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Show 28 Comments


  1. Spud

    Kinda makes you think of leakage of some sort or another…, funny though…

    I almost thought it said “compost doctors” at first


  2. 😳 Wow you can’t tell me that it was unintentional! I must say, the designer had quite a creative sense of humor

  3. StevieC

    I bet that the guys that own the place snicker every time they say ‘RAM’, ‘hard drive’, or ‘floppy’.

  4. sledge

    I guess thats why they ‘boot’ up their computers for an ass kicking time

  5. Is that a mouse or plumber with a tail?

  6. They’ll fix my computer by urinating on it?

  7. Danno

    So, with their help I CAN get my computer to do more ‘things’ for me :wang:?

    Or, maybe, a computer fertility clinic 😕

  8. This must be the world headquarters of those spammers that send out viagra and cialis emails.

  9. Bjorn Freeh

    Doctor, Doctor… I don’t remember my keyboard being this sticky before you treated it. :wtf:

  10. Compenister Doctors?

    A urologist that fixes computers? Or is that the other way around.

  11. [Comment ID #168131 will be quoted here]

    Now that’s the comment of the year.


  12. That should be entered for the Phallic Logo Awards.

  13. Ha! Sorry I didn’t read ahead! 😛

  14. Sweet T

    LOL that’sveryfunny!
    :wtf: 😳 😀 😆 😈 😆

  15. Mikeme


  16. Mandy

    [Comment ID #168084 will be quoted here]

    I think it’s a :wang: Jason. :wtf:

  17. Patrick

    that thing needs some penicillen. Or is it penis cillen? Ahahahahaha some times i crack my own ass up!

  18. BryGuy

    It COULD be a plumber’s ass, Mandy. But, it’s probably just a penis with chlamidia.

  19. Steppenwolf

    I think that means they specialize in virus protection.

  20. Flash Gordon

    Some wag should have added a scrotum. :wang: 😕 :limp:

  21. Drusky

    ‘The Comp:limp:ter Doctors: We know all the ‘nuts and bolt’ of computing!’

    I wonder if they can take care of a ‘stiff’ moving mouse and clean it’s balls, too?

  22. Lake Effect

    I can’t tell if it’s a male member with a leak, or a plumber sitting on a snake, or a spermazoid headed upstream. [What do those have to do with computers?]

  23. “The Penis Doctors: We make penises work for you.”
    :wtf: :limp: :wang: :kiss:

Comments are closed