Note to Self, No. 6,502

Find a way to change our appearance. This year, I was told no less than 19 times to "Have a safe 4th of July," indicating that I somehow resemble the Latchkey, redneck children that seem to lose useful parts of their anatomy each July by securing coal mine explosives in their teeth or in the rectum of the neighbor's dog while yelling, "Hey fellers! Lookit this!"

Note to Self: No. 6,444

There is a vile invention, one which I was seduced into buying in a weak moment. The product is known as the SudaCare Shower Soother, a blue tablet that when dropped into a shower stall, alleges to release menthol vapors, much as a cyanide capsule does to a condemned prisoner. The cyanide capsule, I am led to believe, smells faintly of almond. This would be far preferable to the scent offered by the Shower Soother, whose own musk resembles a cough drop that has been generously marinaded in kerosene and set ablaze. Note to Self: Find the group responsible for…

Notes to Self No. 6,227-6,228

The probability of spilling coffee on an expensive, white shirt is determined by a ratio of the cost of the shirt versus the importance of the executives you have meetings with that day. Do not assume the 401 Hwy will be accident-free on a Friday night. It took 3-1/2 hours to drive 8 km last night.

Notes to Self: No. 6,221-6,223

There is a finite limit to the amount of bluing that can be applied to a load of whites No matter how good it seems at the time, consuming three brownies and a Coke in rapid succession before a meeting is really not a good idea When you go out this weekend, your shoes will be vomited on by the cat. There is no escaping this inevitability, as she will find them and can pick locks Michigan roads can suck it. Just blew out two tires this morning on my way to the airport

Notes to Self: No. 6,014-6,017

Do not accidentally click on the iDVD button while looking at photos in iPhoto. All 4,000+ photos will try to load themselves into a movie clip at the same time, and that's just wrong. No matter how tempting, do not tickle cat when her rear claws are positioned above your scrotum. Seriously. If it looks like it will topple off the shelf onto your head, it will. For the love of God, stop eating white cheese before bedtime. It makes you dream your girlfriend is turning into a pink goblin or a yodeling finger monkey.