How did your cat learn to shit in a box?!?

  7. Master Solace

    [Comment ID #21426 will be quoted here]

    i sure as hell hope it was before

  8. |nsan|ty

    Um…. clumpy… and paranormal.. is that for when you bust your blow up doll, ? :wtf:

  9. marcus

    When teaching a large group of students, remember to check your fly. Let’s just say everyone knew the color of my boxers. 🙄

    Paranormal dating service. Is it the same as dating you previous lives?

  10. Spud

    The information that’s missing dave, is this, did you in fact pour the cat litter into the machine?

    if so, say 3 hail marys and give yourself a stiff uppercut.


  11. mitch

    Welcome to my life, Dave. I am the king of the bizarre fuck-ups. I feel that I have a brother now.

  12. [Comment ID #21426 will be quoted here]

    I discovered it early. An attractive woman gave me a flirtatious smile when I walked in. Then her brow furrowed and she got a very concerned look.

    Then she began to laugh really hard. I looked down to see I had left my zipper open or spilled something. That’s when I saw the words “cat litter” and hastily retreated. 😳

  13. frisko

    Want domestic help? Call me.

  14. Lace Valentine

    :undies: :thong: :undies: :thong: :undies: :thong:

    /Dave’s clothesline…

  15. JFLY

    The Paranormal Mates Society brings to mind Alice Cooper’s “I Love the Dead” 😈

    Oh, and my first job was at a laundromat…LOL.

  16. marcus

    If you want to know my first job… I was a Carnival Ride Operator. I pushed a button and little kids threw up. I guess the swings were too fast or they ate too many sweets. :puke:

  17. Who knows, you might bring a whole new angle to the concept of stone-washed apparel.

  18. logan

    [Comment ID #21498 will be quoted here]

    the zipper thing has happened to me before but i also have……. :wtf: never mind no one needs to know about that one 😈

  19. JenHCCH

    Who knows Dave…..if you had made it to the washer, then maybe you would have started a new trend. “Multi=cat litter ….the new detergent……..for the multiple (WO)men in your life!” :boob: :boob:

  20. nick

    i wonder what the clothes looked like

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